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The stewardess came down the aisle of the aeroplane offering drinks to passengers. începe să înveți
Stewardessa przeszła przejściem w samolocie, oferując pasażerom napoje.
Katherine is a stingy woman. She's always trying to get discounts at the store and avoid spending money. începe să înveți
Katherine to skąpa kobieta. Zawsze próbuje negocjować zniżki w sklepach i unikać wydawania pieniędzy.
The man had a short, stocky physique. He looked like a wrestler. începe să înveți
Mężczyzna miał niską, krępą sylwetkę. Wyglądał jak zapaśnik.
Most of the runners finished at the same time, although there were a few stragglers coming in later. începe să înveți
Większość biegaczy ukończyła bieg w tym samym czasie, choć kilku maruderów dobiegło jeszcze później.
If Howard wasn't careful, George would strike him. începe să înveți
Gdyby Howard nie uważał, George by go uderzył.
After Jeff had his stroke, he couldn't move the right side of his face. începe să înveți
Po wylewie Jeff nie mógł ruszać prawą stroną twarzy.
Lea struggled with the robber who was trying to steal her bag. începe să înveți
Lea szarpała się ze złodziejem, który próbował ukraść jej torebkę.
The family decided to sue the police for failing to handle their case properly. începe să înveți
Rodzina zdecydowała się pozwać policję, gdyż nie zajęła się ich sprawą odpowiednio.
Edmund Hillary was the first man to reach the summit of Mount Everest. începe să înveți
Edmund Hillary był pierwszym człowiekiem, który zdobył szczyt Mount Everest.
The group got to the top of the hill and took a moment to admire their surroundings. începe să înveți
Grupa wspięła się na szczyt wzgórza i przystanęła na chwilę, by podziwiać otoczenie.
If you don't give me that chocolate bar, I'm going to tackle you to the ground. începe să înveți
wziąć, blokować Jeśli nie dasz mi tego batonika, powalę cię na ziemię!
Bruce does so much for his family, but they always take him for granted. începe să înveți
uważać za rzecz oczywistą Bruce tyle robi dla swojej rodziny, ale oni nigdy go nie doceniają.
You always take Isaac's side whenever there is a disagreement, and even if Claire is right! începe să înveți
Zawsze, gdy jest jakiś spór, bierzesz stronę Isaaca, nawet jeśli Claire ma rację!
The children always wanted to hear a scary tale before they went to sleep. începe să înveți
Dzieci chciały przed spaniem usłyszeć straszną historię.
The cake was close and looked tantalising, but the poor dog couldn't quite reach it. începe să înveți
Ciasto było blisko i wyglądało kusząco, ale biedny pies nie mógł go dosięgnąć.
Becky couldn't find a taxi outside the pub, so she walked to the nearest taxi rank where lots of drivers were waiting. începe să înveți
Becky nie mogła znaleźć taksówki pod pubem, więc poszła na najbliższy postój taksówek, gdzie czekało wielu kierowców.
The movie was a real tearjerker. It made the whole family cry. începe să înveți
Film był prawdziwym wyciskaczem łez. Doprowadził do płaczu całą rodzinę.
You always tease me about how I look and it's not funny! începe să înveți
Zawsze dokuczasz mi z powodu tego, jak wyglądam i to nie jest zabawne!
The children erected a tepee and pretended they were Native Americans. începe să înveți
Dzieci postawiły tipi i udawały Indian.
Irene put the frozen meat on the kitchen counter to thaw before cooking. începe să înveți
Irene położyła zamrożone mięso na blacie, aby rozmroziło się przed przyrządzeniem.
I'd love to make guacamole, but avocados are really thin on the ground at the moment. începe să înveți
Strasznie chciałabym zrobić guacamole, ale awokado są rzadkością o tej porze.
Daisy was thriving after changing schools and making new friends. începe să înveți
rozkwitać, dobrze sobie radzić Daisy świetnie sobie radziła po tym, jak zmieniła szkołę i poznała nowych znajomych.
Wendy is tightfisted. She never spends money on anything. începe să înveți
Wendy jest skąpa. Nigdy nie wydaje na nic pieniędzy.
Wait till I finish my breakfast. începe să înveți
Poczekaj, aż skończę śniadanie.
Alex was eagerly anticipating Christmas because she knew she'd be getting a new bicycle. începe să înveți
Alex z niecierpliwością wyczekiwała Bożego Narodzenia, bo wiedziała, że dostanie nowy rower.