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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
czasami jest to bardzo męczące, zwłaszcza gdy trzeba często zmieniać środki transportu. începe să înveți
sometime it's very tiring especially when you have to change your means for transport frequently.
nie zawsze da się spać podczas takiego wyjazdu începe să înveți
it is not always possible to sleep during such a trip
zostać oszukanym. kiedy podróżujemy, musimy być bardzo ostrożni, ponieważ czyhają na nas różne niebezpieczeństwa începe să înveți
getting ripped off. when we travel, we must be very careful because mamy diffrent dangers await us
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
kiedy podróżuje do innego kraju i nie mogę rozmawiać z miejscowymi z powodu bariery językowej începe să înveți
when traveling to another country and I can't talk to the locals because of the language barrier
kiedy się zgubię rozładuje mi się telefon, nie mogę korzystać z Google Maps mam kiepską orientację więc czasami jest to trudne zwłaszcza jeśli jestem w kraju w którym nikt nie mówi po angielsku i po polsku începe să înveți
when i get lost, my phone goes flat, i can't use google maps, i have poor orientation so sometimes it's difficult especially if i'm in a country, where no one speaks english and polish
începe să înveți
bardzo Tęsknię za rodziną dziećmi i żoną. Kiedy podróżuje sam na przykład w podróży służbowej do innego kraju începe să înveți
I miss my family, children and wife very much. When traveling alone, for example, on a business trip to another country
co to jest szok kulturowy începe să înveți
szok kulturowy odnosi się do uczucia niepewności dezorientacji lub Niepokoju których ludzie mogą doświadczać podczas przeprowadzki do nowego kraju lub poznawania nowej Kultury lub otoczenia începe să înveți
culture shock refers to the feeling of uncertainty, disorientation or anxiety, that people may experience, when moving to a new country or experiencing a new culture or surroundings.
doświadczyłem trochę tego we Francji Ale to były raczej pozytywne emocje începe să înveți
I experienced some of that in France. But it was rather positive emotions
byłem zaskoczony jak bardzo są tam otwarci ludzie w Polsce jest inaczej ludzie są mniej ufni przynajmniej na początku începe să înveți
I was surprised how open people are there, in Poland it's different, people are less trusting, at least at the beginning
începe să înveți
jest to słowo fraza, kiedy ludzie spotykają się i mówią słowo Witamy się nawzajem începe să înveți
it is a word a phrase when people meet and say a word of Welcome to each other
ofensywa; obraźliwy, chamski începe să înveți
Nie jestem pewien, ale myślę, że to słowo oznacza, że ktoś jest niemiły, gburowaty, niegrzeczny începe să înveți
I'm not sure but I think it is word that means how someone is unkind surly, rude
începe să înveți
te słowa oznaczają chęć pomocy, goszczenia w domu, chęć poznania się, otwartość începe să înveți
these words mean willingness to help, to be hosted at home, to get to know each other, to be open
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
jest to zła opinia, niekorzystna începe să înveți
this is a bad opinion, unfavorable
începe să înveți
oznacza przystosowanie się do nowych warunków lub miejsca lub okoliczności începe să înveți
means adapting to a new condition or place or circumstance
generalnie Japonia to tak zupełnie inny kraj niż Polska, że można by o niej opowiadać godzinami începe să înveți
generally Japan is such a completely different country from Poland that you could talk about it from hours
może podam jakieś przykłady începe să înveți
maybe I can give some examples
Czytałem że lepiej nie zostawiać napiwków w Japonii începe să înveți
I've read that it's better not to tip in Japan
jest to bardzo popularne w Polsce ale obraźliwe w Japonii To może wtedy zostać Źle zrozumiane începe să înveți
it's very popular in Poland but offensive in Japan It can be misunderstood then
Japończycy nie tolerują rozmów w komunikacji miejskiej to jest oznaką złego zachowania începe să înveți
The Japanese do not tolerate conversations in public transport, it is a sign of bad behavior.
w Polsce jest zupełnie inaczej tutaj często dochodzi do głośnych rozmów i nikt nikim się nie przejmuje începe să înveți
in Poland it is completely different here, there are often loud conversations and no one cares about anyone
Ja również tego nie lubię ale tak po prostu jest începe să înveți
I don't like it either, but that's just the way it is
tutaj w zasadzie wszystko jest inne, kultura pracy, ludzie, religia, szkolnictwo i tak dalej. începe să înveți
here basically everything is different, work culture, people, religion, schooling, and so on.
podczas posiłków w Japonii używa się pałeczek a nie łyżek i sztućców jak w Polsce i Europie începe să înveți
during meals in Japan chopsticks are used, not spoons and cutlery as in Poland and Europe
Jeśli używamy pałeczek nie powinniśmy wbijać ich pionowo w miskę z ryżem Jest to rytuał pogrzebowy începe să înveți
If we use chopsticks, we should not stick them vertically into the rice bowl. This is a funeral ritual
Wielka Brytania słynie z wielkokulturowości i otwartego podejścia do religii începe să înveți
Great Britain is famous for its multiculturalism and open approach to religion
Anglicy cenią kurtuazyjność începe să înveți
The English value courtesy.
Anglicy nie ujawniają publicznie swoich myśli Polacy są natomiast zupełnie inni cenimy szczerość începe să înveți
The English do not reveal their thoughts publicly. Poles are completely different. We value honesty
Anglicy to indywidualiści a Polacy tworzą sieci powiązań społecznych începe să înveți
The English are individualists and the Poles create networks of social connections
anglice są bardzo głośni nieokrzesani przekraczają granicę Dobrego Smaku widzę to w Krakowie bo jest ich tutaj dużo începe să înveți
the English are very loud the rude cross the border of Good Taste I see it in Krakow because there are a lot of them here
Smutne jest że w Indiach życie ludzkie nie liczy się tak bardzo jak w Europie prawdopodobnie ze względu na dużą populację i biedę începe să înveți
It is sad that in India human life does not count as much as in Europe probably because of the large population and poverty
bardzo często aranżowane są tam małżeństwa w Polsce jest zupełnie inaczej tutaj ludzie wybierają sami începe să înveți
very often marriages are arranged there, in Poland it is completely different here, people choose themselves
Hindusi mają wspaniałą kuchnię opartą na przyprawach jest bardzo pyszna i pełna kolorów bardzo ostra w Polsce Kuchnia jest inna începe să înveți
Indians have a wonderful cuisine based on spices, it is very delicious and full of colors, very spicy in Poland The cuisine is different
w Brazylii jest zupełnie inny klimat i pory roku w Polsce często jest zimno w Brazylii zimy i śniegu nie ma începe să înveți
in Brazil there is a completely different climate and seasons in Poland it is often cold in Brazil there is no winter and snow
Brazylia to mistrzowie piłki nożnej dla nich piłka nożna jest jak religia tam wszyscy kochają ten sport începe să înveți
Brazil is the champions of football for them football is like a religion there everyone loves this sport
w Polsce piłka nożna to sport narodowy ale piłkarze są beznadziejni tragiczni zawsze przegrywają nie mogę już na nich patrzeć începe să înveți
in Poland, football is a national sport but footballers are hopeless, tragic, they always lose, I can't look at them anymore
Brazylijczycy są zadowoleni z życia mimo że mają cięższe życie începe să înveți
Brazilians are satisfied with life even though they have a harder life
w Polsce status materialny jest nieco wyższy ale wiele osób nie jest zadowolonych lubi na wszystko narzekać începe să înveți
in Poland, the material status is slightly higher, but many people are not satisfied and like to complain about everything
Brazylii jest duża przestępczość w Polsce żyje się bezpiecznie nie ma tutaj karty i narkotykowych începe să înveți
There is a lot of crime in Brazil, life is safe in Poland, there are no cards and drugs here
w Polsce jest przestępczość ale w porównaniu do Brazylii znacznie mniejsza începe să înveți
there is crime in Poland but compared to Brazil much less
pierwszy etap jest najlepszy ze wszystkich są same pozytywne emocje i doświadczenia începe să înveți
the first stage is the best of all. there are only positive emotions and experiences
są to takie emocje jak radość szczęście Euforia entuzjazm generalnie kochasz wszystko w swoim nowym otoczeniu începe să înveți
these are emotions such as joy happiness euphoria enthusiasm generally you love everything about your new environment
lecz stopniowo od nadmiaru tego wszystkiego Przechodzimy w drugi etap începe să înveți
but gradually from the excess of it all We pass to the second stage
później znikają dobre emocje i W ich miejsce pojawiają się złe începe să înveți
then the good emotions disappear and bad ones take their place
pojawia się frustracja zagubienie dezorientacja a nawet niepokój jesteśmy sfrustrowani naszym codziennym życiem problemami w komunikacji różnicami kulturowymi złą orientacją w terenie i tak dalej începe să înveți
frustration occurs confusion disorientation and even anxiety we are frustrated with our everyday life communication problems cultural differences poor orientation in the field and so on
începe să înveți
the next stage is depression
wtedy tracimy nadzieję na poprawę brak możliwości asymilacji zrozumienia odczuwamy że nie pasujemy do nowego miejsca i otoczenia începe să înveți
then we lose hope for improvement no possibility to assimilate understanding we feel that we do not fit in the new place and environment
tracimy wiarę że będzie lepiej że ludzie będą rozumieli nasze problemy începe să înveți
we lose faith that it will get better, that people will understand our problems
ostatni etap to akceptacja începe să înveți
the last step is acceptance
tutaj akceptujemy nasz stan i trudną sytuację odzyskujemy wiarę powoli się asymilujemy z otoczeniem chcemy nauczyć się języka i poznać nową kulturę începe să înveți
here we accept our condition and difficult situation we regain faith we slowly assimilate with the environment we want to learn the language and get to know a new culture