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hot and bothered
Jim gets all hot and bothered when I mention his ex-girlfriend.
începe să înveți
zmieszany, zakłopotany lub zły
Jim jest zakłopotany gdy wspominam o jego byłej.
not give a toss
I don't give a toss that you are tired. You are supposed to finish it today!
începe să înveți
nie obchodzić
Nie interesuje mnie to że jesteś zmęczony. Mialeś to dzisiaj skończyć!
a bit rusty
My apologies if my Spanish is a bit rusty, I hope you understand the intention of the message.
începe să înveți
trochę zardzewiały (o umiejętnościach)
Przepraszam jezeli mój hiszpański jest troche zardzewiały. Mam nadzieję, że zrozumiecie moje intencje w tej wiadomości.
Hands down
Don't stay up all night, his tests are so easy you'll pass them with your hands down.
începe să înveți
z palcem w nosie.
Nie siedź całą noc. Jego test jest na tyle łatwy że zdasz go z palcem w nosie.

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