English class A2 unit 6 reading ex. 6/81

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1. Peel and slice some apples
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1. Obierz i pokrój na plasterki kilka jabłek
2. Then
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2. Potem
3. Put them in a bowl with some strawberries and orange juice
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3. Włóż je do miski z truskawkami i sokiem pomarańczowym
4. Put
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4. włóż
5. Mix to make a simple and healthy fruit salad
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5. Wymieszaj, aby przygotować prostą i zdrową sałatkę owocową
6. Simple cake
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6. Proste ciasto
7. Mix 125 grams of butter with 125 grams of sugar
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7. Wymieszaj 125 gramów masła ze 125 gramami cukru
8. Then add two eggs and 125 grams of flour
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8. Potem dodaj dwa jajka i 125 gramów mąki
9 flour
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9 mąka
10. Bake the cake in the oven for 20 minutes
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10. Piec ciasto w piekarniku przez 20 minut
11. When it is cool, take it out of the cake tin
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11. Kiedy jest chłodne, wyjmij je z formy do pieczenia
12. Simple chicken legs
începe să înveți
12. Proste udka z kurczaka
13. Mix some oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl
începe să înveți
13. Wymieszaj trochę oleju, soku z cytryny, soli i pieprzu w misce
14. Put the chicken legs in the bowl and leave them for two hours
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14. Włóż udka z kurczaka do miski i pozostaw na dwie godziny
15. Roast the chicken legs in the oven for about 35 minutes
începe să înveți
15. Piecz udka z kurczaka w piekarniku przez około 35 minut

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