0    4 cartonașe    MiroslawaCymbala
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Întrebare Răspuns
kreatywne myślenie, nieszablonowe myślenie
începe să înveți
blue sky thinking
What we need at the moment is specialist knowledge and implementation rather than blue-sky thinking.
być nowatorskim, przekraczać granice
începe să înveți
push The envelop
We will keep trying to push the envelope - our market demands it.
bezpłatny urlop, przepustka (np. z wojska)
începe să înveți
After safety concerns, the company furloughed all 4 000 of its employees.
dotyczyć, martwić
începe să înveți
To involve smn or be important to them./ To worry or upset someone.
Environmental issues concern us all. What really concerns me is her lack of experience.

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