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The atmosphere at our school was highly competitive. involving competition, determined or trying very hard to be more successful than other people or businesses începe să înveți
oparty na rywalizacji, konkurencyjny Atmosfera w naszej szkole była bardzo konkurencyjna.
They hired a private tutor to help Adam with his English. someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small group, and is paid directly by them începe să înveți
prywatny nauczyciel, korepetytor Zatrudnili korepetytora, żeby pomogł Adamowi z językiem angielskim.
These bikes are quite a common sight all over the world. occuring or appearing frequently începe să înveți
częsty widok, powszechny widok Te motory to całkiem pospolity widok na całym świecie.
I’ll be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. a cloth bag filled woth soft material that you put your head on when you are sleeping începe să înveți
Zasnę, gdy tylko przyłożę głowę do poduszki
Maddox was reluctant to talk about it. unwilling; not wanting to do sth începe să înveți
Maddox był bardzo niechętny, żeby o tym rozmawiać.
Martins now faces the biggest challenge of his career. sth that is difficult and tests someone's ability, determination, strength or skill începe să înveți
Martins stawia czoła największemu wyzwaniu w swojej karierze.
The government has passed new legislation to protect consumers. to oficially approve of sth and make it into a law or rule începe să înveți
przyjmować/uchwalać ustawę (wniosek) Rząd uchwalił nowe przepisy w celu ochrony konsumentów.
Mozart was a musical prodigy. a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill începe să înveți
Mozart miał ogromny talent muzyczny.
The agreement attracted a lot of political controversy. a serious argument about something that involves many people and continues for a long time începe să înveți
Porozumienie było przyczyną wielu sporów na tle politycznym.
She was determined to win. having a strong desire to do sth, so that you will not let anyone stop you începe să înveți
Była zdeterminowana, żeby wygrać.
forbidden, prohibited, banned It is forbidden to smoke at school. not allowed, especially because of an official rule începe să înveți
Palenie jest zabronione w szkole.
The book is a series of interviews with outstanding artists and writers. începe să înveți
Książka jest serią wywiadów z wybitnymi artystami i pisarzami.
Rick has always excelled at foreign languages. to do sth very well, or much better than most people începe să înveți
być najlepszym/osiągać doskonałe wyniki Rick zawsze osiągał najlepsze wyniki, jeżeli chodzi o języki obce.
Alex has always been a bit of a rebel. someone who refuses to do things in the normal way, or in the way that other people want them to începe să înveți
Alex zawsze był typem buntownika.
Roger took painting up for a while, but soon lost interest. to become interested in a new activity and to spend time doing it începe să înveți
podejmować/zabierać się za coś Roger zabrał się za malowanie, jednak po pewnym czasie stracił zainteresowanie.
Paul resented the fact that Alice didn’t trust him. to fell angry or upset about a situation or about something that someone has done, especially because you think that it is not fair începe să înveți
mieć żal o coś/mieć do kogoś pretensje Paul miał żal do Alice, że mu nie ufa.
I was brought up by adoptive parents as an only child. a child who has no brothers or sisters începe să înveți
Zostałem wychowany przez rodziców adopcyjnych i byłem jedynakiem.