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przyzna się innemu koledze începe să înveți
he will admit to anower fellow
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Przyjdź, kiedy tylko chcesz. începe să înveți
Come by whenever you wish.
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ze względu na jego wiek nie powinieneś începe să înveți
in view of his Age, you should not
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nie stać mnie na zakup nowego komputera începe să înveți
i cant afford to buy a new computer
podróż zapewniła mi niezapomniane przeżycia începe să înveți
trip afforded me uforgettable experances
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jego niepowodzenie było spowodowane złym stanem zdrowia începe să înveți
his failure was caused by his poor state of health
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celem tego spotkania jest wybór lidera începe să înveți
this meeting is objective is to choise a leadern
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Get connected, Get through
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fryzjer odsłaniający własną fryzurę, aby zapewnić dziecku większy komfort i pewność siebie începe să înveți
barber revealing his own hair piece to make the kid more comfortable & confident
Ci, którzy dobrze znają prawa fizyki, mogą to osiągnąć începe să înveți
Those who know the laws of physics well can achieve this
Sklep spożywczy został zamknięty w 2003 roku, aby Michael Jackson mógł doświadczyć, jak wyglądają zakupy dla zwykłego człowieka. începe să înveți
The grocery store shut down in 2003 for Michael Jackson to let him experience what shopping is like for a regular person.
Osoby stracone za czary w Europie, 1300-1850 începe să înveți
People executed for Witchcraft in Europe, 1300-1850
Po co w ogóle iść na koncert w tym momencie? începe să înveți
Why even go at the concert at this point?
Dlatego faceci potrzebują przewodnika przetrwania începe să înveți
This is why guys need a survival guide
Kobieta z niezwykle rzadkim znamieniem începe să înveți
Woman with an extremely rare birthmark
Szansa na unicestwienie przez żabę w wannie z hydromasażem jest niska, ale nigdy zerowa începe să înveți
The chance of being annihilated by a frog while in a hot tub is low, but never zero
ta matka widziała w kamerze intruza... începe să înveți
this mother saw an intruder on the camera...
Akcent z Glasgow jest na innym poziomie începe să înveți
The Glaswegian accent is on another level
Bielik bielik jest jednym z najcięższych i największych orłów na świecie, waży od 11 do 20 funtów începe să înveți
Stellar's sea eagle is one of the world's heaviest and one of the largest eagles, weighing between 11 to 20 lbs
Osioł ponownie spotyka się z dziewczyną, która go wychowała începe să înveți
Donkey is reunited with the girl who raised
Życzliwość jest bezcenna... începe să înveți
Strażak ratuje psa, który utknął w zamarzniętym jeziorze. Nie wszyscy bohaterowie noszą pelerynę începe să înveți
Firefighter rescues a dog stuck in an icy lake... Not all heroes wear a cape
Już w 2012 roku międzynarodowa grupa naukowców uniwersyteckich, badaczy wypadków i byłych wojskowych pilotów testowych celowo rozbiła Boeinga 727, aby sprawdzić, które siedzenia mają największe szanse na przeżycie începe să înveți
An international group of university scientists, accidents investigators, and former military test pilots intentionally crashed a Boeing 727 to test which seats had the best chance of survival back in 2012
Timelapse chmur deszczowych nad jeziorem Millstatt începe să înveți
Timelapse of rain clouds over Lake Millstatt
Kim Dzong-un opłakuje wskaźnik urodzeń w Korei Północnej începe să înveți
Kim Jong-un cries over North Korea's birth rate
Przerażający materiał filmowy pokazuje moment, w którym ogromne fale rozbiły szyby promu w Niemczech. începe să înveți
Terrifying footage shows the moment huge waves smashed the windows of a ferry in Germany.
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Obrączka kobiety nie przechodzi testu diamentów începe să înveți
Woman’s wedding ring fails the diamond tester
powinni zabrać im mikrofony începe să înveți
they need their mics taken away
szacunek i dyscyplina w Japonii nie mają sobie równych începe să înveți
the respect and discipline in Japan may be second to none
Mężczyzna próbuje odebrać syna z domu byłej i zostaje dwukrotnie postrzelony przez ojczyma începe să înveți
Man tries to pick up son from exes house and gets shot twice by the stepfather
Mężczyzna rozpoznaje kobietę mającą atak i łapie ją, zanim uderzy o ziemię începe să înveți
Man recognizes a woman having a seizure and catches her before she hits the ground
Dzieciaki próbują przewidzieć, jak będzie wyglądało życie w roku 2000 începe să înveți
Kids trying to predict what life in the year 2000 will be like
Facet denerwuje się, gdy ktoś siada obok niego na lotnisku începe să înveți
Guy gets upset when someone sits next to him at the airport
Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, dlaczego księżna Diana zawsze w miejscach publicznych trzymała głowę spuszczoną începe să înveți
Ever wonder why Princess Diana always kept her head down in public
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kolega lub koleżanka z pracy începe să înveți
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she is gonna to a meeting
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Długość liny mówi mi, że próbowali tego wiele razy i... începe să înveți
The length of the rope tells me they have tried this multiple times and...
Zdecydowanie jestem ciekaw, czy to byłaby minimalna długość, która by zadziałała începe să înveți
Definitely curious if that was the minimum length that would work
Tylko 1 na 100 prób dałaby nam taki wynik. Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy o tym wiecie începe să înveți
Only 1 out of 100 attempts would give us this result. Hope y’all know that
Stado jeleni szukających schronienia podczas ulewnej ulewy w japońskim mieście Nara începe să înveți
A herd of deers taking shelter during a heavy downpour in the Japanese city of Nara
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Dzieje się tak, gdy rodzina spędza dzień w zaciszu własnego podwórka începe să înveți
A family having a day out in the privacy of their own yard then this happens
Prostytutki lub imprezowicze începe să înveți
Prostitutes or party people
mąż odszedł spokojnie wczoraj wieczorem. Jego ostatnia, długa wędrówka na najwyższy szczyt. Powiedziałem mu, żeby szedł dalej i że dogonię go później. Dobry człowiek, który całe życie służył innym. începe să înveți
husband passed away peacefully last night. His last, long hike to the highest summit. I told him to hike on ahead & that I would catch up with him later. A good man who lived a full life of service to others.
Kulturysta otrzymuje nagrodę od Arnolda Schwarzeneggera i od razu jest pod wrażeniem începe să înveți
Bodybuilder receives award from Arnold Schwarzenegger and is instantly starstruck
dlatego mój bagaż zawsze jest w nieładzie începe să înveți
so this is why my luggage is always messed up
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Notatka na szkle sugeruje, że Kuwejt produkuje tyle ropy co sekundę każdego dnia începe să înveți
The note on the glass suggests Kuwait produces this much oil every second every day
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Jest osobą o dobrym sercu, wypuścił rybę ponownie, gdy zobaczył jej dzieci! începe să înveți
He is a kind-hearted person, he let the fish go again when he saw her babies!
Ukraina, Izrael i nielegalni. To właśnie kocha nasz rząd. Nie ludzie, którzy spędzili tu całe życie, pracując tutaj i postępując słusznie. Amerykanie zawsze otrzymują krótszą końcówkę kija za swój wysiłek. To niewdzięczna praca începe să înveți
Ukraine, Israel, and illegals. That's who our government loves. Not the people who have spent a lifetime working here and doing the right thing. The American people always get the short end of the stick for their effort. It's a thankless job
Czasami nie możesz uciec przed przeznaczeniem, niezależnie od tego, co zrobisz începe să înveți
Sometimes you can't escape your destiny no matter what you do
Złodzieje próbują okraść niewłaściwy sklep jubilerski începe să înveți
Thieves try to rob the wrong jewelry store
Liny ciśnieniowe doku są poniżej poziomu începe să înveți
The pressure dockline ropes are under
Kiedy pień drzewa pęka pionowo podczas ścinania, nazywa się to krzesłem fryzjerskim. începe să înveți
When a tree trunk splits vertically while being cut down, it is known as a barber chair.
Niemożliwe, żeby ktoś pomyślał, że to dobry pomysł începe să înveți
Ain’t no way someone thought this was a good idea
Czy ktoś zna kontekst tego zdarzenia? începe să înveți
Does anyone know the context behind this?
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Inteligentny pies odłączył zasilanie începe să înveți
Smart dog disconnected the power
Co w związku z tym zauważyłeś începe să înveți
What do you notice about this
Fantastyczny postęp technologiczny! Zgadnij, kto nie był na lotnisku przez ostatnie 40 lat începe să înveți
Fantastic tech advancement! Guess who hasn't been in an airport anytime in the last 40 years
Przyłapany na wyjściu z celi jest dziki începe să înveți
Caught coming out the cell is wild
Najnudniejszy film wszechczasów? începe să înveți
Most boring movie of all time?
Wszyscy trzej chłopcy Megan Fox uważają, że są transpłciowi. Czy powinna siedzieć w więzieniu za to, że im to zrobiła? începe să înveți
All 3 of Megan Fox’s boys believe they are transgender. Does she belong in prison for doing that to them?
Tucker robi recenzję moskiewskiego McDonalda începe să înveți
Tucker does a review of the Moscow McDonalds
Z jakiego możliwego powodu ktoś miałby potrzebę złożenia telewizora începe să înveți
What possible reason would someone need the tv to fold
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Jeśli chcesz być gejem, bądź gejem începe să înveți
If you wanna be gay, be gay
zaginął na 17 dni w lasach Maui po tym, jak trzymilowa wędrówka zamieniła się w straszliwą mękę. începe să înveți
was lost for 17 days in the forests of Maui after a three-mile hike turned into a harrowing ordeal.
Wyruszyła pieszo bez telefonu komórkowego, jedzenia i wody, gdyż planowała jedynie krótki wypad. Po zejściu ze szlaku nie była w stanie odnaleźć drogi powrotnej. începe să înveți
She set out on foot without a cell phone, food, or water, as she only planned to be out for a short jaunt. After venturing off the trail, she wasn’t able to find her way back.
Doznała poważnych oparzeń słonecznych, urazów nóg i utraty butów, ale przeżyła dzięki jedzeniu jagód, piciu wody ze strumienia i spaniu wśród liści. Po ponad dwóch tygodniach helikopter ratunkowy zauważył ją na szczycie wodospadu începe să înveți
She suffered from severe sunburn, leg injuries, and the loss of her shoes but survived by eating berries, drinking stream water, and sleeping among leaves. After more than two weeks, a rescue helicopter spotted her atop a waterfall
W maju 2019 roku ta instruktorka jogi wybrała się na krótką wędrówkę po bujnych lasach Maui na Hawajach. Jednak jej przygoda przybrała nieoczekiwany obrót, gdy zgubiła drogę i straciła orientację. începe să înveți
In May 2019, this yoga instructor embarked on what was meant to be a brief hike in the lush forests of Maui, Hawaii. However, her adventure took an unexpected turn when she lost her way and became disoriented.
Wciąż największa pomyłka wszechczasów începe să înveți
Still the greatest fumble of all time
Student z Kanady przylatuje na studia samolotem, aby uniknąć czynszu începe să înveți
A student from Canada gets to his studies by airplane to avoid rent
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Czy wierzysz, że niewolnictwo się skończyło, czy właśnie uległo modernizacji? începe să înveți
Do you believe slavery ended or was just modernized
Twój niewielki wysiłek może sprawić komuś pamiątkę na całe życie începe să înveți
Your small effort can make a lifetime memory for someone
Chciałem mieć pewność, że wszyscy zobaczą ten klip i myślą o tym samym co ja. începe să înveți
Wanted to make sure everyone sees this clip and is thinking the same thing as me.
Putin nazwał prezydenta Chin „samotnym wojownikiem”, gdy nie pojawił się żaden z jego personelu începe să înveți
Putin called the president of China "lone warrior" when none of his staff showed up
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Najbardziej oszałamiająca aktorka wszechczasów? începe să înveți
Most stunning actress of all time?
Kalifornię pustoszy potężna burza śnieżna z wiatrem dochodzącym do 300 km/h i szacunkową warstwą ponad 3 metrów śniegu. Warunki były tak złe, że setki pojazdów utknęło na noc na I-80. începe să înveți
California is getting wrecked by a massive snow storm with winds reaching up to 190mph and estimates of more than 10 feet of snow. The conditions were so bad that hundreds of vehicles got stuck overnight on the I-80.
Niektóre raporty szacują, że w weekend opady śniegu osiągną 3,5 metra, a na początku przyszłego tygodnia spodziewane są *kolejne* kilka stóp începe să înveți
Some reports estimate that the weekend snowfall will reach 12 feet with *another* couple feet expected early next week
Tymczasem mój dom w Kalifornii wygląda teraz tak, jak większość Kalifornii. începe să înveți
Meanwhile my house on California looks like this right now, as much of California does.
Siła potrzebna do wykonania tej pracy începe să înveți
The strength required to do this job
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"I'm going straight to hell."
Ten film absolutnie mnie przeraził, gdy w 2012 roku zostałem ojcem. Może nie był to film, który każdemu przypadł do gustu, ale miał moc. începe să înveți
This movie absolutely terrified me as I became a father in 2012. Maybe not a movie to fit everyone's taste, but it was powerful.
Po co zadawać sobie trud wymyślania tak trudnego do wymówienia imienia dla postaci. începe să înveți
Why go to the trouble of making up such an unpronounceable name for a character.
W drugą rocznicę masakry Eva odwiedza Kevina w więzieniu; jego postawa zmieniła się na powściągliwą i przestraszoną w oczekiwaniu na przeniesienie do więzienia dla dorosłych începe să înveți
On the second anniversary of the massacre, Eva visits Kevin in prison; his demeanor has changed to demure and frightened in his anticipation of being transferred to an adult prison
Eva w końcu pyta go, dlaczego popełnił morderstwa. Kevin odpowiada, że kiedyś myślał, że wie, ale nie jest już pewien. Eva obejmuje Kevina i odchodzi. începe să înveți
Eva finally asks him why he committed the murders. Kevin responds that he used to think he knew but is no longer sure. Eva embraces Kevin and leaves.
Jakiś czas później Eva rodzi swoje drugie dziecko i Franklina, Celię, żywą i wesołą dziewczynkę, wobec której Kevin natychmiast odnosi się z pogardą. Kilka lat później świnka morska Celii w tajemniczy sposób znika începe să înveți
Sometime later, Eva gives birth to her and Franklin's second child Celia, a lively and cheerful girl towards whom Kevin is instantly disdainful. A few years later, Celia's pet guinea pig mysteriously goes missing
Eva Khatchadourian, niegdyś odnosząca sukcesy pisarka podróżnicza, mieszka samotnie w zaniedbanym domu i pracuje w biurze podróży w pobliżu więzienia, gdzie odwiedza swojego syna Kevina începe să înveți
Eva Khatchadourian, once a successful travel writer, lives alone in a rundown house and works in a travel agency near a prison, where she visits her son Kevin
Materiał filmowy z 2018 roku pokazuje reakcję Darli Jackson na sześcioletni wyrok więzienia za spowodowanie śmierci podoficera Marynarki Wojennej Stanów Zjednoczonych Zachary'ego Buoba w wypadku drogowym. începe să înveți
Footage from 2018 shows Darla Jackson reacting to her six year prison sentence for causing the death of U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Zachary Buob in a road rage incident.
Dzieło sztuki „The Rotating Mud” właśnie zostało sprzedane anonimowemu nabywcy za 8,2 miliona dolarów începe să înveți
"The Rotating Mud" art piece has just sold for $8.2M to an anonymous buyer
Kiedy nie lubisz ścinać włosów începe să înveți
When you hate having your hair cut
Materiał filmowy przedstawiający kuloodporny pokój, który w amerykańskiej szkole pełni także funkcję tablicy na wypadek masowej strzelaniny începe să înveți
Footage of a bulletproof safe room that doubles as a whiteboard in an American school in case of a mass shooting
Jeśli kochasz to, co robisz, nie przepracujesz ani jednego dnia w swoim życiu începe să înveți
When you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life
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Przyłapany na wyjściu z celi jest dziki începe să înveți
Caught coming out the cell is wild
Dlaczego na zdjęciu Kate Middleton jest tyle skrzyżowań? începe să înveți
Why is there so much crossing on this Kate Middleton image?
Ta dziewczyna poszła do więzienia po tym, jak zepchnęła przyjaciółkę z 60-metrowego mostu începe să înveți
This girl went to jail after pushing her friend off a 60-foot bridge
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Dziewczyna przyłapuje właściciela na wąchaniu jej bielizny... începe să înveți
Girl catches her landlord sniffing her underwear...
Zasługuje na coś lepszego începe să înveți
Wywiad ten wyemitowano na tydzień przed utratą pracy i tytułu najlepiej opłacanego aktora w telewizji. începe să înveți
This interview aired a week before he lost his job and title as highest-paid actor on TV.
Pies przytula swojego właściciela po operacji. începe să înveți
Dog hugs his owner after undergoing surgery.
fotograf uwiecznia moment, w którym lew zakrada się na grupę safari începe să înveți
photographer captures the moment a lion sneaks up on a safari group
mężczyzna czuwa nad domem swojego sąsiada po usłyszeniu serii dźwięków i dostał... începe să înveți
man watches over his neighbour’s house after hearing a series of sound and he got...
Post z podziękowaniami Sydneya Sweeneya. Operator kamery przekroczył w tym zakresie wszelkie oczekiwania. începe să înveți
Sydney Sweeney appreciation post. The camera operator went above and beyond with this.
spadochroniarz Jan Davis spadł i zginął w El Capitan w Yosemite po tym, jak nie otworzył się spadochron începe să înveți
parachutist Jan Davis fell to her death at Yosemite's El Capitan after he parachute failed to open