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My house was destroyed by a tornado. începe să înveți
Mój dom został zniszczony przez tornado.
The bodybuilder had an impressive torso. începe să înveți
Kulturysta miał imponujący tors.
Kevin is so tall, he towers above everyone else in his class. începe să înveți
Kevin jest tak wysoki, że góruje nad wszystkimi w klasie.
Let's try and trace our family heritage back five hundred years, shall we? începe să înveți
Spróbujmy prześledzić historię naszej rodziny pięćset lat wstecz.
John and Kathy walked along the narrow path all the way to the beach. începe să înveți
John i Kathy poszli wzdłuż wąskiej ścieżki aż do plaży.
It’s a tradition in some countries to exchange presents on Christmas Day. începe să înveți
Dawanie sobie prezentów w Boże Narodzenie to tradycja w niektórych krajach.
Michael got his good character traits from his mother, and the bad ones from his father. începe să înveți
Michael dobre cechy charakteru odziedziczył po matce, a złe po ojcu.
We're going to try and trap that injured bird so we can fix its wing. începe să înveți
Spróbujemy złapać tego rannego ptaka w pułapkę, żeby wyleczyć jego skrzydło.
You have to be very fit to trek in the mountains. începe să înveți
Musisz być bardzo sprawny, by wędrować po górach.
I need to work on my swimming, cycling, and running, because I'm going to do a triathlon next year. începe să înveți
Muszę popracować nad moim pływaniem, jazdą na rowerze i bieganiem, ponieważ w przyszłym roku mam zamiar wziąć udział w triatlonie.
There's a step here, so be careful not to trip. începe să înveți
Tam jest stopień, więc uważaj, żeby się nie potknąć.
It has been a turbulent year full of personal problems, but I think things are stabilising now. începe să înveți
To był burzliwy, pełen problemów osobistych rok, ale myślę, że sprawy powoli się już stabilizują.
The captain anxiously looked at the uncharted waters. începe să înveți
Kapitan z niepokojem popatrzył na niezbadane wody.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I'll stay home. începe să înveți
Trochę źle się czuję, więc chyba zostanę w domu.
I think Fred unduly influenced Georgina when she was selecting the new employee. începe să înveți
Myślę, że Fred nadmiernie wpłynął na Georginę, gdy wybierała nowego pracownika.
Princess Diana’s death sparked an unprecedented display of grief around the world. începe să înveți
niespotykany, bezprecedensowy Śmierć księżnej Diany wywołała niespotykaną żałobę na całym świecie.
Working in refugee camps teaches you to be unselfish and to put others’ needs first. începe să înveți
Praca w obozach dla uchodźców uczy bycia bezinteresownym i stawiania potrzeb innych na pierwszym planie.
Unskilled young people are less likely to get jobs than those with the necessary skills. începe să înveți
Niewykwalifikowani młodzi ludzie mają mniejsze szanse na znalezienie pracy niż ci, którzy mają niezbędne umiejętności.
Tomorrow the mayor is going to unveil a new statue in the town. începe să înveți
Jutro burmistrz odsłoni w mieście nowy pomnik.
The upside of this whole terrible situation has been that the family is now being kinder to each other. începe să înveți
Pozytywną stroną tej okropnej sytuacji jest to, że teraz członkowie rodziny są dla siebie milsi.
I had the urge yesterday to bake a big chocolate cake, so I went and bought all the ingredients. începe să înveți
namówić Wczoraj poczułem silną potrzebę upieczenia dużego czekoladowego ciasta, więc poszedłem kupić wszystkie składniki.
The concert was about to start, so the staff ushered us hastily to our seats. începe să înveți
bileter Koncert miał się zaraz zacząć, więc obsługa pospiesznie zaprowadziła nas do naszych miejsc.
When the landlord sold our house we had to vacate it so the new owners could move in. începe să înveți
Gdy właściciel wynajmowanego przez nas domu sprzedał go, musieliśmy go opuścić, aby nowi właściciele mogli się wprowadzić.
Can you vacuum the living room for me please? The floor is very dusty. începe să înveți
Czy mógłbyś odkurzyć salon? Podłoga jest bardzo zakurzona.
I asked Wendy about her date, but she only gave a vague answer with no juicy details! începe să înveți
Zapytałem Wendy o jej randkę, ale udzieliła mi tylko niejasnej odpowiedzi bez żadnych pikantnych szczegółów.