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Răspuns |
jak najszybciej potwierdź, że podana data jest zadowalająca începe să înveți
please confirm that the date given is satisfactory as soon as possible
Byłbym wdzięczny za przesłanie mi próbek ... / zdjęć... începe să înveți
I would appreciate if you could send me some samples of... /pictures of...
începe să înveți
Could you please send me...
Byłbym szczęśliwy mogąc otrzymać / uzyskać / zostać poinformowanym începe să înveți
I would be glad to receive/obtain/to be informed
Byłbym wdzięczny gdybyś mógł... începe să înveți
I would be grateful if you could...
jesteśmy jednym z głównych producentów ... w Hiszpanii începe să înveți
we are one of the main producers of... in Spain
jesteśmy pod wrażeniem najnowszej gamy modeli... începe să înveți
we are most impressed with you latest range of model...
otrzymaliśmy twoje imię od... începe să înveți
we were given your name by...
începe să înveți
you were recommended to us by...
Odpowiadam na Twoją reklamę w czerwcowym wydaniu ... i chciałbym dowiedzieć się więcej o... începe să înveți
I am replying to your advertisement in June edition of... and I would like to know more about...
Byłbym wdzięczny za więcej szczegółów na temat ... które reklamujesz... începe să înveți
I would appreciate more details about... which you are advertising...
Gdyby koncesje, o które prosiliśmy, mogły zostać spełnione, z pewnością złożylibyśmy znaczne zamówienie începe să înveți
If the concessions we have asked for could be met, we would certainly place a substantial order
Jeśli produkt będzie zadowalający, w przyszłości będziemy składać u Ciebie kolejne zamówienia începe să înveți
If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the future
Jeśli podane ceny są konkurencyjne, a jakość do standardu, będziemy zamawiać regularnie începe să înveți
If the prices quoted are competitive, and the quality up to standard, we will order on a regular basis
Pod warunkiem, że możesz zaoferować korzystne oferty i zagwarantować dostawę w ciągu ... od otrzymania zamówienia, będziemy składać z tobą regularne zamówienia începe să înveți
Provided you can offer favourable quotations and guarantee delivery within... from receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you
Z przyjemnością załączamy nasz najnowszy katalog ..., zgodnie z życzeniem începe să înveți
we have plessure in enclosing our latest catalogue..., as requested
Zgodnie z obietnicą dołączamy teraz naszą najnowszą broszurę i możemy skorzystać z okazji, aby przypomnieć o... începe să înveți
As promised we now enclose our latest brochure, and may we take the opportunity to remind you of...
zawsze jesteśmy gotowi rozważyć specjalne warunki w przypadku znacznego zamówienia începe să înveți
we are always prepared to consider special terms in the case of a substantial order
W razie dodatkowych pytań prosimy o kontakt. începe să înveți
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For payment within 10 days from receipt of invoice, an extra discount of 5% of net price would be allowed începe să înveți
Nasi współpracownicy w branży opakowań wysoko oceniają twoje nowe maszyny pakujące i chcielibyśmy uzyskać więcej informacji na ich temat. începe să înveți
Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your new packaging machines and we would like to have more information about them.
Jestem szczególnie zainteresowany, ale chciałbym zadać dalsze pytania începe să înveți
I am particularly interested in... but I would like to ask some further questions
Mam pewne wątpliwości dotyczące ... i zastanawiałem się, czy możesz je rozwiać începe să înveți
I have some doubts concerning... and I was wondering if you could dispel them
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś începe să înveți
I was wondering if you could
Miałem nadzieję, że możesz... începe să înveți
I was hoping you could...