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1. geneza, źródło 2. pochodzenie începe să înveți
What origin do some words in European languages have? Some words in European languages have Latin or Greek origin.
1. autentyczny 2. niezwykły începe să înveți
How much is an original painting by Picasso worth? An otiginal painting by Picasso is worth about $ 150.000
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In which of these cities was the capitl of the USA originally set up 1) New Yourk, 2) Washington, 3) Philadelphia? The capital of the USA was originally set up in Philadelphia
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Who committes the original sin? The first people, Adam and Eve committed the original sin.
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undertake/ undertook/ undertaken What do the police undertake after a crime's been committed? The police undertake a criminal investigation after a crime's been committed.
1. badanie 2. prowadzić badania începe să înveți
Why do scientists undertake research? Scientists undertake research to discover new facts about things.
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What tasks must you undertake every day? I must undertake such task as working/ shopping/ cleaning every day.
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Can we omit an identifying relative clause in a sentence? No we can't omit an identifying relative clause in a sentence.
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Have you ever been threatened with dismissal at work? No, I have never been threatened with dismissal at work.
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What do we mean by empty threats? By empty threats we mean something that won't really be done.
1. prowadzić śledztwo 2. badać începe să înveți
Do the police have to investigate death or bomb threats? Yes, the police have to investigate death or bomb threats.
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What happens if a teacher can't keep discipline in the classroom?
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Some children live in terror of going to school when they're bullied.
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The FBI is the famous organization in the USA which investigates into acts of terrorism or terrorist threats.
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Terrorists threaten to blowa up buildings or kill people so that governments agree to their demands.
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1. wiązać się z 2. wplątać începe să înveți
Many od the crimes today involve drugs because drug dealing is very profitable.
1. związany z 2. wplątany 3. wciągnięty 4. zaangażowany începe să înveți
Which country do some people believe was involved in the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II?
începe să înveți
Running a restaurant and dealing in cars are commercial undertakings which often involve an element of risk.
1. ogłosić, oznajmić 2. zadeklarować începe să înveți
Do we have to declare all our income in our tax declaration?
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Is it a crime not to declare alcohol or cigarettes at customs?
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Do you think most people declare all their income? Yes because they fear that if someone found out they didn't declare all their income, they'd pay a high fine.
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Disadvantage of having a curious neighbour is that he knows everything about us.
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Curiosity is a strong desire to know about somebody or something.
1. pragnienie, pożądanie 2. pragnąć începe să înveți
Bill Gates has enough money to satisfy all his desires.
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1. stres, presja 2. akcent 3. podkreślić (zaakcentować) începe să înveți
It would cause me a lot of sress if my boss threatened me with dismissal.
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People sweat when they're under stress or in a state of excitement.
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What excites your curiosity? Soap operas excite my curiosity.
podniecenie, zdenerwowanie începe să înveți
A job in an office cant' hold the same excitement as a job with the police.
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People sometimes pretend to be deaf when they hear a question they don't want to answer
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People sometimes pretend to be cheerful (pogodny wesoły) after an argument. Drivers in my city often get into arguments with other ones.
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The FBI keeps people they suspect of making terrorist threats or attacks, drug dealers or anybody involved in offences under observation
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Have you ever suspected anybody of doing something illegal?
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złapać na gorącym uczynku începe să înveți
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If i saw somebody shoplifting, I would inform the store security.
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Acts of vandalism frequently take place during football matches.
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Kidnappers often threaten to kill their victim if the ransom is not paid.
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An important politician should confess to a love affair immediately if he had one and someone blackmailed him by threating to tell the press about it.
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Education should be a high priority for teenagers because it's difficult to find a well-paid job without good education.
Droga do Green Mountain w sezonie jest zamknięta dla pojazdów. începe să înveți
The road to Green Mountain is closed for the season to vehicles.
zabezpieczenie, bezpieczeństwo începe să înveți
Financial security is a top priority for most of us.
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Some synonyms od the word 'Major' are 'important', 'essential', 'key' and 'main'
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Smoking is one of the major causes of cancer.
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Breast cancer is a major health problem for women in well-developed countries.
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1. bałagan, 2. (po)brudzić 3. kłopoty începe să înveți
If I organised a party at home, the place would be in an awful mess afterwards
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It isn't wise to mess with lawyers.
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If I mess up an exam, I have to study more and take it again.
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The majority of people in my country are for smoking bans in public places.
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The human rights of miniorities are well protected in my country.
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Courts sometimes ban people from leaving the country if they are suspected of committing an offence.
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If I were a diabetic, I'd have to leave beer out from my drinks.
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Leaving out letters at the end of words is a common spelling mistake.
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An engaged copule often needs to leave some guests out when they plan their wedding bacuse they may lack enough money to invite everyone to the wedding.
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We can find a public lavatory at a railway station.
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The informal word for 'lavatory' is 'loo'
1. zaangażować, zająć 2. przystąpić do walki începe să înveți
I know some games that engage both the body and the mind.
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The majority of people aren't engaged in their work too seriously.
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The opposite of an engaged lavatory is a vacant one.
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If you asked me to weigh the pros of the Internet against the cons of it, I think the cons would turn out to be less important. [turn out-okazać się]
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Military training is compulsory in my country.
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przede wszystkim, po pierwsze începe să înveți
If I were to thank someone at a wedding party, it would be proper to start with "First of all"
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When I want to do the shopping I make a list beforehand.
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Sunlight, wind and rain are renewable energy sources available in the environment.
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zdecydować się, powziąć decyzję începe să înveți
It can be difficult to make up one's mind when there are too many choices.
zmienić zdanie, rozmyślić się începe să înveți
I sometimes change my mind about who to vote for furing the elections.
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Whomen in my contry got the vote in 1918.
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Renewable energy sources have a less serious effect on the environment.
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The most effective way to discipline a lazy employee is to pay them less.
przejść, zostać poddanym, ulec np przejść procedurę, ulec zmianie începe să înveți
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Roads and hotels often undergo repair before important public events.
przekształcić, przeobrazić începe să înveți
przekształcenie, przeobrażenie începe să înveți
My country has undergone a major transformation in the last 20 years.
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There are no questions in this stage that are beyond my abilities.
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It isn't easy to convince a stubborn (uparty) person to do something.
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Films at the cinem sometimes disappoint me.
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If I were disappointed with a gift, I'd be able to hide it easily.
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A holiday during which it rains all the time can be a real disappointment.
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humorzasty, łatwo wpadający w gniew începe să înveți
It wouldn't be easy to have a telephone conversation with a bad-tempered person.
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Some drivers lose their temper quickly when they get stuck in a traffic jam.
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Long-term unemployed people have a passive attitude towards searching for an occupation.
mieć (dobre) nastawienie wobec începe să înveți
have a (good) attitude towards I'd have a good and active attitude to an occupation which gives a lot of satisfaction.
1. zawód 2. zajęcie 3. okupacja (formal) începe să înveți
The main occupation of some celebrities is going to parties and shopping.
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People often need the help of a plastic surgeon when they've beeninjured in an accident [injure - ranić, skaleczyć]
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The dangers of smoking athat I'm aware of are certain health problems and passive smoking.
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People have plastic surgies because they think they can reverse ageing.
starzenie, starzejący się începe să înveți
The risk of death increases with ageing.
przeważać, mieć większe znaczenie începe să înveți
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If I were going to buy a house, the size of the house would be a major factor...
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The number of people in my country is rapidly decreasing.
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I'm against beating children for misbehaving as a punishment.
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It's currently so difficult to beat some world records in athletics because the human body has its limits.
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We sometimes bitterly regret that we said something/ we bought something that broke quickly.
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If someone let me down but then showed sincere regret, I'd forgive them.
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z poważaniem - yours sincerely începe să înveți
We add 'Yours sincerely' to a formal letter addressed to a person by name.
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I can speak to my friend with complete sincerity.
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Natural light is better for plants to grow in than artificial light.
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People buy and sell shares of different companies at a stock exchange.
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Bill Gates is the major shareholder of Microsoft.
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Governments can prevent terrorism by fighting countries that support terrorist organisations.
1. popierać 2. utrzymywać (np rodzinę) 3. poparcie începe să înveți
You need to earn about $1000 a month to support a family in this country. The government in this country has a lot of support from the population.
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Passangers are prohibited from using their mobile phones on a plane.
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There is no prohibition against selling soft drugs in the Netherlands.
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It's a bit crazy to swim in the sea in the middle of winter.
bardzo coś lubić, szaleć za începe să înveți
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zawinąć, zgięcie, fałdować începe să înveți
Every person who wants to do a jump must fold their parachute themselves so that no one else can be blamed if it doesn't open in the air.
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być zwariowanym, szalonym începe să înveți
denerwować, doprowadzić do szału începe să înveți
Certain noises/traffic jams drive me bananas.
1. główny 2. szef, dowódca începe să înveți
'major', 'key' or 'important' can be a synonym of te world 'chief'
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My work chiefly consists in sending emails.
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Some people cheat on their partners because they are bored.
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Trousers can easily be torn.
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Spouses frequently turn against each other when they are splitting up.
1.(roz)dzielić 2. rozedrzeć începe să înveți
If I won the lottery, I'd split the money with my family.
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When people split up with someone, they often tear up their photographs.
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Monitoring employees' emails is a sensitive issues.
1. akceptować 2. godzić się (z faktem) începe să înveți
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Can the xitiziens of Mexico cross the frontier with the USA without any limits?
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When you say that the frontier of computer science are pushed back every jear, you mean that the development of computer science is very rapid.
odpowiedzialny/nieodpowiedzialny începe să înveți
responsible / irresponsible
odpowiedzialność, obowiązek începe să înveți
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odmówić, odprawić, odwrócić începe să înveți
Have you ever been turned away from entering a club?
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Are you for or agains opening frontiers for refugees?
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What can be done to fight poverty in the world?
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1. rejestr, 2. czyjaś przeszłość, 3. nagrywać începe să înveți
Would it be easy to get a job if you had a criminal record?
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I have a special button on my computer keyboars to turn the volume up and down. People may be turn down at job interviews if they don't have enough skills for a job.
1. zgłośnić 2. pojawić się începe să înveți
What would you do if someone whom you invited to your birthday party didn't turn up?
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duckling turn into a swan; a piece of coal can turn into a diamond; bitter experiences can sometimes turn a person int either someone.
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What do we use to store papers in order?
gromadzić inf. na czyjś temat începe să înveți
szkoda, krzywda, zaszkodzić începe să înveți
Love affair could harm a politician's reputation
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Word of mouth is important to most businesses because positive word of mouth can help to increase the number of customers.
wyrządzić więcej złego niż dobrego începe să înveți
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What kind of things distract your attention? Strange noises distract my attention.
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oskarżyć, (ob)winić (o coś) începe să înveți
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If somebody accused me of something I didn't do, I'd deny the accusation
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