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kłopotliwy problem wymagający rozwiązania începe să înveți
Gun control is a political hot potato.
powiedz, o czym tak myślisz începe să înveți
a penny for your thoughts For several minutes they sat silently, then finally she looked at him and said, “A penny for your thoughts, Walter.”
începe să înveți
To add insult to injury, after cancelling our flight, they asked us to pay extra!
Cóż, wiemy, że będzie nas to drogo kosztować, tak więc odpowiedzialność finansowa za ceny energii przeminęła z wiatrem. începe să înveți
Well, we know that it is going to cost us an arm and a leg and so financial responsibility regarding energy prices often has gone with the wind.
începe să înveți
You can’t just resign at the drop of a hat.
începe să înveți
(go) back to the drawing board My plan didn’t work, so it was back to the drawing board.
mylić się w ocenie czegoś începe să înveți
to bark up the wrong tree If you think she’s going to help you, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
cieszyć się że (coś/ktoś) znika începe să înveți
be glad to see the back of (sth/sb) I was glad to see the back of that computer – it was nothing but trouble.
începe să înveți
= to beat about the bush Stop beating around the bush and tell me the truth.
începe să înveți
Enjoying the combination of five star luxury with our friendly personal service, you’ll have the best of both worlds.
rzucać się z motyką na księżyc începe să înveți
bite off more than you can chew Are you sure you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew with this job?
începe să înveți
It is good to see you burning the midnight oil along with us.
iść na skróty, ograniczać wydatki kosztem jakości începe să înveți
I won't cut corners just to save money. I put quality first.
być wystarczająco dobrym, aby coś zrobić începe să înveți
We need a better catcher; this one just doesn't cut the mustard.
nie mów "hop", póki nie przeskoczysz începe să înveți
don't count your chickens before they are hatched She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they are hatched.
koniec imprezy, można się rozejść începe să înveți
Elvis has left the building Jake went to the movies and after three long hours the movie had finally ended. Elvis had left the building and it was time to go home.
nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło începe să înveți
every cloud has a silver lining I'm sorry your business is going badly, but don't despair. Every cloud has a silver lining.
w niczym nie przypominać czegoś czasem także: być bardzo daleko od czegoś începe să înveți
be a far cry from something Paris was a far cry from the village where she grew up.
uwierzyć/zaufać komuś mimo pewnych wątpliwości w sądzie: uniewinnić z powodu braku dowodów începe să înveți
give somebody the benefit of the doubt People tell me I shouldn't trust him, but I'm willing to give Simon the benefit of the doubt and wait and see what he actually offers.
începe să înveți
With regard to the gentleman’s comments, I think he has hit the nail right on the head.
începe să înveți
także: hit the hay/sheets When I hit the sack, I read for a few minutes, then turn out the light.
trzymać coś (często jakiś problem) z dala od siebie începe să înveți
Doctors recommend Vitamin C for keeping colds at bay.
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu załatwić dwie sprawy naraz începe să înveți
kill two birds with one stone I have to cash a check and make a payment on my bank loan. I'll kill two birds with one stone by doing them both in one trip to the bank.
kropla, która przepełnia czarę dowolna przykrość występująca jako kolejna w łańcuchu i ostatecznie przekraczająca granice cierpliwości osoby, którą spotyka începe să înveți
także: the straw that breaks the camel's back When he didn’t come home that night, it was the last straw.
nie ruszaj czegoś, co może spowodować problemy; nie wywołuj wilka z lasu începe să înveți
I thought I would ask Jill if she wanted me to pay her back right away, but then I decided to let sleeping dogs lie.
începe să înveți
You should have sold that house a year ago – you missed the boat.
mieć nie po kolei w głowie începe să înveți
not be playing with a full deck That guy's not playing with a full deck!
începe să înveți
He's off his rocker if he thinks he can tackle the whole thing alone.
începe să înveți
(take sth) with a grain of salt I'd take anything I read on the internet with a grain of salt.
bywa używane jako "i tak dalej" începe să înveți
I had a good job, a nice little house, the whole nine yards, We could go the whole nine yards and define every word in the sentence.
începe să înveți
by the skin of one's teeth I passed the test by the skin of my teeth
începe să înveți
get one's head around sth I just can't get my head around these tax forms.
ponieść spektakularną porażkę începe să înveți
dosłownie: (o samolocie) rozbić się Todd went down in flames in his efforts to win the heart of Marsha.
przekonać kogoś do czegoś începe să înveți
She has really sold me on the idea of moving to Australia.
începe să înveți
She has just moved into a new house and is chuffed to bits about that.
începe să înveți
We ended up with a baker's dozen each of socks and undershirts on our shopping trip.
banalne pytanie/problem, nie wymagające namysłu începe să înveți
His proposal of marriage was a no-brainer. She turned him down flat on the spot. (turn down flat - odrzucić z miejsca)
mieć dylemat, wstrzymywać się z wyborem jednej ze stron începe să înveți
When Jane and Tom argue, it is best to sit on the fence and not make either of them angry.
często stosowane by ukazać, że coś jest niemożliwe începe să înveți
Bob: "If we could just get Democrats and Republicans to agree on a tax reform bill, we could bring the deficit down in no time." Dave: "Sure, when pigs can fly!
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
The ending will blow you away.
începe să înveți
They come to visit us once in a blue moon.
wymknąć się spod kontroli începe să înveți
We decided to leave before things got out of hand
tracić czas i energię na straconą/zakończoną sprawę începe să înveți
także: flog a dead horse Do you think it's worth sending my manuscript to other publishers or I am just beating a dead horse?
începe să înveți
I just took the salesman's word that this camera worked. I guess I bought a pig in a poke.
începe să înveți
I am going home to get a cat nap before we go out.
bajeczka, niestworzona historia începe să înveți
I asked for an explanation, and all I got was your ridiculous cock-and-bull story!
începe să înveți
We had a whale of a time at Sally's birthday party.
Powstrzymaj się, gdy zaczynasz osądzać ludzi. începe să înveți
Hold your horses when you're coming to judge people.
începe să înveți
I seem to be in the doghouse with her but I don’t know why.