începe să înveți
începe să înveți
idź się wspinać, iść w góry începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Czy kiedykolwiek wspiąłeś się na tę górę? Have you ever climbed this mountain?
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Oni poszli na spacer do lasu. They went on a walk to the forest.
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Co tydzień chodzę na niedzielną mszę. I go to a Sunday Mass every week.
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Wynajmuję dzielony pokój.
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na śniadanie, na obiad, na kolację începe să înveți
for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner
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Masz ochotę na trochę jajecznicy? Would you like some scrambled egg?
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Staliśmy tam, podziwiając szczyty gór. We stood there admiring mountain peaks.
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On spędził wakacje w górach. He spent his holiday in the mountains.
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începe să înveți
zdawać sobie sprawę, uświadamiać sobie începe să înveți
Nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, że oni mieli tego samego ojca. I didn't realize that they had the same father.
începe să înveți
Naleśniki były pyszne, Jane. The pancakes were delicious, Jane.
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Zgaduję, że skłamał, że jest zmęczony, bo nie chce mnie widzieć. I guess he lied that he was tired because he doesn't want to see me.
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I guess the weather will be raining tomorrow
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Zapisałam się na kurs. I signed up for a course.
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Przygotowałem tabelę przedstawiającą wyniki mojej analizy.) I prepared a chart showing the results of my analysis.
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începe să înveți
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începe să înveți
Czy brałeś udział w zawodach? Did you participate in the competition?
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Wczoraj wziąłem udział w klasowej debacie.)l Yesterday, I took part in a class debate.
începe să înveți
Mam nadzieje, że ta przepowiednia nie jest kłamstwem. I hope this prediction is not a lie.
pamiętaj, aby coś zrobić / zapomnieć, aby coś zrobić începe să înveți
remember to do something / to forget to do something
Zapamiętać / Przypomnieć dobie începe să înveți
Pamiętam, że spotkałem go raz lub dwa razy. Nie potrafię przypomnieć sobie swojego numeru PIN. I remember meeting him once or twice. I cannot remember my PIN number.
Nie mogę sobie przypomnieć, gdzie to było. începe să înveți
I can’t remember where it was.
începe să înveți
Mój portfel został zgubiony, co ja teraz zrobię? Musimy przedyskutować, dlaczego przegrałeś w wyborach. My wallet is lost, what will I do now? We need to discuss why you lost an election.
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Para wzięła kredyt na zakup domu. The couple took a loan to buy a house.
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take a loan from the bank
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Jest mi bardzo przykro, ale muszę odwołać nasze spotkanie. I'm very sorry, but I have to cancel our meeting.
redukować, obniżać, zmniejszać începe să înveți
Obniżyliśmy temperaturę w domu, bo było za gorąco. Oni obniżyli swoje ceny. We reduced the temperature in the house, because it was too hot. They reduced their prices.
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Możesz wyjść, pod warunkiem, że wrócisz przed północą. You can go out on the condition that you'll come back before midnight.
Jest wypełniony w niewłaściwy sposób. începe să înveți
It is filled in a wrong way.
partia polityczna, impreza începe să înveți
Czy jesteś członkiem tej partii? W polskim parlamencie jest 5 partii. Are you a member of this party? There are 5 parties in the Polish parliament.
zrywać, zbierać (owoce, kwiaty) începe să înveți
Panienko, nie można w parku zrywać kwiatków. Miss, you can't pick flowers in the park.
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începe să înveți
Znajdź 10 błędów w zdaniach i popraw je. Find 10 mistakes in the sentences and correct them.
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începe să înveți
On ostatecznie zgodził się pójść z nami. He finally agreed to go with us.
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Co sprawiło, że zmieniłeś zdanie?
czekać na coś z niecierpliwością începe să înveți
looking forward to something zekam z niecierpliwością na kolejne wiadomości od ciebie. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again/ your reply/ the weekend.
începe să înveți
Jane opiekuje się dziećmi. Jane is looking after the children.
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Czego szukasz? Szukam pracy. What are you looking for? I'm looking for a job.
uroczystość, święto, obchody începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Jak długo trwał film? Lekcja trwa czterdzieści pięć minut. How long did the film last? A lesson lasts forty-five minutes.
naprzeciwko, przeciwieństwo începe să înveți
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spłacić pożyczkę przez ... lata începe să înveți
pay back a loan over ... years
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to borrow money to someone
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începe să înveți
Twój brat jest zawsze taki optymistyczny - jak on to robi? Your brother is always so optimistic - how does he do that?
Pożyczać pieniądze (od kogoś) începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Do you know anybody here?
Zamierzasz zostać na długo? începe să înveți
Are you going to stay for long?
To Twoja pierwsza wizyta? începe să înveți
Is this your first visit?
începe să înveți
What are you planning to do?
Kiedy wyjeżdżasz? Kiedy wracasz? începe să înveți
When are you leaving? When are you coming back?
începe să înveți
Does he know you're coming?
Jak zamierzasz się tam dostać? începe să înveți
How are you going to get there?
Jak długo zamierzasz tu zostać? începe să înveți
How long are you going to stay here?
Gdzie się zatrzymałeś w Londynie? începe să înveți
Where are you staying in London?
zajęty, zajęty, najbardziej zajęty începe să înveți
busy, busier, the busiest
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Ulepszyliśmy system, powinien działać lepiej. We improved the system, it should work better.
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Mogę znaleźć lepszą pracę, kiedy wrócę do domu. începe să înveți
I can get a better job when I go back home.
Mam nadzieję, że szybko znajdę pracę, bo nie mam dużo pieniędzy. începe să înveți
I hope I can find some work quickly, because I don’t have much money.
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z przyjemnością czekaj na coś, co się wydarzy începe să înveți
wait with pleasure for something which is going to happen
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zaopiekuj się kimś lub czymś începe să înveți
take care of somebody or something
începe să înveți
Mógłbyś nakarmić kota, kiedy mnie nie będzie? Kupiłem wystarczająco jedzenia, żeby wykarmić rodzinę złożoną z sześciu osób. Would you mind feeding the cat while I'm away? I bought enough food to feed a family of six.
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na Wielkanoc, na Boże Narodzenie începe să înveți
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începe să înveți
Mam ochotę na pizzę dziś wieczorem. Czy masz ochotę na kolejnego drinka? I feel like pizza tonight. Do you feel like another drink?
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drugi (ten drugi, przeciwny) începe să înveți
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half-time job, part-time job
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take turns, take it in turns Wszyscy na zmianę zabieramy dzieci do szkoły. We all take it in turns to take the children to school.
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samozatrudniony, zatrudniony na własny rachunek începe să înveți
Opłaca się być samozatrudnionym. Ona postanowiła rozpocząć własną działalność gospodarczą i pracować na własny rachunek. It pays to be self-employed. She decided to start her own business and became self-employed.
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Czy mógłbyś mi udzielić kilku rad dotyczących zakupu komputera? Could you give me some advice on buying a computer?
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Nauczyciel doradził uczniom, żeby poszli do biblioteki. Nie wiem co mam zrobić - możesz mi coś doradzić? The teacher advised his students to visit the library. I don't know what to do - can you advise me something?
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începe să înveți
Czy jest zakaz używania plastikowych toreb? Is there a prohibition against using plastic bags?
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începe să înveți
Samochody są zakazane w centrum Berlina. Cars are prohibited in the centre of Berlin.
kluski, pierogi, knedle (nadziewane) începe să înveți
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începe să înveți
Ona ugotowała rosół na obiad. She cooked some broth for dinner.
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Do zrobienia tego sosu potrzebujesz bulionu z kurczaka. You need chicken stock to make this sauce.
wsiadać (do autobusu, pociągu, samolotu) începe să înveți
Oni wsiedli do autobusu. Czy zawsze wsiadacie na tym przystanku? They got on the bus. Do you always get on at this stop?
începe să înveți
On wsiadł do swojego samochodu i odjechał. Wsiadaj do samochodu i nie zadawaj pytań.) He got in his car and drove off. Get into the car and don't ask questions.
wysiadać (np. z samochodu)////wyjść z domu începe să înveți
Wysiadaj z mojego samochodu albo zadzwonię na policję. Get out of my car or I'll call the police.
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Czy przyjmujecie karty kredytowe? Czy oni przyjmą moje przeprosiny? Do you accept credit cards? Will they accept my apology?
audycja, program (np. w radio, w telewizji) începe să înveți
Chciałem obejrzeć ten program w telewizji, ale zasnąłem. I wanted to watch this TV broadcast but I fell asleep.
puszczać (w radiu), transmitować (program TV) începe să înveți
Program będzie transmitowany w stu krajach na całym świecie. The show is to be broadcast to 100 countries around the world.
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
Ona zapisała się na lekcje gotowania. Czy chciałbyś się zarejestrować i otrzymywać nasz codzienny biuletyn? She signed up for cooking classes. Would you like to sign up and receive our daily newsletter?
începe să înveți
Żeby dowiedzieć się więcej, odwiedź naszą stronę internetową. To find out more, visit our website.
Nauczyciel chciał dowiedzieć się, dlaczego zapisaliśmy się na kurs. începe să înveți
The teacher wanted to find out why we signed up for the course.
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începe să înveți
Jeśli nie jesz, stajesz się słabszy. If you don't eat, you become weaker.
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Nie płacz jak dziecko - musisz być silna. Don't cry like a child - you have to be strong.
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umówić się na spotkanie (do naprawy) începe să înveți
make appointments (for repair) Numer, na który należy zadzwonić, żeby umówić się na wizytę, to 203-4455. The number to call to make an appointment is 203-4455.
începe să înveți
On poprosił swojego pracodawcę o podwyżkę. He asked his employer to give him a raise.
zatrudniony (osoba zatrudniona) începe să înveți
On jest pracownikiem firmy przemysłowej. He's an employee of a manufacturing company.
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ciasto (przed upieczeniem) începe să înveți
Czy mógłbyś dać mi przepis na to ciasto? Could you give me the recipe for that dough?
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începe să înveți
Kazała mi usmażyć mięso, przed dodaniem go do sosu. Moja mama smaży kurczaka w kuchni. She told me to fry the meat before adding it to the sauce. My mother is frying the chicken in the kitchen.
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Ona smaży kotlety z kurczaka. She is frying chicken chops.
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Przykryj i wstaw do lodówki na co najmniej 4 godziny. Cover and refrigerate for at least 4 hours
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Byłem na nią wściekły, gdy zobaczyłem ją pijaną. I was so mad at her when I saw her drunk.
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Oni szli wzdłuż drogi. They walked along the road.
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Idź tam i powiedz im to, co mi powiedziałeś. Go on over there and tell them what you told me.
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Pierwszy raz od wielu lat începe să înveți
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I was at the hairdresser.
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Nie wiemy na pewno, czy oni są w to zamieszani. We do not know for sure if they are involved.
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To z pewnością nie było łatwe pytanie. Well, it certainly wasn't an easy question.
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începe să înveți
Musiałem uzupełnić pięć formularzy. I had to fill in five forms.
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Musze powtórzyć wszystko jeszcze raz przed egzaminem i będę gotowy. I need to review everything one more time before the exam and I'll be ready.
powtarzać słownictwo i gramatykę începe să înveți
powtarzać, powiedzieć coś ponownie începe să înveți
Czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć? Powtórz to zdanie po mnie. Could you repeat that? Repeat this sentence after me.
powtarzać materiał - powtarzać i ucz się începe să înveți
revise - repeat and learn
începe să înveți
Oni odwołali spotkanie. They called off the meeting.
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începe să înveți
Na początku byłem wystraszony.
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To był jeden z najgorszych okresów w moim życiu. It was one of the worst periods in my life.
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începe să înveți
that's not the whole story
Kiedy tam dotarła / przybyła. începe să înveți
When she got/arrived there.
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She wanted to give her a lift.
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Podwiozę cię. Czy mogę cię podwieźć z powrotem do twojego mieszkania? I'll give you a lift. Can I give you a lift back to your place?
începe să înveți
Mój kot jest bardzo leniwy i lubi wylegiwać się na słońcu przez cały dzień. Spędziliśmy leniwą niedzielę w domu. My cat is very lazy and likes lying in the sun all day. We spent a lazy Sunday at home.
pracowity (np. dzień, czas), zajęty, zapracowany începe să înveți
o był dla nas pracowity dzień. Przykro mi, ale dziś wieczorem jestem zajęty. It was a busy day for us. I'm sorry but I'm busy tonight.
începe să înveți
Zgadnij kogo wczoraj spotkałem! Guess whom I have met yesterday!
Przypuszczam, że to może być prawda. începe să înveți
I guess it might be the truth.
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Better than nothing, I guess.
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make a guess, take a guess, have a guess Strzelaj. Nie zabiję cię, jeżeli podasz złą odpowiedź. Have a guess. I won't kill you if you don't get the answer right.
pospolity, powszechny, zwykły începe să înveți
To są pospolite rośliny. On nosi zwykłe, szare garnitury. These are common plants. He wears common, grey suits.
începe să înveți
Muszę zrobić powtórkę przed jutrzejszym egzaminem. I need to do a revision before the exam tomorrow.
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Chciałbym umówić się na spotkanie. I would like to make an appointment.
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How are things at work and apart from work?
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începe să înveți
Czy masz jakieś doświadczenie w pracy? Ona ma trzy lata doświadczenia w marketingu. Do you have any work experience? She has three years of experience in marketing.
usatysfakcjonowany, zadowolony începe să înveți
Jestem zadowolony z tego, co mam. Nie wmawiaj mi, że jesteś zadowolony z zajmowanego tutaj stanowiska. I'm satisfied with what I have. And don't try to tell me you're satisfied with your present position here.
jednocześnie / w tym samym czasie începe să înveți
începe să înveți
They like this place very much.
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începe să înveți
Polityk był bardzo zdenerwowany przed wyborami. The politician was very nervous before the election.
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I’m not interested in politics.
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Politicians who rule the country
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Chciał rządzić światem. He wanted to rule the world.
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Robię omlet na śniadanie. I'm making an omelette for breakfast.
ciesz się życiem i jedzeniem începe să înveți
cieszyć się, lubić, czerpać przyjemność începe să înveți
Co lubisz najbardziej? Ona lubi czytać książki. What do you enjoy the most? She enjoys reading books.
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