'You stole the jewels!' the inspector said to him. The inspector accused... începe să înveți
him of stealing the jewels.
If is doesn't rain soon, millions of pounds' worth of crops will be lost. Unless... începe să înveți
it rains millions of pounds' worth...
'Don't move or I'll shoot' the bank robber said to the clerk. The bank robber threatened... începe să înveți
to shoot the clerk if he moved.
The drama critic of the 'DN' regards the new play as a major breakthrough. According to... începe să înveți
the drama critic of the 'DN', the new play is a major breakthrough.
'Have another cup of tea?' 'No, thanks. I've ... already.' începe să înveți
'What ...?' 'For stealing his firm's money, I think.' începe să înveți
has he been sent to prison for
The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness. ONSET începe să înveți
The onset of the disease is shown/marked be a feeling of faintness.
Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feelings. Arthur apologized începe să înveți
for hurting/having hurt her feelings.
It might take him six months to ... his illness. începe să înveți
It might be better if that paragraph was omitted. LEAVE începe să înveți
It might be better to leave out that paragraph.
The children pestered us for sweets. KEPT începe să înveți
The children kept asking us for sweets.
There is always trouble when he comes to visit us. Whenever... începe să înveți
he comes to visit us there is trouble.
Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station? Does your aunt... începe să înveți
really need to be met at the station?
'I first met John in 1964.' 'Goodness! You ... for a very long time, then.' începe să înveți
The instructions said that you ... two pills every four hours. începe să înveți
They don't mind which film they go to. MATTER începe să înveți
It doesn't matter to them which film they go to.
If I were left alone, I'd finish the job quickly. INTERRUPTING începe să înveți
If people stopped interrupting I'd finish the job quickly.
The notice said that you could not smoke in class. FORBIDDEN începe să înveți
The notice said that smoking in class was forbidden.
He spoke confidently and that impressed me. WHICH începe să înveți
The thing which impressed me was the confident way he spoke.
That dress has only the slightest mark on it. I can barely... începe să înveți
see a mark on that dress.
He remembered, and so did she. He didn't... începe să înveți
They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left. Only after a... începe să înveți
twelve-hour wait did their flight leave.
You didn't have to go by bus. You ... my car. începe să înveți
he drove past at a terrific speed. He must ... at least 90 m.p.h. începe să înveți
I wish you ... with us to Greece. It won't be any fun without you. începe să înveți
There you are! I ... you everywhere. începe să înveți
He is certainly not stupid. MEANS începe să înveți
He isn't stupid by any means./By no means is he stupid.
The man in that painting bears a strong resemblance to my uncle. REMINDS începe să înveți
The man in that painting reminds me very much of my uncle.
No matter how hard I tried I couldn't open the door. Try... începe să înveți
as hard as I might I couldn't open the door.
The critics were very impressed be her performance. her performance made... începe să înveți
a great impression on the critics.
I would do anything for you. There's... începe să înveți
nothing that I wouldn't do for you.
Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date. If you had told me... începe să înveți
in advance I could have avoided that date.
Once he's been there a few weeks, Richard ... used to his new school. începe să înveți
'I'm very strong.' 'I don't believe you... see you lift that suitcase.' începe să înveți
In spite ... the bus he still arrived on time. începe să înveți
If you had been in that situation, ... taken? începe să înveți
what decision would you have
It is my strong belief that John was responsible. SUSPECT începe să înveți
I strongly suspect John of being responsible.
It was obvious that the old house was past its prime. DAYS începe să înveți
The old house had known better days.