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Byliśmy zaskoczeni wiadomością o wygraniu konkursu. începe să înveți
We were surprised to find out that we won the competition.
Wiem z wiarygodnego źródła, uwierz. începe să înveți
I know it from a reliable source, believe me.
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zmieszany, zdezorientowany începe să înveți
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Po 2 godzinach spędzonych w zimnej wodzie był wyczerpany. începe să înveți
After 2 hours spent in cold water he was exhausted.
Rozmowa o pracę była raczej na luzie. începe să înveți
The job interview was rather laid back.
Szczerze mówiąc, chcieliśmy po prostu nakręcić naprawdę zabawny, dowcipny film. începe să înveți
To be perfectly honest, we just wanted to make a really entertaining, witty film.
Jack jest pewny siebie i inteligentny. începe să înveți
Jack is confident and intelligent.
Byłem zirytowany jego spóźnieniem. începe să înveți
I was annoyed with him for being so late.
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Była tak niezdecydowana, że było dla niej prawie niemożliwe wybranie, co zjeść na obiad. începe să înveți
She was so indecisive, she found it almost impossible to choose what to have for dinner.
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To była naprawdę wredna uwaga! începe să înveți
That was a really bitchy comment!
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Gwiazdy rocka często są samotne i nieszczęśliwe. începe să înveți
Rock stars are often lonely and sad.
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