far from home- expressions

 0    8 cartonașe    angeljulie
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Întrebare Răspuns
było między nimi porozumienie
începe să înveți
there had been agreement among them
co doprowadziło do decyzji
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which led to a decision that...
wkraść się do czegoś
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to sneak sth in/out
to był kamień milowy ułożony na szczycie kamienia milowego
începe să înveți
this was a milestone piled on top of a milestone
coś mocno na kimś ciąży
începe să înveți
sth has been heavily weighing on someone
o najbardziej bezsensownych rzeczach wszechczasów
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about the most senseless things ever
Okazało się, że tak nie jest
începe să înveți
Turned out not to be that way
zebrać swoje życie razem
începe să înveți
to pull one's life together

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