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The tent was really cramped - we were squashed like sardines. începe să înveți
W namiocie było naprawdę ciasno - byliśmy ściśnięci jak sardynki w puszce.
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get to grips with something I can't get to grips with this problem începe să înveți
be in the grip of something începe să înveți
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You are trying to divest yourself of a property right începe să înveți
pozbawić kogoś, sprzedać komuś
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zwolnić kogoś z czegoś (z obowiązku, podatku)
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uginać się (gałąź), opadać
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Long working hours account for decreased efficiency începe să înveți
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natychmiast, bezzwłocznie
he state's economic woes have been an issue in the campaign începe să înveți
cierpienia, nieszczęścia, kłopoty
soak up the excess production începe să înveți
wchłonąć nadwyżkę produkcyjną
The next President will also have to deal with the trade surplus countries începe să înveți
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osunąć się, gwałtownie zapaść się (liczby)
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The study that came out last month, however, stoked fears all over again începe să înveți
dorzucać do pieca, palić w piecu, wzbudzać (szacunek), wzniecać (emocje)
After years of stalled debate, Congress came close to passing a similar bill last year începe să înveți
At last something is starting to change începe să înveți
W końcu coś zaczyna się zmieniać
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Some anthropologists had called their story implausible from the beginning începe să înveți
nieprzekonujący, mało prawdopodobny
He was so focused on the sign that he didn't notice a car approaching in the backdrop începe să înveți
A lot of people look for bargains in the shops. începe să înveți
Wiele osób szuka okazji w sklepach.
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robić postępy, radzić sobie, kontynuować coś
Things started to get out of hand, as they lost their next three games începe să înveți
wymknąć się spod kontroli
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The show is underway now, so we'll get snacks at the half-time break. începe să înveți
Przedstawienie już trwa, więc pójdziemy po przekąski w czasie przerwy.
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All the appliances have been checked. începe să înveți
Wszystkie urządzenia zostały sprawdzone.
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After his death, his work was continued by his offspring. începe să înveți
Po jego śmierci jego praca była kontynuowana przez jego potomków.
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