CAE 1301-1325

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Întrebare Răspuns
Jon ist ein sehr egozentrischer Typ. Er denkt nie an andere Menschen.
începe să înveți
Jon is a very self-centred guy. He never thinks about other people.
Ich werde dieses Stück Schokolade genießen, denn morgen werde ich eine Diät machen.
începe să înveți
I'm going to savour this piece of chocolate, because tomorrow I'm going on a diet.
für besonders gute Studienleistungen verliehen
Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, die Universität allein zu bezahlen, also hoffe ich, ein Stipendium zu gewinnen.
începe să înveți
I can't afford to pay for university by myself, so I'm hoping to win a scholarship.
Wenn Sie im Winter in Urlaub fahren, ist das schlimmste Szenario, dass es die ganze Zeit regnen könnte.
începe să înveți
If you go on holiday in winter the worst scenario is that it could rain the whole time.
skeptisch / von
Ich bin sehr skeptisch, was Gordons Motive angeht. Er scheint mir nicht sehr vertrauenswürdig zu sein.
începe să înveți
sceptical about/of
I'm very sceptical about Gordon's motives. He doesn't seem very trustworthy to me.
Das gebrauchte Sofa war ein wenig schäbig, aber Nina dachte, sie könnte es renovieren.
începe să înveți
The second-hand sofa was a little shabby, but Nina thought she could refurbish it.
zu präsentieren
Die Designerin wird ihre Sommerkollektion morgen auf der Modenschau präsentieren.
începe să înveți
to showcase
The designer is going to showcase her summer collection at the fashion show tomorrow.
+18 cartonașe
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(în total 1.500 cartonașe)

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