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Jacksonville is the largest city by area Jacksonville ist der Fläche nach die grösste Stadt «in den Kontinentalstaaten Stand 2020». începe să înveți
in the contiguous states as of 2020. Jacksonville is the most populous city in Florida, and is the largest city by area in the contiguous United States as of 2020.
Just as the industry was about to take off, he sold the company Gerade als die Branche begann durchzustarten, verkaufte er das Unternehmen «zu einem Schnäppchenpreis». începe să înveți
David R. Edgerton, who helped start Burger King, but then agreed to sell the company for what proved to be a bargain price just as the industry was about to take off, died on April 3 in Miami.
Converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia Die Umwandlung von atmosphärischen Stickstoff in Ammoniak «stellte eine Herausforderung für die Chemiker dar». începe să înveți
posed a challenge for chemists. Haber developed the high-pressure devices and catalysts needed to demonstrate the ammonia synthesis at laboratory scale.
The laboratory procedure was to Das Laborverfahren musste «zur Produktionsreife weiterentwickelt werden». începe să înveți
be scaled up for production. The process was purchased by the German chemical company BASF, which assigned Carl Bosch the task of scaling up Haber's tabletop machine to industrial-level production.
In 1913, ammonia was first manufactured Im Jahre 1913 wurde Ammoniak zum ersten Mal «auf Industrieebene» hergestellt. începe să înveți
Ammonia was first manufactured using the Haber process on an industrial scale in 1913 in BASF's Oppau plant in Germany.
This guidance assists pharmacists Diese Anleitung hilft Apothekern «bei Wahrnehmung ihrer Verpflichtungen». începe să înveți
in discharging their obligations. The purpose of this guidance is to assist pharmacists in discharging their legal and professional obligations to patients in the area of extemporaneous dispensing.
Only then Pharmacists may engage Nur dann können Apotheker «Magistralrezepturen» in Angriff nehmen. începe să înveți
in extemporaneous preparation. Pharmacists should only engage in extemporaneous preparation where all the routes of procurement described above have been exhausted.
Extemporaneous preparation of medicinal products is a recognised part of Die Aufbereitung von magistralen Rezepturen ist ein anerkanntes «Qualifikationsmerkmal des Apothekers». începe să înveți
a pharmacist's skill set. The extemporaneous preparation of medicinal products is a recognised part of a pharmacist’s skill set.
Trioxygen condenses to a dark blue liquid Trioxygen kondensiert zu einer dunkelblauen Flüssigkeit «bei fortschreitenden kryogenen Temperaturen». începe să înveți
at progressively cryogenic temperatures. In standard conditions, ozone is a pale blue gas that condenses at progressively cryogenic temperatures to a dark blue liquid and finally a violet-black solid.
Hostilities once more turned Die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen verliefen wieder einmal «zugunsten der Parther». începe să înveți
in favour of the Parthians. Hostilities were taken up again and once more turned in favour of the Parthians, who were so successful that the emperor Macrinus paid a large sum to make peace.
Antimicrobial therapy may Antibiotische Behandlung könnte «die Mikrobiome reizen». începe să înveți
Antimicrobial therapy and critical care procedures perturb the microbiota, thus compromising its function and predisposing to lung infections (pneumonia).
The rising number of drug-resistent TB cases Die steigende Anzahl von resistenten Tuberkulosefällen «erfordert dringend neue Strategien». începe să înveți
warrants novel strategies urgently. The rising number of drug-resistant TB cases warrants novel strategies urgently to eliminate Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative organism for tuberculosis (TB).
The order permitted military commissions Die Anordnung erlaubt dem Militär juristische Zuständigkeit «außerhalb der Reichweite der Gerichte». începe să înveți
outside the purview of the courts. Soon after the attacks, Mr Bush issued his executive order permitting military commissions outside the purview of the courts.
HAV infections never persist and Hepatovirus A infektionen verbleiben niemals und «erzeugen gleichermaßen lebenslange Immunität». începe să înveți
uniformly engender lifelong immunity. Unlike other human hepatitis viruses, HAV infections never persist and uniformly engender lifelong, likely antibody-mediated immunity against reinfection.
To assert their fundamental rights vis-à-vis the state, any person may Alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger können «eine Verfassungsbeschwerde einlegen», um ihre Grundrechte gegen den Staat durchzusetzen. începe să înveți
lodge a constitutional complaint. Any person may lodge a constitutional complaint to assert their fundamental rights vis-à-vis the state.
The congress was convened Der Kongress wurde einberufen, um eine Resolution der Rechte und Beschwerden zu entwerfen. începe să înveți
to frame a resolution of rights and grievances. The Stamp Act Congress was convened in New York (October 1765) by moderate representatives of nine colonies to frame resolutions of “rights and grievances” and to petition the king and Parliament for repeal of the objectionable measures.
Due to poor road conditions Wegen schlechter Straßenzustände «löste sich unser Ersatzrad». începe să înveți
our spare tire came loose
Vancouver merchants outfitted prospectors Händler in Vancouver statteten Schürfer «auf dem Weg nach Klondike» aus. începe să înveți
Vancouver merchants outfitted prospectors bound for the Klondike Gold Rush in 1898
That's the estimated number of people Diese Schätzung zeigt wieviel Menschen von «einem vorzeitigen Tod verschont» wurden. începe să înveți
26,610 American lives. That's the estimated number of people spared an early death in the Lower 48 states between 2005 and 2016 because 138 pollution-spewing coal plants were shut down.
In an inaccessible chamber, Scientists have seen In einer unerreichbaren Kammer haben Wissenschaftler «einen Anstieg von Kernspaltungen» verzeichnet. începe să înveți
a surge in fission reactions. Scientists monitoring the ruins of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine have seen a surge in fission reactions in an inaccessible chamber within the complex.
Researchers are trying to determine if Die Forscher versuchen zu Erkunden, ob «dieses Auflodern verpuffen wird». începe să înveți
this surge will fizzle out. This points to a growing nuclear fission reaction, so researchers are trying to determine if this surge will fizzle out, as previous spikes in other parts of the ruins have done.
When she saw the wheel shape of the rotavirus, she Als sie Radform des Rotavirus sah, war sie «beeindruckt von seiner Schönheit». Professor Bishop had concluded that the infectious agent behind the disease had to be a virus. începe să înveți
was struck by its beauty. From the first time Professor Ruth Bishop looked into her microscope and saw the distinctive wheel shape of the rotavirus, she was struck by its beauty.
As mercurial as ever, commodity traders are Flatterhaft wie eh und jeh, Rohstoffhändler drehen sich um 180°. începe să înveți
But commodity traders are as mercurial as ever, turning on a dime when they think trends may shift.
In anticipation of crop failures, grain traders Ernteausfälle erwartend «trieben Getreidehändler Preise in die Höhe». începe să înveți
Legend has it that in the midst of a drought, grain traders were furiously bidding up prices in anticipation of shrunken crops.
Farmes would have an incentive Die Farmer hätten einen Anreiz, «die Bestände nicht zu verkaufen». începe să înveți
Farmers would have an incentive to hold onto supplies at those prices, putting a floor under the market.
The spoof documentary just Diese fadenscheinige Dokumentation «kommt nur als schmierige Künstelei rüber». începe să înveți
comes off as grimly rote. It's a spoof documentary full of cutaway character interviews, which would have been a sophisticated touch had this been made in 2005, but now just comes off as grimly rote.
Athletes are to compete in Tokyo Die Sportler, «mit vielen Kampfrichtern im Schlepptau», sollen in Tokio wetteifern. începe să înveți
with many officials tagging along. More than 11,000 athletes from some 200 countries are booked to compete in Tokyo, with many more officials, coaches and reporters tagging along.