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Everyone needs essential things like air, water, and food. începe să înveți
niezbędny, bardzo potrzebny Każdy potrzebuje niezbędnych rzeczy takich jak powietrze, woda i jedzenie.
The company is doing employee evaluations today - I hope I perform well. începe să înveți
Firma przeprowadza dziś ocenę pracowników - mam nadzieję, że dobrze wypadnę.
We only let people through the police cordon in exceptional circumstances. începe să înveți
Przepuszczamy ludzi przez kordon policyjny tylko w wyjątkowych okolicznościach.
I broke my leg and felt excruciating pain. începe să înveți
Złamałem nogę i poczułem rozdzierający ból.
The fees at my university are exorbitant. I don't know how anyone can afford them. începe să înveți
Opłaty na mojej uczelni są wygórowane. Nie wiem, jak ktokolwiek może sobie na nie pozwolić.
The Indian dancers looked very exotic in their colourful saris. începe să înveți
Indyjskie tancerki wyglądały bardzo egzotycznie w kolorowych sari.
The Pacific Ocean is a huge expanse of water covering more than 30% of the Earth’s surface. începe să înveți
Ocean Spokojny to ogromny obszar wody, obejmujący ponad 30% powierzchni Ziemi.
The company is planning an expansion on the eastern market. începe să înveți
Firma planuje ekspansję na rynek wschodni.
The adventurer led an expedition to an isolated area of the Amazon jungle. începe să înveți
Poszukiwacz przygód poprowadził ekspedycję do odizolowanego obszaru w dżungli amazońskiej.
"If you keep misbehaving, I'll extend the class and you'll miss your break", said the teacher. începe să înveți
"Jeśli dalej będziecie się źle zachowywać, przedłużę lekcję i nie będziecie mieli przerwy", powiedział nauczyciel.
The firefighters extinguished the forest fire using two firetrucks and a helicopter. începe să înveți
Strażacy ugasili pożar lasu przy użyciu dwóch wozów strażackich i helikoptera.
The party was very extravagant, with expensive champagne, caviar, and a string orchestra. începe să înveți
dziwaczny, ekstrawagancki Przyjęcie było naprawdę ekstrawaganckie - z drogim szampanem, kawiorem i orkiestrą smyczkową.
My parents live in Hungary and that was the main factor that influenced my decision to move there. începe să înveți
Moi rodzice mieszkają na Węgrzech i to był główny czynnik, który wpłynął na moją decyzję, by się tam przeprowadzić.
I have many failings, but being a liar is not one of them. începe să înveți
Mam wiele wad, ale bycie kłamcą do nich nie należy.
This machine is fail-safe. You'll never have to worry about it breaking. începe să înveți
Ta maszyna jest bezawaryjna. Nigdy nie będziesz musiał się martwić, że się zepsuje.
Unfortunately I've fallen out with my best friend and we're not speaking with each other. începe să înveți
Niestety pokłóciłem się z moim przyjacielem i nie rozmawiamy ze sobą.
Give me a minute to fetch some sandwiches. începe să înveți
Daj mi minutę, pójdę po jakieś kanapki.
That cat is rather fierce, I wouldn't touch him if I were you. începe să înveți
Ten kot jest raczej agresywny, na twoim miejscu bym go nie dotykał.
I'm just going to finish up with my work, and then we can go and have lunch. începe să înveți
Dokończę tylko pracę i możemy iść na lunch.
We have a lot of stores, but the one in London is our flagship store. începe să înveți
Mamy wiele sklepów, ale ten w Londynie jest wizytówką naszej firmy.
Make sure you keep your cigarette away from any flammable liquids. începe să înveți
Upewnij się, że trzymasz papierosa z daleka od jakichkolwiek łatwopalnych cieczy.
The fleet of the spedition company comprises over 1000 vehicles. începe să înveți
Flota firmy spedycyjnej obejmuje ponad 1000 pojazdów.
If you're going to succeed in this role, you'll need to demonstrate a lot of flexibility - you'll have many different tasks. începe să înveți
Jeśli masz sobie poradzić w tej roli, musisz wykazać się dużą elastycznością - będziesz mieć wiele różnych obowiązków.
When the new iPhone comes out, people are going to flock in front of the store to try and get one. începe să înveți
Kiedy ukaże się nowy iPhone, ludzie będą gromadzić się przed sklepami, by spróbować go kupić.
Julie is my greatest foe. We've hated each other since childhood. începe să înveți
Julie to mój największy wróg. Nienawidzimy się od dzieciństwa.