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We aim to finish by Friday. to try or intend to achieve something începe să înveți
Zamierzamy skończyć do piątku.
The three men are due to appear in court tomorrow. to go to a law court or other official meeting to give information, answer questions etc începe să înveți
pojawić się / stawić się (w sądzie) Trzej mężczyźni mają jutro stawić się w sądzie.
Only a few journalists dared to cover the story. to be brave enough to do something that is risky or that you are afraid to do – used especially in questions or negative sentences începe să înveți
Tylko nieliczni dziennikarze odważyli się opisać tę historię.
be in a hurry / to be in a rush I was in a rush as usual. a situation in which you need to hurry începe să înveți
Śpieszyłem się jak zwykle.
Sammy took off his coat and proceeded to undo his boots. to do something after doing something else first începe să înveți
przystąpić do robienia czegoś Sammy zdjął płaszcz i zaczął rozwiązywać buty.
I was still striving to be successful. to make a great effort to achieve something începe să înveți
dokładać starań, żeby coś zrobić Wciąż starałem się odnosić sukcesy.
We couldn’t get him to sign the agreement. to persuade or force someone to do something începe să înveți
Nie mogliśmy skłonić go do podpisania umowy.
I couldn’t help thinking about the past. used to say that someone is unable to change their behaviour or feelings, or to prevent themselves from doing something începe să înveți
nie móc się powstrzymać od robienia czegoś Nie mogłem przestać myśleć o przeszłości.
I detest having to get up when it's dark outside. to hate something or someone very much începe să înveți
nie cierpieć / nie znosić Nie cierpię wstawać, gdy na zewnątrz jest ciemno.
She can never resist buying new shoes. to stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do începe să înveți
Nigdy nie może powstrzymać się przed kupowaniem nowych butów.
He resumed reading his newspaper. to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted începe să înveți
wznowić robienie czegoś / wracać do robienia czegoś Wrócił do czytania gazety.
They’ve decided to postpone having a family for a while. to change the date or time of a planned event or action to a later one începe să înveți
Postanowili odłożyć na jakiś czas plany o założeniu rodziny.
Two men have denied murdering a woman. to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something începe să înveți
zaprzeczać / wypierać się Dwóch mężczyzn zaprzeczyło, jakoby zamordowało kobietę.
The exams are at the end of the summer term. one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into. începe să înveți
Egzaminy kończą się pod koniec semestru letniego.
Do you take classes at Kings Community College? attend the class or course începe să înveți
Czy uczęszczasz na zajęcia do Kings Community College?
Thousands of people will starve if food doesn’t reach the city. to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat începe să înveți
Tysiące ludzi będzie głodować, jeśli jedzenie nie dotrze do miasta.
She tore open the envelope and read the letter. a thin paper cover in which you put and send a letter începe să înveți
Otworzyła kopertę i przeczytała list.
Meeting her was the turning point in my life. the time when an important change starts, especially one that improves the situation începe să înveți
Poznanie jej było punktem zwrotnym w moim życiu.
I’m dreading going back to work. to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen începe să înveți
Boję się wrócić do pracy.
I’ve been fortunate to find a job that I love. omeone who is fortunate has something good happen to them, or is in a good situation începe să înveți
Miałem szczęście znaleźć pracę, którą kocham.