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descarcă mp3 printează joacă Testează-te
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The current situation of the... can be regarded as far from satisfactory
începe să înveți
Obecną sytuację... można uznać za odległą od zadowalającej
This is illustrated by the fact that the percentage of.../sortage of/ (multiplied three Times/definitely/increased/ slightly decreased) from 100 in 2022 to 12 in 2023
începe să înveți
Ilustruje to fakt, że odsetek.../sortowania/ (pomnożony trzykrotnie/zdecydowanie/wzrósł/nieznacznie spadł) ze 100 w 2022 r. do 12 w 2023 r.
Furthermore, as indicated by statistical data collected from ... the amount of financial resources for... has increased/ decreased by half
începe să înveți
Ponadto, jak wskazują dane statystyczne zebrane z ... wysokość środków finansowych na... wzrosła/zmniejszyła się o połowę

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