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He showed great heroism when he saved the baby from the burning building. începe să înveți
Ratując dziecko z płonącego budynku, wykazał się wielkim heroizmem.
The sound was so high-pitched, it sounded like a squeal. începe să înveți
Dźwięk był tak wysoki, że brzmiał jak pisk.
Claire and Michael were homebound after a year of travelling. începe să înveți
Claire i Michael wracali do domu po roku podróżowania.
The donkey raised its hoof and limped, so Leo called the veterinarian. începe să înveți
Osioł unosił kopyto i utykał, więc Leo wezwał weterynarza.
The truck driver used his horn to warn the cyclists he was coming up behind them. începe să înveți
róg Kierowca ciężarówki użył klaksona, żeby ostrzec rowerzystów, że jedzie za nimi.
Rebecca didn't like wasps or bees, but she was particularly terrified of hornets. începe să înveți
Rebecca nie lubiła os i pszczół, ale szczególnie bała się szerszeni.
Kevin is such a humble guy. He does great things, but never brags about them to anyone. începe să înveți
Kevin to taki skromny gość. Robi wspaniałe rzeczy, a nigdy nikomu się nimi nie chwali.
When you take part in an identity parade, you are separated from the suspects by a one-way mirror. începe să înveți
Kiedy bierzesz udział w rozpoznaniu podejrzanych, jesteś oddzielony od nich lustrem weneckim.
Dana thought she could see three people reflected in the glass, but it was just an illusion. începe să înveți
Dana myślała, że w szybie widzi odbicia trojga ludzi, ale to była tylko iluzja.
You need this vaccine to be immune to tuberculosis. începe să înveți
Potrzebujesz tej szczepionki, żeby być odpornym na gruźlicę.
The pianist gave an impromptu concert. începe să înveți
Pianista dał improwizowany koncert.
If we buy the potatoes in bulk, we'll save money in the long run. începe să înveți
w dużych ilościach, hurtowo Jeśli kupimy ziemniaki w dużej ilości, w dłuższej perspektywie zaoszczędzimy pieniądze.
I don't understand your academic English. Can't you just put it in layman's terms so I understand? începe să înveți
"w ludzkim języku", w prosty sposób Nie rozumiem twojego akademickiego angielskiego. Czy mógłbyś powiedzieć to w prostszy sposób, żebym zrozumiał?
Have you ever wondered if there are aliens here on earth, in our midst? începe să înveți
Czy zastanawiałaś się kiedyś, czy na ziemi, wśród nas, są kosmici?
Your inaction demonstrates a lot of laziness and will not get you far in life. începe să înveți
Twoja bezczynność jest wyrazem lenistwa i nie zaprowadzi cię w życiu daleko.
The company offered an incentive to its employees to work hard: a cash bonus with every big sale. începe să înveți
Firma dała swoim pracownikom motywację do ciężkiej pracy: premię za każdą dużą sprzedaż.
She was so indecisive, she found it almost impossible to choose what to have for dinner. începe să înveți
Była tak niezdecydowana, że było dla niej prawie niemożliwe wybranie, co zjeść na obiad.
The tank was almost indestructible. începe să înveți
Czołg był niemal niezniszczalny.
The indigenous people of New Zealand are called the Māori. începe să înveți
Rdzenni mieszkańcy Nowej Zelandii to Māori.
The jury decided unanimously to sentence the killer to die. începe să înveți
Ława przysięgłych jednogłośnie zadecydowała o skazaniu zabójcy na śmierć.
Too many people working on the same project can lead to inefficiency. începe să înveți
Skutkiem tego, że zbyt wiele osób pracuje nad jednym projektem, może być nieefektywność.
The government is so inept, it never gets anything right. începe să înveți
Rząd jest bardzo nieudolny, nigdy nie robi niczego jak należy.
People act as if oil and gas are inexhaustible resources, but one day they will run out. începe să înveți
Ludzie zachowują się, jakby ropa i gaz były niewyczerpalnymi surowcami, ale pewnego dnia się skończą.
Infancy is a difficult time for children because they are teething and learning to walk and talk. începe să înveți
stadium początkowe Niemowlęctwo to dla dzieci trudny czas, ponieważ ząbkują i uczą się mówić oraz chodzić.
Julie had an infectious laugh. Once she started laughing, everyone else joined in. începe să înveți
Julie miała zaraźliwy śmiech. Kiedy zaczynała się śmiać, to wszyscy inni również.