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someone who does not wake up easily începe să înveți
not to move the whole night as asleep începe să înveți
pass out, hit a haystack and sleep like. a log
începe să înveți
Pol etatu A high proportion of these workers may be part time.
începe să înveți
It is one of my most vivid memories. He is a good writer because he has a very vivid imagination. vivid colors of his paintings impress a high percentage of people
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începe să înveți
începe să înveți
forces us into consciousness
to use what is available although it is not enough or what you wanted: începe să înveți
Can you make do with $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?
a time when you stay in bed later than usual in the morning: începe să înveți
I'm not working tomorrow so I can have a bit of a lie-in.
forceful arguments have started începe să înveți
For years debate has raged over how far humans have contributed to the climate change
începe să înveți
szkarada They think the new library building is an eyesore.
going forward unconsciously începe să înveți
the act of getting out of bed and walking around while you are sleeping: Sleepwalking is normal and children typically grow out of the habit around age 12. Doctors say sleepwalking is more common than most people realize. Our modern society is sleepwalking into a disastrous future.
make something less attractive începe să înveți
These small faults, however, do not detract from the overall quality of the book.
începe să înveți
I must buy that laptop. It's expensive and quite heavy but the benefits definitely outweighs the drawbacks
începe să înveți
The dentist extracted two of my teeth yesterday
come all at the same time începe să înveți
The whole family converged to visit my grandparents. There was not enough chairs to place them all on
începe să înveți
I've tried numerous ways to solve this controversial problem.
small, not serious, minor începe să înveți
małostkowość petty theft, crime, pettines
encouraged to do something you shouldn't începe să înveți
podjudzać We cannot let the other side egg us on into a civil war.
to have revealed sb's secret începe să înveți
wydawać kogoś
începe să înveți
He clasped his suitcase when he walked through the crowd. I clasped my fingers around this colorful, shiny wrappers.
începe să înveți
byczek I need to chat with this hunk for a bit. hunk of a roasted meat.
începe să înveți
economical, Provident, frugal începe să înveți
the careful use of money, especially by avoiding waste-thrift But the boy still remains cold towards her and is even thrifty with his words.
worse but on a more advanced level începe să înveți
These new episodes of saga are nothing else but inferior travesty to the previous ones.
If something happens at (), it happens after a long period of time; for a long time începe să înveți
At length, the authorities allowed her to go home. George went on at great length about his various illnesses.
to bring into being: ORIGINATE especially: to concoct in secret începe să înveți
He hatched a plot to forge documents that would embarrass the company.
începe să înveți
If someone has an (), they notice everything, even very small details: începe să înveți
We sat down and started the exam under the eagle eye of the teacher. As nothing escaped Steven's eagle eye he always profreads all the documents and contracts in our company.
someone who can do many different jobs începe să înveți
człowiek orkiestra, złota rączka An artist with the right technology can become a jack-of-all-trades. My uncle is a jack of all trades. He runs a bank company, can speak in 5 different languages and owns a bakery, where he prepares delicious bakings.
to start working or studying hard: zakasac rękawy începe să înveți
You're going to have to really knuckle down (to your work) if you want to pass your final exams. to write my homework, i have to at first knuckle down and collect necessary material
to experience something (unnecessarily sth oleasent) începe să înveți
I'm facing the worst moments of my life. Jane's life changed once she faced death.