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Wbrew powszechnemu przekonaniu twierdzi, że niedźwiedzie nie dbają o owoce tak bardzo, jak wcześniej sądzono. începe să înveți
Contrary to popular belief, he contends that bears do not care as much for fruit as previously supposed.
He says that people should not be by behaviour such as swatting paws on the ground, as this is a defensive, rather than an aggressive, act. începe să înveți
He says that people should not be (6) by behaviour such as swatting paws on the ground, as this is a defensive, rather than an aggressive, act.
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It is clear that their interest in him does not extend beyond the food he brings.
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From studies, we know that (14)........ children are isolated from human contact and have not learnt to construct sentences before they are ten, it is doubtful they will ever do so
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The old bus station is pulled down and replaced with a new one.
nieustannie zmieniający się începe să înveți
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Colour is first and foremost a social phenomenon
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What we discuss here must remain absolutely confidential.
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The procedures described in the method pertain primarily to the plate incorporation and preincubation methods.
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However, several factors contradict this analysis.
rozważać, zastanawiać się (nad czymś) începe să înveți
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To wiekowa sztuka, tajemna, niedoceniana przez królów i przywódców. începe să înveți
It's an age-old art, arcane, underestimated by kings and leaders.
De Botton's message, then, is fairly simple but worthwhile precisely because it is simple, readable and timely începe să înveți
They talk about design and function. De Botton's message, then, is fairly simple but worthwhile precisely because it is simple, readable and timely
godny pochwały, chwalebny începe să înveți
Amendment 886 has a commendable purpose - investment in sport.
zniechęcający, przytłaczający Komisja Prawna zdaje sobie sprawę, że proces zakładania firmy może być zniechęcający. începe să înveți
The Committee on Legal Affairs recognises that establishing a firm can be a daunting process.
w maszynie începe să înveți
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It depicts a snarling, spitting animal, teeth bared and back arched: a taut coiled spring ready to unleash some unknown fury.
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Snarl: make an aggressive growl with bared teeth.
Jeśli uderzysz w niego 3 razy, uwolnisz niewypowiedziane zło. începe să înveți
Hit it three times to unleash unspeakable evil.
cewka, zwój To taki wąż, który leży zwinięty w twojej miednicy. începe să înveți
coil It's a kind of snake that lies coiled in your pelvis.
Część problemu wynika z faktu, że przyjęty opis fizyczny gatunku wywodzi się z selektywnego charakteru gatunku proces egzaminacyjny przez Brytyjskie Muzeum Narodowe. începe să înveți
Part of the problem stems from the fact that the accepted physical description of the species originates from the selective nature of the examination process by the British ational Museum.
Kodek musi odpowiadać specyfikacji ACM do pracy z systemem Windows Media. începe să înveți
A codec must conform to the implicit ACM specification to work with Windows Multimedia.
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Kocięta żbika rodzą się zwykle w maju/czerwcu w odosobnionym legowisku începe să înveți
Wildcat kittens are usually born in May/June in a secluded den
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Dla tych, którzy mają ograniczony budżet, te zegarki nie są w żaden sposób przystępne. începe să înveți
For those who have limited budget, these watches are by no means affordable.
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Poproś o informacje o swoich niedociągnięciach. începe să înveți
Ask for information about your shortcomings.
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CNN interspersed video of the car delivery with interviews with Musk.
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Niektórzy zachodni psychologowie twierdzą, że nie powinniśmy tłumić swego gniewu, lecz go wyrażać. începe să înveți
Some Western psychologists say that we should not repress our anger, but express it.
Proszę. Najlepszy gość nie może nadwerężać wzroku. începe să înveți
I wouldn't want my best guest to strain her eyes.
Przestań zachowywać się jak rozpieszczony bachor. începe să înveți
Stop acting like a spoilt bloody brat.
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Wręcz przeciwnie, cierpię na dziedziczny gigantyzm. începe să înveți
On the contrary, I suffer from hereditary Gigantism.
W tym celu, zaczęłam sprzątać rzeczy ojca. începe să înveți
To that end, I have begun clearing out my father's things.
Ma ono jedno znaczenie po angielsku, zaś niemieckie tłumaczenie, "Verdienst," ma zupełnie inny wydźwięk, a oryginalne sanskryckie określenie "punja" oraz jego tybetański odpowiednik "sonam," znaczą jeszcze coś innego od tych pierwszych dwóch. începe să înveți
It has one meaning in English; and the German translation, "Verdienst," has a slightly different connotation; and the original Sanskrit term "punya" and its Tibetan equivalent, "sonam," means something different from both of them.
Chodzić tam i rzekomo uczyć go języka migowego. începe să înveți
To go to the house and ostensibly teach him sign language.
Jeśli czkawka się przewlekłe i utrudniać jego codziennych czynności, wtedy dziecko będzie automatycznie wykazywać oznaki dyskomfortu. începe să înveți
If the hiccups get chronic and hinder his daily activities, then your baby will automatically show signs of discomfort.
Z tego powodu musimy zapobiegać i zwalczać wszelkie przejawy islamofobii. începe să înveți
Hence the need to prevent and combat any outbreaks of islamophobia.
Moja żona była tego rana bardzo chora, stąd nasze spóźnienie. începe să înveți
My wife had been ill, hence the delay.
Jestem pewien, że będziesz miał wspaniały czas pod ich zamknięciu i skrupulatny nadzór. începe să înveți
I'm sure you will have a wonderful time under their close and scrupulous supervision.
Z Ras Mohamed roztacza się urzekający widok na Arabię Saudyjską i Zatokę Sueską. începe să înveți
Z Ras Mohamed offers a captivating view of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf of Suez.
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Niezmordowany włóczęga, mały obrońca jeszcze mniejszych i słabszych, Zejn w pojedynkę rzuca wyzwanie niesprawiedliwości i krzywdzie. începe să înveți
An indefatigable tramp, a small defender even smaller and weaker, Zejn alone challenges injustice and harm.
Za swoje nieposłuszeństwo, wydałeś na siebie wyrok śmierci. începe să înveți
For your defiance, you have signed your death warrant.
Wydaje się solidny, ale bądź delikatny. începe să înveți
It looks sturdy, but be gentle.
Myśli, że przepaść ma miliony kilometrów. începe să înveți
He thinks this chasm's a million miles long.
Super wiarygodne, piana i to wszystko. începe să înveți
Super believable, foam and everything.
Teoretycznie proces ten powinien wywoływać przyjemne emocje, przynosić przyjemność i szczęście. începe să înveți
In theory, this process should evoke pleasant emotions, bring pleasure and happiness.
Z powodu przeciwności losu, ludzie się uczą. începe să înveți
Because of adversity, people learn.
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Będą nas hodować jak bydło na rzeź. începe să înveți
Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle for food.
W tych czasach zasiłek lub opieka społeczna, jak my to nazywamy, była fundowana z dobrowolnych składek. începe să înveți
In those days, the dole - or welfare, as we call it - was funded by voluntary contributions.
Podstawową rolę w procesie widzenia spełnia siatkówka. începe să înveți
The retina plays the crucial role in the process of seeing.
Tęczówka, widziana z zewnątrz, opisuje kolor naszych oczu. începe să înveți
The iris, as seen from the outside, determines our eye colour.
Evan, sytuacja jest wystarczająco tragiczna. începe să înveți
Evan, the situation is dire enough as it is.
Całkowita szerokość jest mierzona w metrach z dokładnością do dwóch dziesiętnych. începe să înveți
The overall breadth shall be measured in metres with an accuracy of two decimals. Breath of curriculums
Twoje sugestie, sir, są ewidentnie absurdalne. începe să înveți
Your suggestions, sir, are patently absurd.
Wpływ polityki publicznej jest wszechobecny w naszym społeczeństwie. începe să înveți
The influence of public policy is pervasive in our society.
Jeśli jestem natrętny proszę mi powiedzieć, ale dlaczego tutaj jesteście? începe să înveți
Well, if I'm being intrusive, please tell me, but, I mean, why are you here?
Mamy akt oskarżenia przeciwko niemu za zabójstwo kierownika Caffrey'a. începe să înveți
We have an indictment against him for a county supervisor's murder.
To, co mam jest na tyle obciążające, że wystarczy, żeby pogrążyć całą firmę. începe să înveți
What I've got is damning enough to take down the entire company.
Ty lizusowaty biurokratyczny robaku... pojdziesz na ten obiad oddychajac przez slomke. începe să înveți
You smarmy bureaucratic microbe... you're going to that dinner breathing through your fly.
Aby zatrzymać automatyczne gromadzenie danych, należy przestać korzystać z aplikacji lub ją odinstalować. începe să înveți
If you wish to stop automatic data collection, you should cease using/ uninstall the App.
Ugnę się jak trzcina na wietrze. începe să înveți
I will bend like a reed in the wind.
Fabrycznie nowy, uniwersalny rysik pojemnościowy do ekranów dotykowych. începe să înveți
Brand new, universal stylus for capacitive touch screens.
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Mamy swój wkład w przestępczość nieletnich, B. începe să înveți
We're contributing to the delinquency of minors, B.
Ale zazwyczaj nie dostaję aż tak dobrej oferty. începe să înveți
But ordinarily, I don't get an offer this good.
Ostatnie kilka jardów jest strasznie strome. începe să înveți
The last few yards are pretty steep.
Spadek był szczególnie gwałtowny w roku 2003 i OD. începe să înveți
The decrease was particularly steep in 2003 and the IP.
Przede wszystkim chciałbym usunąć pewne nieporozumienie, które często jest wiązane z problemem armii i sztuki wojennej. începe să înveți
First of all, I should like to remove a misapprehension which is often associated with the question of the army and the art of war.
Mówi, że ma problem ze szkodnikami w swojej piwnicy. începe să înveți
Says he's got a problem with vermin in his basement.
Kły są z prawdziwej kości słoniowej. începe să înveți
The tusks are genuine ivory apparently.
Ta głupota tylko przyspieszy ich upadek. începe să înveți
This folly will only hasten their demise.
Gdyby to była porfiria, mielibyście fioletowy mocz... începe să înveți
If she had porphyria, You would have seen purple urine.
Nie jest wystarczająco dorosła, aby utrzymać płomień. începe să înveți
She's not old enough to sustain a flame.
Nie jesteśmy jednak firmą, której rozwiązania mają charakter uniwersalny. începe să înveți
But we are not a company with one-size-fits-all solutions.
Mam wrażenie, że z każdym rokiem szał świąteczny zaczyna się wcześniej. începe să înveți
I feel that every year Christmas frenzy starts bit earlier.
Dzisiejszy gorączkowy rytm życia prowadzi nas do zamknięcia wielu drzwi na spotkanie, często z obawy przed drugim. începe să înveți
Today's frantic pace leads us to close many doors to encounter, often for fear of others.
Jack musi znaleźć swoje miejsce w Nowym Świecie, lub zginąć. începe să înveți
Jack must find his place in the New World or perish.
Można tu również zobaczyć bobry, wydry czy zaskrońce. începe să înveți
You can also see here beavers, otters and grass snakes.
I kto powiedział, że leniwce są leniwe? începe să înveți
And who said that sloths are lazy?
Ale kiedy patrzymy dziś, być może ze zdziwieniem i niesmakiem, na czekający nas rozrost metropolii, pytamy, czy gdzieś nie utknęliśmy. începe să înveți
But when we look today in wonder and disgust, maybe, at the metropolis sprawl before us, we wonder if we're stuck.
Okres ciąży dla każdej kobiety jest inny. începe să înveți
The gestation period for each woman is different.
Data ta musi poprzedzać datę podpisania świadectwa. începe să înveți
This date must precede the date the certificate was signed.
To drobiazg w porównaniu z moją prawdziwą pracą. începe să înveți
A mere trifle compared to my real work.
Jego matka chrzestna pomogła mu się dostać. începe să înveți
His godmother helped him get in.
Udałem się zatem do firmy produkującej magnesy i powiedziałem: mam taki a taki pomysł, na co w odpowiedzi usłyszałem: no jasne, to sprzęgło magnetyczne. începe să înveți
So I went to a company making magnets and I said: I have an idea, so and so and they said, Right, that's a magnetic coupling.
grabież Staniemy się Duńczykami i będziemy plądrować. începe să înveți
plunder We become Danes and we'll plunder.
Wobec braku rozwiązań wielu rodziców umniejsza wpływ takich wybuchów na dzieci i unika rozmowy o problemie. începe să înveți
In the absence of solutions, most parents will play down the impact the anger has on their children and talk about it as little as possible.
Certyfikowane zestawy węży do powietrza do oddychania dostępne są obecnie w CEJN. începe să înveți
Certified breathing air hose kits are now available from CEJN.
Sam lubię zboczyć z utartego szlaku. începe să înveți
I like to veer off the beaten path myself.
Musimy tylko znaleźć igłę w stogu siana. începe să înveți
We just need to find the needle in that haystack.
Solange to klasa, elegancja, wyrafinowanie. începe să înveți
Solange is class, refinement, elegance.
Udoskonalenie oceny zagrożeń może wymagać wygenerowania dodatkowych informacji o zagrożeniu. începe să înveți
The refinement of hazard assessment may require generation of additional hazard information.
Opis musi przewidywać mechanizm, dzięki któremu nabywający przedsiębiorstwo może zatrzymać i wybrać odpowiedni personel. începe să înveți
The description has to provide for a mechanism whereby the acquirer of the business can retain and select the appropriate personnel.
Tylko jeden niuans - ich ciężar nie przekracza 5 kg. începe să înveți
Only one caveat - their weight should not exceed 5 pounds.
Ośmielasz się kwestionować mój honor? începe să înveți
You dare to impugn my honour?
Niestety, moje pokrycie zostało wycofane, bez wiedzy reszty A-Team. începe să înveți
Unfortunately, my cover's been exposed, unbeknownst to the rest of the A-Team.
Pójdę na miasto, przewietrzyć się. începe să înveți
I'll hang around a bit in town, get some air.
We should open all the rooms... to ventilate them. începe să înveți
Powinniśmy otworzyć wszystkie pokoje, żeby je przewietrzyć.
takie rzeczy, coś w tym rodzaju Za pomocą takich rzeczy identyfikują stare, zgniłe trupy. începe să înveți
It's the sort of thing they use to identify a rotten old corpse.
Jego spojrzenie sprawiło, że poczuła się ładna. începe să înveți
His gaze made her feel pretty.
Twój rytm dobowy jest zaburzony, to wszystko. începe să înveți
Your circadian rhythm is off, that's all.
uprzedzenie, stronniczość Wykazał pan daleko idące uprzedzenie przeciwko obronie. începe să înveți
You have demonstrated bias against the defense.
Początek opadów przynosi ulgę wzdłuż i wszerz sawanny. începe să înveți
The onset of rain brings relief across the savanna.
grzechotać pozytywnie wpływa na zmysł słuchu, melodie, dźwięki i grzechotanie zabawek uczy dziecka rozróżniania odgłosów, începe să înveți
to rattle it positively affects the sense of hearing, melodies, sounds and rattle of toys teaches the child to distinguish the sounds,
To jest nakaz sądowy od sędziego Portersona. începe să înveți
It's an injunction from judge porterson.
Widziałem, jak puszczała ci oczko. începe să înveți
I think she gave you a wink.
Churchill stwierdził, że nie zgodzi się na taką niegodziwość, choćby sam miał zostać rozstrzelany. începe să înveți
But Churchill said that he'd rather be taken out into the garden and shot at once than be a party to such an iniquity.
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Synu, byłem zbyt ostry, a w rezultacie nie potrafiłeś dać klapsa dzieciom. începe să înveți
Son, I was too rough on you, and as a result, you can't spank your own kids.
Więc sok z kiszonej kapusty jest skuteczny. începe să înveți
So, the juice of sauerkraut is effective.
Płacą grosze, ale przynajmniej nie będę wciąż gryzła się w język, próbując nikomu nie przywalić. începe să înveți
It'll pay a pittance, but at least I won't be spending my time biting my tongue and trying not to wallop people.
Nigdy nie myślałem, że będziesz tak zrzędzić. începe să înveți
I never thought you'd nag me
Żele są używane do leczenia, smarowania i innych różnych zastosowań. începe să înveți
That interest shall be entered in the budget as miscellaneous revenue.
Nasze życie rozciągnięte przed nami aż po horyzont, wieczysty wschód słońca. începe să înveți
Our lives stretched out ahead of us, a perpetual sunrise.
Pacjenci zawsze zakochują się w pielęgniarkach. începe să înveți
Men always fall for the nurses.
Może trochę palić, ale powinno minąć. începe să înveți
Burns going in, but should wear off.
Major zrezygnował z taktyki zaskoczenia, przestał się skradać i postanowił zmęczyć przeciwnika. începe să înveți
Major gave up the surprise tactic, stopped creeping and decided to wear down his opponent.
Powiedziałem, że masz nie oddalać się ani na krok. începe să înveți
I said that you did not recede even one step.
Porcja czereśni dostarcza wapnia, żelaza i dużej dawki jodu. începe să înveți
One helping of sweet cherries provides calcium, iron and a large dose of iodine.
Wiesz, że we wszystkim, co robi, ma ukryty motyw. începe să înveți
You know he's got an ulterior motive for everything.
On niezłomnie wierny starej imperialnej tradycji. începe să înveți
He steadfastly loyal to the old imperial traditions.
Ręcznik i czyste wiadro z ciepłą wodą. începe să înveți
A towel and a clean pail of warm water.
Mam świetne kazanie o dawaniu rekompensaty. începe să înveți
I've got a great sermon on making amends.
Mieszkasz w ciężarówce jak włóczęga lub... începe să înveți
You're living out of a van, like a hobo or...
Ile kosztuje wagon towarowy? începe să înveți
Jak wróciłeś do domu wyglądałeś jak prawdziwy wieśniak. începe să înveți
You looked like a real hick when you came home.
Przypuszczam, że pański pobyt u nas byłby bardzo przyjemny. începe să înveți
I expect your stay here with us will be very agreeable.
leczyć (się/kogoś) lekarstwami Leczę się innymi metodami... începe să înveți
I medicate in other ways -
Powyższy tik może zostać nasilony przez ostre światło, stres, czytanie czy prowadzenie samochodu, a wytłumiony przez inne bodźce (odpoczynek, spacer). începe să înveți
The above tic may be exacerbated by hard light, stress, reading or driving, and dampened by other stimuli (rest, walk).
Na mojej ulicy jest dziura wielkości jeziora Michigan. începe să înveți
I have a pothole the size of Lake Michigan on my street.
Dodatkowym elementem niezbędnym do realizacji zapłonu jest świeca zapłonowa o odpowiedniej konstrukcji. începe să înveți
An additional element needed for the ignition is the spark plug of a special design.
Andersen uważa, że i w samym człowieku zawsze wygrywa boski początek. începe să înveți
Andersen believes in the man always wins divine.
Nene zaofiarowal mu schronienie w swoim mieszkaniu. începe să înveți
Nene offered him refuge in his flat.
Nasz cesarz wie, że możemy sie bronic samodzielnie. începe să înveți
Our Emperor knows we can defend ourselves.
każdy jaki można sobie wyobrazić Widziałem każdy wyobrażalny typ infekcji, wierz mi. începe să înveți
I've seen every conceivable type ofinfection, believe me.
To na kartach rękopisów z prostej litery inicjał wykształcił rozmaite formy, rodzaje i typy, które świadczą o nieograniczonej wyobraźni iluminatorów. începe să înveți
On the pages of medieval codexes the initial evolved from a simple letter to various forms, types, and sorts, which bespeak the unlimited imagination of medieval illuminators.
Mówiąc w żargonie politycznym - pokonanym. începe să înveți
In political parlance, the underdog.
Tylko, że tym razem nasi spece próbowali przewieźć 26 pustych kartonów. începe să înveți
Except this time our pros tried to haul away 26 empty boxes.
Panie Boże, wiem, co znaczy twój gniew. începe să înveți
wyrazić zgodę Warunkiem udzielenia jakichkolwiek świadczeń medycznych jest zgoda pacjenta (Twoja zgoda!). începe să înveți
to consent No health care services can be provided without patient's consent (your consent!).