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zdecydowane kroki, ograniczenie, ściślejsza kontrola
începe să înveți
a sudden action taken by a government or people in authority to stop or limit a particular activity:
Following the military coup, there has been a clampdown on press reporting in the capital.
całkowity zakaz
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blanket ban
lista przebojów, lista de éxitos
începe să înveți
the charts
the lists produced each week of the records with the highest sales:
music chart
zgrzyt (coś nie na miejscu)
începe să înveți
crack, off-note
We had a crack and now we're not talking. It was just a little crack, everything is fine between us.
podział na strefy, podział na rejony, rejonizacja
începe să înveți
the act of deciding, or the decision that has been taken about, what particular use an area should have:
The town’s new zoning establishes a height limit of eight stories on any new building.
wpisany do rejestru zabytków (np. most, budowla)
începe să înveți
He does not maintain an office under his name and has no listed telephone.
przywołać taksówkę
începe să înveți
hail a taxi
to raise your arm to let a taxi driver know that you wish to hire a taxi
începe să înveți
The viaduct was not cut and no aircraft were lost.
wypłata, rozliczenie, łapówka, przekupstwo
începe să înveți
You have time for payoff until the end of the month. He is known not to take payoffs.
awanturniczy, zawadiacki
începe să înveți
Our picks include murder mysteries on the high seas, true tales of swashbuckling pirates, and histories spanning thousands of years that paint a picture of our seafaring civilization.
karny naród
începe să înveți
a disciplined nation
objąć władzę
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sweep to power
She lost the job in 1993 after the right swept to power.
rozpędzony samochód
începe să înveți
a speeding car
opancerzony pojazd
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an armored vehicle
începe să înveți
When a person gets help for scurvy, they usually get better very quickly.
nagła powódź
începe să înveți
a flash flood
A flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time, generally less than 6 hours
Did you know they have flash floods in that part of America?
akumulować, gromadzić, nagromadzić (np. kapitał, fortunę
începe să înveți
to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period:
She has amassed a huge fortune from her novels. Some of his colleagues envy the enormous wealth that he has amassed.
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with impunity
How dangerous it is to think that one can step out of bounds with impunity
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purgative, cathartic
Other methods of purging include the use of laxatives or diuretics.
nałożyć embargo
începe să înveți
The United States embargoed Cuba during the crisis.
începe să înveți
The newspaper was sued for defamation.
începe să înveți
He was just drawing some swirls out of boredom.
w mgnieniu oka
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at the drop of a hat
before you can blink
începe să înveți
I went forward like a man on to the scaffold
dni pogodne i szczęśliwie (w przeszłości)
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halcyon days
the word typically describes an idyllic time in the past.
a halcyon era following the American Civil War
ostateczny atak (również rozpaczliwy)
începe să înveți
last-ditch attack
We have to make a last-ditch attempt to save him.
dymisjonować (ze stanowiska), usuwać (z urzędu)
începe să înveți
dismiss form office, depose
to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong:
He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence. The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.
începe să înveți
The number of deaths from measles fell by 30 per cent. One of the children got the measles
începe să înveți
base, background, support area
back office, political base, power base
începe să înveți
donation, endowment
The donation of your old clothes has helped my family. His endowment helped me continue my studies.
pocisk moździerzowy
începe să înveți
mortar shell
praworządność (rządy prawa)
începe să înveți
rule of law
Economic growth will not allow for the rule of law. A return to the rule of law is now the first thing that needs to happen.
wizjer 🎯📸
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the part of a camera that you look through to see what it is that you are taking a photograph of
rząd tymczasowy
începe să înveți
a caretaker government
The caretaker government could stay in place for two to three months.
wydany przez policję, ekstradować
începe să înveți
to make someone return for trial to another country or state where they have been accused of doing something illegal:
He was extradited from Greece earlier this year. He will be extradited to Arizona from Florida.
postawienie w stan oskarżenia (proces)
începe să înveți
a legal process in a law court where someone is accused of a particular crime and asked to say if they are guilty or not
She was in custody last night awaiting arraignment. Their arraignments were postponed a month while the men retained solicitors
începe să înveți
load capacity
the total amount that can be contained...
przyrost naturalny
începe să înveți
natural increase
miejscowo, tymczasowo, tematycznie
începe să înveți
in a way that is of interest at the present time, or that relates to things that are happening at present:
I think he was struggling to be topically relevant. The book is so topically relevant to our daily lives. This archive consists of a topically organized selection of articles. Links from topically related pages will be beneficial to your website.
całkowicie wysuszony, knasktør
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iść czyimś śladem
începe să înveți
follow in somebody's wake
przyspieszpne wybory
începe să înveți
snap election
in some countries, an election that is announced suddenly and unexpectedly
The point of a snap election is to have a poll without a long campaign. call a snap election There is speculation about whether the Prime Minister will call a snap election in the coming weeks.
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
to separate from someone or something else; to separate something from something else that it was joined to or part of:
his main goal was to decouple church institutions from the state. The optimists thought the rest of the world would be able to decouple from the problems of the American housing market. Some people hope to decouple migration policy from party politics.
podeprzeć coś, wesprzeć
începe să înveți
shore something up
The company is also trying to shore up its financial position in other ways.
pętla, stryczek
începe să înveți
one end of a rope tied to form a circle that can be tightened round something such as a person's neck to hang (= kill) them
They put him on the back of a horse and looped a noose around his neck.
władza wykonawcza
începe să înveți
the executive authority
spokojny; bierny (o dutuacjiu, bezruchowy
începe să înveți
temporarily quiet and not active:
The political situation was now relatively quiescent. Most of the Czech population obeyed quiescently up until the final months preceding the end of the war
spieniężyć coś
începe să înveți
cash something out
începe să înveți
a hidden or less obvious meaning
The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.
oppdiktet, udawany, fałszywy
începe să înveți
phoney, bogus
not sincere or not real: con man.
All salespeople seem to have the same phoney smile. He gave the police a phoney address.
zakrzykiwac nękać kłopotliwymi pytaniami
începe să înveți
I think he was being heckled pretty good during the game. He should not be heckled at such a difficult time in his life.
Siedziba główna
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The new company does not yet have a name, or even a headquarters office.
posiadać 40 procent udziałów
începe să înveți
to hold a 40 percent stake
a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business:
hold a stake in/of He holds (= owns) a 40 percent stake in/of the company.
începe să înveți
freedom to live as you wish or go where you want:
These laws will restrict our ancient rights and liberties.
w następstwie czegoś, w ślad za czymś
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in the wake of sth
I kjølvannet av
Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.
wygłaszać mądrości, rozgadywac się
începe să înveți
spout (off)
He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him! I really don't want to listen to Mike spouting on/off all afternoon.

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