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Nasze firmowe aktywa obejmują nieruchomości, samochody i sprzęt komputerowy. începe să înveți
Our company's assets include real estate, cars, and computer equipment.
zobowiązanie/ odpowiedzialność prawna Ta firma była moją odpowiedzialnością prawną od początku. începe să înveți
This company has been my liability from the start.
Musisz mieć kapitał własny, aby zacząć nowy biznes. începe să înveți
You need to have an equity to start a new business.
Musisz zadeklarować swój przychód na formularzu podatku dochodowego. începe să înveți
You must declare your revenue on your income tax form.
Kupując bilet lotniczy, powinieneś również wziąć pod uwagę pewne dodatkowe wydatki, takie jak opłaty za bagaż. începe să înveți
When buying a plane ticket, you should also take into consideration some additional expenses, such as luggage fees.
Ich miesięczny zysk zwykle wynosi około 3000 dolarów. începe să înveți
Their monthly profit is usually around $3000.
Ta strata nie będzie łatwa do nadrobienia. începe să înveți
This loss will not be easy to make up for.
Poprosiłem go, żeby zarządzał moimi inwestycjami. începe să înveți
I asked him to manage my investments.
Otrzymasz swoją dywidendę na końcu miesiąca. începe să înveți
You will get your dividend at the end of the month.
Rynek obligacji ostatnio wzrósł. începe să înveți
The bond market has gone up recently.
începe să înveți
The company's shares are going up.
Moja żona jest głównym akcjonariuszem w firmie, którą prowadzę. începe să înveți
My wife's a majority shareholder in the company I run.
Stworzymy portfel akcji i obligacji. începe să înveți
We'll create a portfolio of stocks and bonds.
Możesz mieć o pół procenta wyższą stopę procentową. începe să înveți
You may have half a per cent more interest rate.
On włożył trochę kapitału do banku. începe să înveți
He put some capital in the bank.
Nasza firma planuje wprowadzić nowy produkt na rynek w przyszłym miesiącu. începe să înveți
Our company plans to launch a new product on the market next month.
Nasza gospodarka się rozwija. începe să înveți
W tym roku inflacja najpewniej przekroczy 50 procent. începe să înveți
For the year, inflation will likely run above 50 percent.
Deflacja to spadek ogólnego poziomu cen dóbr i usług w gospodarce, co może prowadzić do zwiększenia wartości pieniądza. începe să înveți
Deflation is the decrease in the general price level of goods and services in an economy, which can lead to an increase in the value of money.
Produkt Krajowy Brutto (PKB) Produkt krajowy brutto (PKB) to całkowita wartość wszystkich dóbr i usług wytworzonych w danym kraju w określonym czasie, zazwyczaj w ciągu roku. începe să înveți
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country within a specific time period, usually within a year.
Oni oferują korzystne kursy wymiany walut. începe să înveți
They offer favourable exchange rates.
Bank w końcu udzielił mi kredytu. începe să înveți
The bank gave me credit finally.
Spłaciłem swoje długi, więc stanąłem teraz na nogi. începe să înveți
I paid my debts so I'm on solid ground now.
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Rachunek zysków i strat to dokument finansowy, który przedstawia dochody, koszty i zyski lub straty przedsiębiorstwa w określonym okresie. începe să înveți
Income statement, also known as profit and loss statement, is a financial document that presents the revenues, expenses, and profits or losses of a business over a specific period.
Dzięki, że pokazałeś mi wczoraj właściwe procedury przepływów pieniężnych. începe să înveți
Thanks for showing me the proper cash flow procedures yesterday.
Mamy bardzo ograniczony budżet, nie stać nas na nowy samochód. începe să înveți
We have a very limited budget, we can't afford a new car.
Nasza firma przygotowuje prognozę sprzedaży na następny kwartał, aby lepiej planować nasze działania. începe să înveți
Our company is preparing a sales forecast for the next quarter to better plan our actions.
Sprawozdanie finansowe to dokument prezentujący finansową sytuację przedsiębiorstwa, zawierający informacje o jego aktywach, pasywach, przychodach, kosztach i zyskach lub stratach. începe să înveți
A financial statement is a document presenting the financial position of a company, including information about its assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and profits or losses.
Audyt pokazuje, że istnieją znaczące różnice pomiędzy prowizjami płaconymi za karty bankowe. începe să înveți
The audit shows that there are significant differences between the commission paid for bank cards.
Larry pracuje w księgowości, parę pokoi ode mnie. începe să înveți
Larry works in accounting, down the hall from me.
Jaka była kwota twojego podatku od spadku? începe să înveți
What was the amount of your legacy tax?
Rządowa dotacja pomogła nam zbudować tę drogę. începe să înveți
The government subsidy has helped us build this road.
Para wzięła kredyt na zakup domu. începe să înveți
The couple took a loan to buy a house.
Wciąż spłacam mój kredyt hipoteczny. începe să înveți
I'm still paying off my mortgage.
Kapitał wysokiego ryzyka to forma finansowania, w której inwestorzy udzielają środków finansowych przedsiębiorstwom lub projektom, które charakteryzują się wysokim stopniem ryzyka, ale również mają potencjał na wysokie zwroty z inwestycji. începe să înveți
Venture capital is a form of financing in which investors provide funds to businesses or projects that exhibit high levels of risk but also have the potential for high returns on investment.
Kapitał prywatny to forma inwestycji, w której inwestorzy przekazują środki finansowe do spółek niepublicznych w celu ich rozwoju, restrukturyzacji lub ekspansji. Inwestorzy w kapitale prywatnym często oczekują wysokich zwrotów z inwestycji w przyszłości. începe să înveți
Private equity is an investment in which investors provide funds to private companies in exchange for ownership stakes. Private equity is often used to finance restructuring, expansion, or acquisitions of businesses.
Najwyższy czas, aby strategia "Europa 2020" powstrzymała spekulantów od funduszy hedgingowych. începe să înveți
It is high time that the Europe 2020 strategy put a stop to hedge fund speculators.
Fundusz inwestycyjny to instytucja finansowa, która zbiera pieniądze od wielu inwestorów i inwestuje je w różnorodne instrumenty finansowe, takie jak akcje, obligacje, nieruchomości czy surowce, w celu osiągnięcia zysków dla uczestników funduszu. începe să înveți
An investment fund is a financial institution that pools money from many investors and invests it in various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, or commodities, with the aim of generating profits for the fund's participants.
Płynność finansowa jest kluczowym czynnikiem dla stabilności każdej firmy. începe să înveți
Financial liquidity is a key factor for the stability of any company.
Firma zdecydowała się skorzystać z dźwigni finansowej, aby zwiększyć swoje możliwości inwestycyjne. începe să înveți
The company has decided to use financial leverage to enhance its investment capabilities.
Zysk naszej firmy jest niższy niż w tamtym roku. începe să înveți
The yield of our company is lower than last year.
Instrumenty pochodne to rodzaj finansowych kontraktów, których wartość zależy od wartości innych aktywów lub wskaźników. Przykłady instrumentów pochodnych to opcje, kontrakty terminowe i kontrakty różnic kursowych (CFD). începe să înveți
Derivatives are financial contracts whose value is derived from the value of underlying assets or indicators. Examples of derivative instruments include options, futures contracts, and contracts for difference (CFDs).
Na giełdzie panuje hossa, co oznacza wzrostowy trend na rynku akcji. începe să înveți
There is a bull market on the stock exchange, indicating a rising trend in the stock market.
Inwestorzy obawiają się, że nadejdzie bessa na rynku, co może skutkować spadkiem wartości akcji. începe să înveți
Investors fear that a bear market may come, which could result in a decline in stock values.
Wszystko było gotowe na kupno firmy. începe să înveți
Everything was set for the acquisition of the company.
Firma X ogłosiła planowaną fuzję z firmą Y, co ma na celu zwiększenie ich potencjału rynkowego. începe să înveți
Company X announced a planned merger with Company Y, aiming to enhance their market potential.
Skuteczne zarządzanie ryzykiem finansowym jest kluczowym elementem strategii każdej stabilnej firmy. începe să înveți
Effective financial risk management is a key element of every stable company's strategy.
Moim zadaniem jest zapewnienie zgodności z przepisami. începe să înveți
My job is to ensure compliance with the regulations.
Inwestorzy oczekują wysokiego zwrotu z inwestycji w nową technologię. începe să înveți
Return on Investment (ROI) Investors expect a high return on investment in the new technology.