Întrebare |
Răspuns |
What do you do? (What do you do for a living? / What's your job/profession?) What do you do for a living? / What's your job/profession? I'm a musician. / 2. I work in a bank. / 3. I’m unemployed at the moment. / 4. I run my own business. începe să înveți
Czym się zajmujesz? (W jaki sposób zarabiasz na życie? Jaki masz zawód?) Jestem muzykiem. / 2. Pracuję w banku. / 3. Obecnie jestem bezrobotny. / 4. Prowadzę własną działalność gospodarczą.
What do you do for a living? / What's your job/profession? I graduated from the Academy of Music/the Music Academy. / 2. I run my own business. / 3. I’m retired now. I used to be an engineer. începe să înveți
Czym się zajmujesz? (W jaki sposób zarabiasz na życie? Jaki masz zawód?) Ukończyłem Akademię Muzyczną. / 2. Prowadzę własną działalność gospodarczą. / 3. Jestem teraz na emeryturze. Kiedyś byłem inżynierem.
Yes, I’ve been married for two years now. / 2. I’m engaged – we’re getting married next year. / 3. I’m divorced. începe să înveți
Tak, jestem żonaty/mężatką od dwóch lat. / 2. Jestem zaręczony/a - pobieramy się w przyszłym roku. / 3. Jestem rozwiedziony.
No, I'm not married. / 2. No, but I’m in a relationship. / 3. Nope, I’m single. începe să înveți
Nie, nie jestem żonaty. / 2. Nie, ale jestem w związku. / 3. Nie, jestem singlem.
How long have you been married? I’ve been married for two years now. începe să înveți
Jak długo jesteś żonaty/zamężna? Jestem żonaty/mężatką od dwóch lat.
Why are you studying English? The correct way is “thinking of studying” and not “thinking to study.” For work. / 2. So I can communicate when I travel. / 3. I love learning new languages. / 4. Because I’d like to immigrate to the U.S. / 5. I’m thinking of studying in England. începe să înveți
Dlaczego uczysz się angielskiego? Do pracy. / 2. Żebym mógł komunikować podczas podróży. / 3. Uwielbiam uczyć się nowych języków. / 4. Ponieważ chciałbym wyemigrować do USA. / 5. Myślę o studiowaniu w Anglii.
Why are you studying English? The correct way is “thinking of studying” and not “thinking to study.” For work. / 2. So I can communicate when I travel. / 3. I’m thinking of studying in England. începe să înveți
Dlaczego uczysz się angielskiego? Do pracy. / 2. Żebym mógł komunikować podczas podróży. / 3. Myślę o studiowaniu w Anglii.
Where did you learn English? / How did you learn English? In this context, “picked it up” means “learned it casually.” I took classes for three years. / 2. I’ve been studying on my own. (You can also say “studying by myself.”). / 3. I picked it up from movies and songs. / 4. My girlfriend taught me. începe să înveți
Gdzie nauczyłeś się angielskiego? / Jak nauczyłeś się angielskiego? Chodziłem na zajęcia przez trzy lata. / 2. Uczę się sam./ 3. Załapałem dużo z filmów i piosenek. / 4. Moja dziewczyna mnie uczyła.
What do you do in your free time? or 'What do you do in your spare time?' I don’t have any free time! / 2. I usually hang out with friends. / 3. I go running a lot. / 4. I like reading and relaxing at home. începe să înveți
Co robisz w wolnym czasie? Nie mam wolnego czasu! / 2. Zwykle spotykam się z przyjaciółmi. / 3. Dużo biegam. / 4. Lubię czytać i relaksować się w domu.
What's the weather like? / How's the weather? “Bundle up” means to wear warm clothing for protection against the cold. It's cold. / 2. It’s pouring – take an umbrella. / 3. It’s quite cold – make sure to bundle up. / 4. A little chilly – you might wanna bring a jacket. începe să înveți
Jest zimno. / 2. Gorąco i wilgotno. / 3. Leje - weź parasol. / 3. Jest dość zimno - koniecznie ubierz się ciepło. / 4. Trochę chłodno - możesz zabrać kurtkę.
What's the weather like? / How's the weather? “Humid” means there is a lot of water vapor in the air. Gorgeous – a perfect summer day! / 2. Hot and humid (“Humid” means there is a lot of water vapor in the air). începe să înveți
Wspaniała - idealny letni dzień! / 2. Gorąco i wilgotno.
What time is it? / What's the time? / Do you have the time? It’s ten o’clock. / 2. It’s half past four. / 3. It’s a quarter to twelve. / 4. Let me check my phone. / 5. Sorry, I don’t know. începe să înveți
Jest dzięsiąta. / 2. Jest wpół do piątej. / 3. Jest za piętnaście dwunasta. / 4. Pozwól, że sprawdzę mój telefon. / 5. Przepraszam, nie wiem.
idiom informal (also how are things?); (also how's everything?) How's it going? I haven't seen you for ages. | 2. Great! (It) Couldn’t be better! | 3. Fine. How are things with you? | 4. I can't complain. începe să înveți
used as greetings Jak leci? Nie widziałem cię od wieków. | 2. Świetnie! Nie mogłoby być lepiej! | 3. W porządku. Jak się sprawy mają u Ciebie? | 4. Nie mogę narzekać
idiom informal (also how are things?); (also how's everything?) Great! (It) Couldn’t be better! | 2. Fine. How are things with you? | 3. I can't complain. | 4. Do you really wanna know? începe să înveți
used as greetings Świetnie! Nie mogłoby być lepiej! | 2. W porządku. Jak się sprawy mają u Ciebie? | 3. Nie mogę narzekać. | 4. Naprawdę chcesz wiedzieć?
Great! Never better. / 2. I’m all right. / 3. A little depressed. / 4. Really awful. începe să înveți
Świetnie! Nigdy nie czułam się lepiej. / 2. Wszystko ze mną w porządku. / 3. Trochę przygnębiony. / 4. Naprawdę okropnie.
How was your day? (weekend / trip / flight / holiday / party / date) Really good! / 2. Pretty uneventful. / 3. Very productive. / 4. A total nightmare. începe să înveți
Jak minął dzień? (weekend / podróż / lot / wakacje / impreza / randka) Naprawdę dobrze! / 2. Całkiem spokojnie (bez wrażeń). / 3. Bardzo produktywnie. / 4. Całkowity koszmar.
It was fantastic. / 2. It wasn’t bad. / 3. It was terrible. începe să înveți
Był fantastyczny. / 2. Nie był zły. / 3. Był okropny.
It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen. / 2. It was fantastic. / 3. It wasn’t bad. / 4. The sequel didn't match up to the original movie. începe să înveți
To jeden z najlepszych, jakie kiedykolwiek widziałem. / 2. Był fantastyczny. / 3. Nie był zły./ 4. Kontynuacja nie dorównuje oryginałowi.
“Packed” means it was crowded; there were very many people there. It was nice. / 2. Crazy – it was absolutely packed. / 3. Boring – I couldn’t wait to get outta there. începe să înveți
Było miło. / 2. Odjazdowo - było tłoczno. / 3. Nudne - nie mogłem się doczekać, żeby się stamtąd wynieść.
What have you been up to lately? This question means “What have you been doing recently?” – you can answer it in the pr per con. I’ve been working a lot. / 2. Mostly studying. / 3. I’ve been taking it easy. / 4. Nothing much. începe să înveți
Dużo pracowałem. / 2. Głównie się uczyłem. / 3. Odpoczywałem, chiloutowałem. / 4. Nic specjalnego.
This means “What’s the problem?” – you can ask it to someone who appears sad or upset. Oh, I’m just having a rough day. (a “rough day” means a difficult, bad day). / 2. I’m not feeling so good. / 3. I’d rather not talk about it. / 4. Nothing, I’m fine. începe să înveți
Co się stało? / O co chodzi? (W czym rzecz?) Och, po prostu mam ciężki dzień. / 2. Nie czuję się zbyt dobrze. / 3. Wolałbym o tym nie mówić. / 4. Nic, w porządku.
Pleased to meet you! / I'm pleased to meet you! / Nice to meet you! / It's nice to meet you! "Hello, I'm Jane." "Hello, Jane. Nice to meet you." "You as well." începe să înveți
Miło cię poznać! / Miło mi cię poznać! "Witam, jestem Jane." "Witaj, Jane. Miło cię poznać." "Mnie również."
How do you pronounce that? începe să înveți
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How are you doing? / How you doin'? (informal) începe să înveți
Spoken phrase stands for someone will be right with you/right there Make yourself at home. I’ll be right with you. începe să înveți
used for saying that someone is coming very soon
What are you talking about? începe să înveți
What time does the film start? începe să înveți
O której godzinie zaczyna się film?
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phrase mainly spoken Of course, some people will criticize you, but what does it matter? începe să înveți
Co za różnica? Jakie to ma znaczenie? used for showing that sth is not important to you or to sb else Oczywiście niektórzy będą cię krytykować, ale jakie to ma znaczenie?
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Czy to miejsce jest zajęte?
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You look worried – what’s the matter? începe să înveți
O co chodzi? (W czym rzecz?) Co się stało? used for asking someone if there is a problem Wyglądasz na zmartwionego - co się stało?
So what's your point, exactly? / 2. What's your point, Major? începe să înveți
Więc o co ci chodzi dokładnie? / 2. Do czego pan zmierza, majorze?
Where did he get the money? începe să înveți
Skąd on to ma? / Skąd to wziął?
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What are you interested in? începe să înveți
How do I know what he thinks is funny. | 2. "Congratulations on your pregnancy." "How do you know?" începe să înveți
Skąd mam wiedzieć co dla niego jest śmieszne. | 2. "Gratulacje z powodu ciąży." "Skąd wiesz?"
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serious adjective B1 I'm being serious now - this is a very real problem. | 2. Are you serious about changing your job? | 3. Are you serious? începe să înveți
(NOT JOKING) thinking or speaking sincerely about something and not joking Mówię teraz poważnie – to jest bardzo realny problem. | 2. Czy poważnie myślisz o zmianie pracy? | 3. Czy mówisz poważnie?
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Czy jesteś wolny w piątek?
What's going on with you? începe să înveți
Co się dzieje?; O co chodzi?
idiom A1 "Hi, Lucy, how are you?" "Fine, thanks, how are you?" | 2. "How are you?" "I've never been better, thanks." începe să înveți
used to ask someone if they are well and happy "Cześć, Lucy, jak się masz?" "Dobrze, dzięki, jak się masz?" | 2., Jak się masz?", Nigdy nie miałem się lepiej, dzięki."
idiom formal | Note: "How do you do?" nie jest tak naprawdę pytaniem. Odpowiadamy na nie mówiąc również "How do you do?". "I’m Jack Stewart." "How do you do, I’m Angela Black." | 2. "I'm Peter." "How do you do? I'm Joe." începe să înveți
a formal greeting „Jestem Jack Stewart”. „Jak się masz, jestem Angela Black”. | 2. "Jestem Piotr." "Miło mi cię poznać. Jestem Joe."
Is it OK if I leave at five today? începe să înveți
Czy będzie w porządku, jeśli ...? Czy będzie w porządku, jeśli wyjdę dzisiaj o piątej?
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Czy mogę zarezerwować stolik?
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Czy masz ochotę na drinka?
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Could we have the menu, please? începe să înveți
Czy możemy prosić o menu?
Do you mind if I work from home on Monday? | 2. Do you mind if I sit down? începe să înveți
Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli...? Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli w poniedziałek będę pracować z domu? | 2. Czy masz coś przeciwko, żebym usiadł?
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Czy sprzedajecie ubrania?
Can I have the bill, please? începe să înveți
Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?
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Honestly, I'm not sure what I should do. | 2. Now I will finish what I should do long ago. începe să înveți
Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiem, co powinienem zrobić. | 2. Teraz dokończę to, co powinienem zrobić dawno.
idiom informal (also wassup?, whassup?) What's up, bro? How are you doing? | 2. The ad consisted simply of a bunch of guys screeching "Whassup!" to one another on the phone. începe să înveți
Co tam?; Co słychać?; Jak leci? (jako forma przywitania) used as a friendly greeting and to ask someone how they are and what is happening Co tam, bracie? Jak się masz? | 2. Reklama składała się po prostu z kilku facetów krzyczących „Jak leci!” do siebie przez telefon.
idiom informal What's up with Terry? | 2. What's up - why does everyone look so serious? începe să înveți
used to ask someone what the problem is Co się dzieje z Terrym? | 2. Co jest - dlaczego wszyscy wyglądają tak poważnie?
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Gdzie się wybierasz?; Gdzie idziesz?
phrase mainly spoken with matter verb [I ] B2 | matter + question word; matter that...; something matters (a lot) to someone Of course, some people will criticize you, but what does it matter? începe să înveți
Co za różnica? Jakie to ma znaczenie? = used for showing that sth is not important to you or to sb else Oczywiście niektórzy będą cię krytykować, ale jakie to ma znaczenie?
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How do you spell your address? începe să înveți
Jak się pisze twój adres?
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synonym: why And why is that? Because he can't do it! începe să înveți
A dlaczego tak jest? Bo on nie może tego zrobić.
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Co u ciebie?; Jak się miewasz?; Jak się masz?
How long have you been together? How long have you been together? începe să înveți
Jak długo jesteście razem?; Jak długo byliście/byłyście razem? Od dawna jesteście razem?
How long are you going to stay here? începe să înveți
Jak długo zamierzasz tutaj zostać?; Jak długi pobyt Pan planuje?
on adverb B2 | be still on for Is the party still on for tomorrow? | 2. Are we still on for tonight? | 3. The meeting with the generals is back on. începe să înveți
Czy spotkanie jest nadal aktualne? (HAPPENING) happening or planned Czy jutro impreza jest nadal aktualna? | 2. Wieczorne spotkanie nadal aktualne? | 3. Spotkanie z generałami znów aktualne.
also you can use: Where do you know him from? How do you know him, anyway? | 2. Can I ask how you know her? începe să înveți
Tak w ogóle to skąd go znasz? | 2. A mogę wiedzieć, skąd ją znasz?