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Augusto, z którym studiował Marconi, był fizykiem.
începe să înveți
Augusto, whom Marconi studied with, was a physicist.
Augusto, with whom Marconi studied, was a physicist.
Projekt Geneva to projekt informatyczny, którego celem jest analiza bardzo dużych ilości danych.
începe să înveți
Project Geneva is a computing project, the purpose of which is to analyse very large amounts of data.
the purpose of which is to/whose purpose is to
Czerwony pająk rozprzestrzenił się szybko od momentu, gdy został zauważony w 1900 roku.
od momentu gdy...
începe să înveți
The Red Spider has spread rapidly from when it was spotted in 1900.
from when
Staramy się przyspieszyć postęp, na podstawie którego podejmowane są decyzje w tej firmie.
începe să înveți
We're trying to speed up the progress by which decisions are made in this company.
by which
Wezmę jakiś środek zobojętniający kwas i będzie to zabieg, dzięki któremu poczuję się bardziej komfortowo.
dzięki któremu
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I will take some antacid and it will be the treatment by which I become more comfortable.
In this example, again, “by which” means the method or means used to achieve a goal
by which
Mój kuzyn ma samochód, który pozwoli mi korzystać z niego i dzięki któremu mogę się bezpiecznie dostać.
dzięki któremu
începe să înveți
My cousin has a car that he will let me use and by which I can get there safely.
in this example, the car is the means or the method “by the use of which” you will travel
by which
niektórzy są zdania, że ... podczas gdy inni...
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some are of the opinion that..., others that...
Wyzwaniem dla fotografów żywności jest to, jak zachować świeżość jedzenia.
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A challenge facing food photographers is how yo keep food looking fresh.
"ing"clauses correspond to defining relative clauses with an active verb
which faces... = facing
Nasz nauczyciel, niosąc ogromny stos podręczników, pośpieszył do pokoju.
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Our teacher, carrying a huge pile of textbooks, came hurry into the room.
ING clauses correspond to defining relative clauses with an active verb,
who was carrying
Część biżuterii należącej do Królowej została skradziona.
începe să înveți
Some jewellery belonging to the Queen has been stolen.
ING clauses correspond to defining relative clauses with an active verb,
who belongs
Wszyscy pasażerowie ranni w wypadku kolejowym zostali zwolnieni ze szpitala.
începe să înveți
All the passengers injured in the train crash have been released from hospital.
ED clauses correspond to defin relative clauses with a passive verb:
who were injured
Techniką, którą można zastosować do fotografowania mięsa, jest użycie sprayu z gliceryną.
începe să înveți
A technique that might be used in photographing meat is to use a glycerine spray.
It is not always possible to use a reduced form of a relative clause.
Żywność, której nie można zamrozić, jest szczególnie trudna do sfotografowania.
începe să înveți
Food that can't be frozen is particularly difficult to photograph.
We can't use a reduced form when the first verb in the relative clause is a modal verb
Czasami szef kuchni, który przygotował danie w swojej restauracji, przychodzi do studia.
începe să înveți
Sometimes the chef who created the dish in their restaurant comes to the studio.
We can't use an ING reduced form when we talk about a single, completed action.
Byłem najmłodszą osobą w konkursie, która wygrała jedną z głównych kategorii
începe să înveți
I was the youngest person in the competition to win any of the major categories
a superlative + noun (phrase) = the best, the oldest,
Naprawdę była pierwszą osobą, która zachęciła mnie do podjęcia fotografii żywności
începe să înveți
She was really the first person to encourage me to take up food photography
the first/second, etc. + noun (phrase)
Jedyną rzeczą do zrobienia...
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The only thing to do...
the next / the last / another one + noun (phrase):
W wieku 91 lat Abraham jest najstarszym zawodnikiem, jaki kiedykolwiek wziął udział w maratonie.
începe să înveți
At 91, Abraham is the oldest competitor ever to take part in marathon.
a superlative + noun (phrase):
Nisda stała się najnowszą firmą, która ogłosiła zwolnienia na dużą skalę.
începe să înveți
Nisda has become the latest company to announce large-scale redundancies.
a superlative + noun (phrase):
Jesteś dziesiątą osobą, która dzwoni w sprawie samochodu.
începe să înveți
You are the tenth person to ring about the car.
the first/second, etc. + noun (phrase):
Pomimo faktu, że
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Despite the fact that
Mimo, że wiem wszystko o teorii zdrowej diety, bardzo trudno ją wprowadzić w życie.
începe să înveți
Despite me knowing all about the theory of a healthy diet, it's very hard to put it into practice.
Mimo, że zgubiliśmy się w drodze, spóźniliśmy się na kilka minut.
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Despite getting lost on the way, we where eventually onpy a few minutes late.
Mimo że zakazano go w miejscach publicznych, palenie rośnie.
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Despite it being banned in public spaces, smoking is on the increase.
Pomimo wielu znaków ostrzegawczych ludzie nadal pływają w rzece.
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Despite there being plenty of warning signs, people still swimming in the river.
Mimo włączenia alarmu nikt się nie obudził.
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Despite the alarm getting off, nobody wake up.
Zazwyczaj wychodzimy, widząc, że nikt z nas nie lubi gotować.
începe să înveți
We usually go out seeing that none of us likes cooking.
seeing that, seeing as
Muszę wyjść o 7.30, żeby złapać autobus.
începe să înveți
I have to get out by 7.30 so as to catch my bus.
so as to = in order to
Rozmawialiśmy bardzo cicho, aby nie zostać podsłuchanym.
începe să înveți
We spoke very quietly so as not to be overheard.
so as not to
Lubię robić coś samemu, aby cały czas nie jeść przetworzonej żywności.
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I like to make something myself in order not to eat processed food all the time.
in order not to, so as not to
Ciekawie będzie przeczytać wyniki badań, aby zobaczyć, jak typowa jest moja dieta.
începe să înveți
It'll be interesting to read the results pf the research so that I can see how typical my diet is.
so that
Mój rower jest wyjątkowy, ponieważ przednie koło jest mniejsze niż tylne.
începe să înveți
My bike is unique in that the front wheel is smaller than the back.
in that
Hiszpanie są towarzyscy, ponieważ nie lubią niczego lepszego niż spędzanie czasu z przyjaciółmi.
w tym, dlatego, że
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Spaniards are sociable in that they like nothing better than spending time with friends.
zostaw rzeczy do / do jutra
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leave things till/to tomorrow
Ćwiczę, aby schudnąć.
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I do exercise so as to lose weight.
so as to
Zaoszczędziłem dodatkowe pieniądze, aby móc kupić nowy samochód.
începe să înveți
I’ve saved up extra money so that I can buy a new car.
so that + modal
Lekarz przepisał pacjentowi pigułki nasenne, aby mogła się przespać.
începe să înveți
The doctor prescribed the patient sleeping pills so that she could get some sleep.
so that + modal

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