CAE 1276-1300

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Das Foto steht auf dem Kopf. Wenn wir es um 180 Grad drehen, löst das das Problem.
începe să înveți
to rotate
The photo is upside down. If we rotate it 180 degrees, that will solve the problem.
Die Genesung kann nach so einer großen Operation wie deiner lange dauern.
începe să înveți
Recovery can take a long time after a big operation like yours.
Die Herrschaft des aktuellen Königs dauert zehn Jahre an, aber sein Vater hat 50 Jahre lang regiert!
începe să înveți
The reign of the current king has been ten years, but his father ruled for fifty!
für etwas halten
Du bist jemand, den ich für sehr intelligent halte. Weißt du etwas über dieses Thema?
începe să înveți
to regard as
You're someone I regard as being very intelligent. Do you know anything about this topic?
Die neuen Verordnungen besagen, dass ein Auto registriert sein muss, um es auf der Straße parken zu dürfen.
începe să înveți
The new regulations say that your car must be registered to park on the street.
Das ist nicht die echte "Mona Lisa". Es ist nur eine Replik.
începe să înveți
This isn't the genuine "Mona Lisa". It's just a replica.
Der Politiker kämpfte entschlossen für die Verbreitung von Toleranz in seiner Wählerschaft.
începe să înveți
The politician was resolute in his fight to spread tolerance in his electorate.
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