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Medical equipment is a small part of health care expenditures. începe să înveți
Sprzęt medyczny stanowi małą część wydatków na służbę zdrowia.
He lacks any expertise in this field. începe să înveți
Brakuje mu wiedzy w tej dziedzinie.
Sara took off her t-shirt and exposed her stomach because she wanted to get a tan. începe să înveți
Sara zdjęła koszulkę i odsłoniła brzuch, ponieważ chciała się opalić.
The Sumatran tiger faces extinction if more is not done to save its species. începe să înveți
Tygrys sumatrzański będzie zagrożony wyginięciem, jeśli nie zrobimy więcej, by chronić ten gatunek.
The actual building was very strong, but its façade was old and crumbling onto the street below. începe să înveți
Sam budynek był bardzo mocny, ale jego fasada była stara i kruszyła się na ulicę.
The children wanted to go to the fair and ride on the merry-go-round. începe să înveți
Dzieci chciały pójść do wesołego miasteczka i pojeździć na karuzeli.
Adele's faith is very strong. She believes in God unconditionally. începe să înveți
Wiara Adele jest bardzo silna. Wierzy w Boga bezwarunkowo.
I like wearing my fancy dresses. Superman costume is my favourite one. începe să înveți
Uwielbiam nosić moje przebrania. Kostium Supermana to mój ulubiony.
Lucy tended to favour blue blouses because they matched her blue eyes. începe să înveți
Lucy wolała niebieskie bluzki, ponieważ pasowały do jej niebieskich oczu.
When Ian dressed up as Dracula for Halloween his fearsome appearance frightened all the children. începe să înveți
Kiedy Ian przebrał się za Draculę na Halloween, jego przerazający wygląd wystraszył wszystkie dzieci.
When you leave your parents' home, you're going to have to learn to fend for yourself. începe să înveți
Kiedy opuścisz dom swoich rodziców, będziesz musiał nauczyć się radzić sobie samemu.
What field do you specialize in? începe să înveți
W jakiej dziedzinie się specjalizujesz?
There was a fiery exchange between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. începe să înveți
Między premierem a liderem opozycji miała miejsce zaciekła wymiana zdań.
Some children treated the homeless man as a figure of fun while others were afraid of him. începe să înveți
Niektóre dzieci traktowały bezdomnego jako obiekt kpin, podczas gdy inne się go bały.
A fish uses a fin on either side of its body to propel and steer it through the water. începe să înveți
Ryba używa płetw po obu stronach ciała, by odpychać się i manewrować w wodzie.
The racing car driver has a team of mechanics to fine-tune his car. începe să înveți
Kierowca wyścigowy ma zespół mechaników, którzy regulują jego samochód.
Ruth pushed the doorbell with her fingertip and waited for someone to let her in. începe să înveți
Ruth nacisnęła dzwonek koniuszkiem palca i czekała, aż ktoś ją wpuści.
The bird flapped its wings and flew away. începe să înveți
Ptak zatrzepotał skrzydłami i odleciał.
I only have time to flick through the pages of the newspaper before I have to go to work. începe să înveți
Przed pracą mam tylko czas, żeby przekartkować gazetę.
I know she's sad now, but I really think Emma is going to flourish at her new school. începe să înveți
świetnie sobie radzić Wiem, że Emma jest teraz smutna, ale naprawdę myślę, że świetnie poradzi sobie w nowej szkole.
Dr Brown is a forensic science specialist. începe să înveți
Doktor Brown jest specjalistą z dziedziny medycyny sądowej.
We need to reduce the friction between the two pieces of material. începe să înveți
Musimy zredukować tarcie między dwoma kawałkami materiału.
If you don't put fuel in the car soon it's going to stop running! începe să înveți
Jeśli nie nalejesz do samochodu paliwa, to niedługo przestanie jeździć!
Business entrepreneurs often funnel finances from one company to another. începe să înveți
wlewać przez lejek Przedsiębiorcy często przekierowują środki z jednej firmy do drugiej.
Look at the petrol gauge in the car and tell me if we need to fill up the tank. începe să înveți
Spójrz na wskaźnik paliwa w samochodzie i powiedz mi, czy musimy napełnić bak.