How to introduce people formally

 0    6 cartonașe    maksborysowski
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Întrebare Răspuns
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is...
Introducing yourself
începe să înveți
Chciałem się tylko przedstawić. Nazywam się...
Introducing yourself
I don't believe we've met before. I'm...
Introducing yourself
începe să înveți
Nie sądzę, że się wcześniej spotkaliśmy. Jestem...
Introducing yourself
I'd like to introduce you to {+ name}.
Introducing someone else
începe să înveți
Chciałbym cię przedstawić {+ imię}.
Introducing someone else
There's someone I'd like you to meet: this is {+ name}.
Introducing someone else
începe să înveți
Jest ktoś, kogo chciałbym, żebyś poznał: to jest {imię}.
Introducing someone else
Have you met {+ name}?
Introducing someone else
începe să înveți
Czy spotkałeś/poznałeś {+ imię}?
Introducing someone else
Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Very nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you.
începe să înveți
Miło Cię poznać.

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