Czasowniki nieregularne w czasie przeszłym - zdania

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Kiedy ostatnio kupiłeś lody? Kupiłem ostatnio lody zeszłego lata.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you bought ice cream? I bought ice cream last summer.
Kiedy ostatnio wróciłeś do domu spóźniony? Wróciłem ostatnio do domu spóźniony wczoraj.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you came home late? I came back home late yesterday.
Kiedy ostatnio robiłeś prace domowe? Robiłem ostatnio prace domowe w minioną Sobotę.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you did your housework? I have been doing homework recently this past Saturday.
Kiedy ostatnio piłeś sok pomarańczowy? Ostanio piłem sok pomarańczowy pół roku temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you drank orange juice? I drank orange juice six months ago.
Kiedy ostatnio jadłeś fast food? Ostatnio jadłem fast food dwa tygodnie temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you ate fast food? I recently ate fast food two weeks ago.
Kiedy ostatnio wstałeś spóźniony? Wstałem spóźniony dziś rano.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you got up late? I got up late this morning.
Kiedy ostatnio byłeś popływać? Pływałem ostatnio pół roku temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you went swimming? I swam last six months ago.
Kiedy ostatnio miałeś imprezę? Miałem imprezę w zeszłym tygodniu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you had a party? I had a party last week.
Kiedy ostatnio spotkałeś swoich dziadków? Spotkałem moich dziadków godzinę temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you met your grandparents? I met my grandparents one hour ago.
Kiedy ostatnio grałeś w koszykówkę? Grałem w koszykówkę dawno temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you played basketball? I played basketball a long time ago.
Kiedy ostatnio mówiłeś po angielsku? Mówiłem po angielsku pięć minut temu.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you spoke English? I spoke English five minutes ago.
Kiedy ostatnio zwiedzałeś muzeum? Zwiedzałem muzeum przedwczoraj.
începe să înveți
When was the last time you visited the museum? I visited the museum the day before yesterday.

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