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The person or organization that owes money is the debtor. începe să înveți
Osoba lub organizacja, która jest winna pieniądze, to dłużnik.
The money paid to shareholders out of a company’s profits is the d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8). Answer: dividend începe să înveți
Pieniądze wypłacane akcjonariuszom z zysków spółki to d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8). Odpowiedź: dywidenda
The document sent to the debtor by the creditor, showing how much money is owed and for what, is the s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9) of an account. Answer: statement începe să înveți
Dokument wysyłany dłużnikowi przez wierzyciela, pokazujący, ile pieniędzy jest winne i za co, to wyciąg z konta.
When one company joins another to form a larger single company, the new company is the result of a m_ _ _ _ _ (6). Answer: merger începe să înveți
Gdy jedna firma łączy się z inną, tworząc większą pojedynczą firmę, nowa firma jest wynikiem m_ _ _ _ _ (6). Odpowiedź: fuzja
Knowledge that a takeover is likely usually sends s_ _ _ _ (5) prices up. Answer: share începe să înveți
Wiedza o możliwym przejęciu zazwyczaj powoduje wzrost cen akcji.
A call to someone in the same area is a l_ _ _ _ (5) call. Answer: local începe să înveți
Połączenie do kogoś w tej samej okolicy to połączenie lokalne.
f you reach a switchboard, you will have to ask for the e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9) you require. Answer: extension începe să înveți
Jeśli dotrzesz do centrali telefonicznej, będziesz musiał poprosić o numer wewnętrzny, którego potrzebujesz.
A small, specialized part of a market is called a market n_ _ _ _ (5). Answer: niche începe să înveți
Mała, wyspecjalizowana część rynku to nisza rynkowa.
The luxury end of the market is an u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8). Answer: upmarket începe să înveți
Luksusowy segment rynku to segment premium.
What the sales rep says to the potential customer is a sales p_ _ _ _ (5). Answer: pitch începe să înveți
To, co przedstawiciel handlowy mówi potencjalnemu klientowi, to oferta sprzedaży.
A product which can be recognized by its name is a b_ _ _ _ _ (5). Answer: brand începe să înveți
Produkt, który można rozpoznać po jego nazwie, to marka.
The same letter that is sent to a large number of possible buyers is a m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8). Answer: mailshot începe să înveți
Ten sam list wysyłany do dużej liczby potencjalnych nabywców to kampania pocztowa.
E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11) is a way of advertising when a famous person recommends a product. Answer: endorsement începe să înveți
Rekomendacja to sposób reklamy, gdy znana osoba poleca produkt.
Money you borrow from a bank for your business is a l_ _ _ (4). Answer: loan începe să înveți
Pieniądze, które pożyczasz z banku na swój biznes, to pożyczka...
When an economy is in a period of reduced and slow business activity, it is in r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9). Answer: recession începe să înveți
GKiedy gospodarka jest w okresie ograniczonej i wolnej aktywności gospodarczej, jest w recesji.
The money that is spent by a business is called the e_ _ _ _ _ _ (6). Answer: expense începe să înveți
Pieniądze wydane przez firmę to wydatek.
Materials in their natural state used to make something else, e.g., coal and oil, are r_ _ _ (3) m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9). Answer: raw materials începe să înveți
MSurowce w stanie naturalnym, używane do produkcji czegoś innego, np. węgiel i ropa, to surowce naturalne.
Most businesses need to borrow money to finance i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11) (things they need to buy in order to help the company, e.g., machines). Answer: investment începe să înveți
Większość firm musi pożyczyć pieniądze, aby sfinansować inwestycje (rzeczy, które muszą kupić, aby pomóc firmie, np. maszyny).
If you take a loan from the bank, you have to pay i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8) on this loan. Answer: interest începe să înveți
Jeśli weźmiesz kredyt z banku, musisz zapłacić odsetki od tego kredytu.
All the necessary costs for a company, e.g., rent for buildings, electricity, telephone, are called o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9). Answer: overheads începe să înveți
Wszystkie niezbędne koszty dla firmy, np. czynsz za budynki, prąd, telefon, to koszty ogólne.
Employees of a company are also called s_ _ _ _ (6). Answer: staff începe să înveți
Pracownicy firmy to również personel.
When i_ _ _ _ _ (5) is low, prices do not go up. Answer: income începe să înveți
Kiedy dochód jest niski, ceny nie rosną.
When a company makes neither a profit nor a loss, it b_ _ _ _ _ (6) e_ _ _ (4). Answer: breaks even începe să înveți
Kiedy firma nie osiąga zysku ani straty, wychodzi na zero.
The things you hope to do/achieve within a period of time are your o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10). Answer: objectives începe să înveți
Rzeczy, które masz nadzieję zrobić/osiągnąć w określonym czasie, to twoje cele.
If the company is doing very well, it is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (8). Answer: successful începe să înveți
Jeśli firma dobrze prosperuje, odnosi sukces.
A company of which at least half the share capital is owned by another company, called a parent or holding company, is a s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10). Answer: subsidiary începe să înveți
Firma, której co najmniej połowa kapitału zakładowego jest własnością innej firmy, nazywanej spółką dominującą lub holdingową, to spółka zależna.