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Wzajemne zaufanie i wsparcie stanowią tkaninę każdej zdrowej społeczności. începe să înveți
Mutual trust and support are the fabric of any healthy community.
Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy, musimy bardziej się starać, jeśli chcemy osiągnąć sukces. începe să înveți
Let's face it, we need to work harder if we want to succeed.
nie potrafić zrozumieć (zaakceptować) On nie potrafił zrozumieć, dlaczego jego plan nie zadziałał. începe să înveți
He failed to understand why his plan didn't work.
Po całym dniu pracy na słońcu zaczął czuć się słabo. începe să înveți
After working all day in the sun, he began to feel faint.
Gdy zapada noc, wioska staje się cicha i spokojna începe să înveți
As the night falls, the village becomes quiet and peaceful.
Po rozmowie wszystko zaczęło się układać w całość. începe să înveți
After the conversation, everything began to fall into place.
Mimo starań, ich wyniki nie spełniły oczekiwań. începe să înveți
Despite their efforts, their results fell short of expectations.
Wielu ludzi zmarło z głodu podczas klęski głodowej w regionie. începe să înveți
Many people died of hunger during the famine in the region.
jak na razie wszystko idzie dobrze Pracujemy nad projektem od tygodnia i jak na razie wszystko idzie dobrze. începe să înveți
We've been working on the project for a week, and so far so good.
Jest daleki od poddania się mimo trudności. începe să înveți
He is far from giving up despite the difficulties.
Bardzo szybko i w dużej ilości Po ogłoszeniu wiadomości, gratulacje zaczęły napływać gęsto i szybko. începe să înveți
After the announcement, congratulations started coming in thick and fast.
na korzyść (Wybierając coś zamiast innej rzeczy) Głosowali za nową polityką începe să înveți
They voted in favour of the new policy.
Warunki były sprzyjające do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu. începe să înveți
The conditions were favourable for conducting the experiment.
Był nieustraszony, stawiając czoła niebezpieczeństwom. începe să înveți
He was fearless in the face of danger.
Na przyjęciu goście ucztowali na wykwintnych potrawach. începe să înveți
At the party, the guests feasted on gourmet dishes.
Specjalny program lub artykuł Magazyn opublikował specjalny artykuł na temat zmian klimatycznych. începe să înveți
The magazine published a feature on climate change.
Jego argumenty były słabe i nieprzekonujące. începe să înveți
His arguments were feeble and unconvincing.
Radzić sobie samemu bez pomocy innych Po wyprowadzce z domu rodzinnego musiał sam sobie radzić. începe să înveți
After moving out of his family home, he had to fend for himself.
Nowy sklep szybko zapełnił zapotrzebowanie na świeże warzywa w okolicy. începe să înveți
The new store quickly filled the demand for fresh vegetables in the neighborhood.
docierać, stać się zrozumianym Informacje zaczęły docierać do pracowników po ogłoszeniu decyzji przez zarząd. începe să înveți
The information started to filter down to the employees after the board's announcement.
Zrozumieć powody, dla których coś się dzieje Wiedział, że coś jest nie tak, ale nie potrafił dokładnie określić, co. începe să înveți
put one's finger on something He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Zasoby naturalne Ziemi są ograniczone. începe să înveți
The Earth's natural resources are finite.
stawiać coś na pierwszym miejscu Zawsze stawia zdrowie swoich dzieci na pierwszym miejscu. începe să înveți
She always puts her children's health first.
Jego teoria była wadliwa i wymagała poprawy. începe să înveți
His theory was flawed and needed improvement.
Wspiął się po schodach na drugie piętro. începe să înveți
He climbed a flight of steps to the second floor.
Po opublikowaniu książki, autor był zasypany wiadomościami od fanów. începe să înveți
be flooded with something After publishing the book, the author was flooded with messages from fans.
Czas leci, kiedy bawisz się dobrze. începe să înveți
Time flies when you're having fun.
Postanowił podążać za przykładem swojego mentora i ciężko pracować. începe să înveți
He decided to follow his mentor's example and work hard.
Powiedział coś niewłaściwego na spotkaniu i naprawdę wsadził w to nogę. începe să înveți
He said something inappropriate at the meeting and really put his foot in it.
Zdecydował podążać śladami swojego ojca i zostać lekarzem. începe să înveți
follow in one's footsteps He decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a doctor.
siła z którą trzeba się liczyć Nowa drużyna jest siłą, z którą trzeba się liczyć na arenie międzynarodowej. începe să înveți
force to be reckoned with The new team is a force to be reckoned with on the international stage.
Koncepcja medytacji była mu obca. începe să înveți
The concept of meditation was foreign to him.
Policja odkryła fałszerstwo ważnego dokumentu. începe să înveți
The police discovered a forgery of an important document.
To szkło jest bardzo kruche, więc proszę być ostrożnym. începe să înveți
This glass is very fragile, so please be careful.
Delikatna, słaba lub niezdrowa osoba Starsza kobieta była bardzo krucha i potrzebowała wsparcia przy chodzeniu. începe să înveți
The elderly woman was very frail and needed support while walking.
Jego stan umysłu nie pozwalał mu na podjęcie racjonalnych decyzji. începe să înveți
His frame of mind did not allow him to make rational decisions.
Szukał swoich kluczy w szaleńczym pośpiechu. începe să înveți
He searched for his keys in a frantic hurry.
Tłum wpadł w szał na widok gwiazdy filmowej. începe să înveți
The crowd went into a frenzy at the sight of the movie star.
Jest bardzo wybredny, jeśli chodzi o jedzenie i nie zje niczego, co nie jest idealnie przygotowane. începe să înveți
He is very fussy about food and won't eat anything that isn't perfectly prepared.