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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
I am on holidays till the end of this week. Maciek I am on holidays till the end of this week. începe să înveți
Przebywam na urlopie do końca tygodnia. Przebywam na urlopie do końca tygodnia.
I can receive emails but I will reply with delay, because of other urgent personal matters. I can receive emails but I will reply with delay, because of other urgent personal matters. începe să înveți
Mogę odbierać e-maile, ale odpowiem z opóźnieniem ze względu na inne pilne sprawy osobiste. Mogę odbierać e-maile, ale odpowiem z opóźnieniem ze względu na inne pilne sprawy osobiste
I am out of office from 1 april to 15 april in urgent cases, situation please contact my colleague who is replacing my ad this time. cheers I am out of office from 1 april to 15 april in urgent cases, situation please contact my colleague who is replacing my ad this time. cheers începe să înveți
Jestem poza biurem od 1 kwietnia do 15 kwietnia w razie pilnej potrzeby proszę o kontakt z kolegą który mnie w tym czasie zastępuje. dzięki Jestem poza biurem od 1 kwietnia do 15 kwietnia w razie pilnej potrzeby proszę o kontakt z kolegą który mnie w tym czasie zastępuje. dzięki
I would like you to joint tomorrow's meetings which I have with XYZ reprezentatives. I would like you to joint tomorrow's meetings which I have with XYZ reprezentatives începe să înveți
Chciałabym, abyś jutro dołączył do spotkania, które mam z przedstawicielami firmy XYZ. Chciałabym, abyś jutro dołączył do spotkania, które mam z przedstawicielami firmy XYZ.
I can't say if I can answers all ther questions, and I would also like to clouse this task till the end of this month. I can't say if I can answers all ther questions, and I would also like to clouse this task till the end of this month. începe să înveți
Nie jestem w stanie określić czy umiem odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania, a bardzo chciałbym zamknąć tę sprawę do końca miesiąca. Nie jestem w stanie określić czy umiem odpowiedzieć na wszystkie pytania, a bardzo chciałbym zamknąć tę sprawę do końca miesiąca.
I would be grateful for comfirmation. I would be grateful for comfirmation începe să înveți
Byłbym wdzięczny za potwierdzenie. Byłbym wdzięczny za potwierdzenie
Thank you for invitation but I have to decline, beacouse at the some time I have two other meetings when my presence is obligatory. Thank you for invitation but I have to decline, beacouse at the some time I have two other meetings when my presence is obligatory. începe să înveți
Dziękuję za zaproszenie, ale niestety jestem zmuszony odmówić, ponieważ w tym samym czasie mam dwa inne spotkania, na których moja obecność jest obowiązkowa. Dziękuję za zaproszenie, ale niestety jestem zmuszony odmówić, ponieważ w tym samym czasie mam dwa inne spotkania, na których moja obecność jest obowiązkowa.
I apologise for this inconviniens. I apologise for this inconviniens. începe să înveți
Darek I will have to Ask for support asap. Darek I will have to Ask for support asap. începe să înveți
Darek Będę musiał poprosić o wsparcie tak szybko jak to możliwe. Darek Będę musiał poprosić o wsparcie tak szybko jak to możliwe.
We had to resign from XY services and now there is nobody here who knows the knowledge about who we do here. We had to resign from XY services and now there is nobody here who knows the knowledge about who we do here. începe să înveți
Musieliśmy zrezygnować z usług firmy XZ i teraz nie ma tu nikogo, kto miałby jakąkolwiek wiedzę o tym co robimy. Musieliśmy zrezygnować z usług firmy XZ i teraz nie ma tu nikogo, kto miałby jakąkolwiek wiedzę o tym co robimy.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. începe să înveți
Z góry dziękuję za współpracę. Z góry dziękuję za współpracę.
Marek is ther anybody in the time who speaks Polish or communicative english. Marek is ther anybody in the time who speaks Polish or communicative english. începe să înveți
Marek czy jest tam w zespole ktoś kto mòwi po polsku lub komunikatywnym angielskim? Marek czy jest tam w zespole ktoś kto mòwi po polsku lub komunikatywnym angielskim?
I can't understand the serviceman, you contacted me with. I can't understand the serviceman, you contacted me with. începe să înveți
Nie jestem w stanie dogadać z tym serwisantem, którego namiary mi podałeś. Nie jestem w stanie dogadać z tym serwisantem, którego namiary mi podałeś.
We had delay, beacouse of there only 2 of us on a shift. We had delay, beacouse of there only 2 of us on a shift. începe să înveți
Mieliśmy opóźnienie, że względu na to że jest nas tylko 2 na zmianie. Mieliśmy opóźnienie, że względu na to że jest nas tylko 2 na zmianie.
The rest is covid positive or on quarantine. Every thing is stopped situation gets back to normal. The rest is covid positive or on quarantine. Every thing is stopped situation gets back to normal. începe să înveți
Reszta jest pozytywna lub na kwarantannie. Wszystko jest wstrzymane dopòki sytuacja się nie ustabilizuje. Reszta jest pozytywna lub na kwarantannie. Wszystko jest wstrzymane dopòki sytuacja się nie ustabilizuje.
Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding. începe să înveți
Jola I would like you to clarify to me what kind of support you need exactly Jola I would like you to clarify to me what kind of support you need exactly începe să înveți
Jola chciałbym abyś wytłomaczyła mi jakiego wsparcia dokładnie wam potrzeba Jola chciałbym abyś wytłomaczyła mi jakiego wsparcia dokładnie wam potrzeba
We also have a difficult situation becose of we don't have enough people, but maybe we can help. We also have a difficult situation becose of we don't have enough people, but maybe we can help. începe să înveți
Sami mamy trudną sytuację, że względu na braki kadrowe, ale może jesteśmy w stanie jakoś pomóc. Sami mamy trudną sytuację, że względu na braki kadrowe, ale może jesteśmy w stanie jakoś pomóc.
Dears I would like you to send me comfirmation who is intrestet in this training the thing is we should include in this fiscal year budget. please understand it is urgent. începe să înveți
Szanowni Państwo, Chciałbym abyście wysłali mi potwierdzenie kto z was jest zainteresowany tym szkoleniem. Chodzi o uwzględnienie tego w budżecie na ten rok fiskalny. Zrozumcie, to pilne.
Maja I apologise but I have to cancel our meeting. Something urgent come up, I have a breakdown, I am Alone at work and nobody else can do it. We arę in touch. lub let's stay in touch. începe să înveți
Maja przepraszam, ale muszę odwołać nasze spotkanie. Coś mi nagle wypadło, mam awarię, jestem w pracy sam i nikt inny nie umie sobie z tym poradzić. Jesteśmy w kontakcie. lub zostańmy w kontakcie.
Jacek I will have to work from home tomorrow. I don't have anybody to look after my Child. începe să înveți
Jacek Będę jutro musiała pracować z domu. Nie mam z kim zostawić dziecka.
I will let you now about next week, as soon as I will know. Regards începe să înveți
Dam znać co do przyszłego tygodnia jak tylko będę coś wiedziała. Pozdrawiam