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każdy powinien znać podstawowe zasady samoobrony
începe să înveți
everyone should know the basic principles of self-defense
drzwi od domu powinniśmy zamykać na dwa zamki
începe să înveți
we should close the door from the house with two locks
kobieta w torebce powinna mieć gaz pieprzowy albo mały paralizator
începe să înveți
the woman in the bag should have pepper spray or a small stun gun
rodzice powinni odprowadzać dzieci do szkoły i nie dawać im za dużo pieniędzy
începe să înveți
parents should take their children to school and not give them too much money
nie możemy nosić dużo biżuterii i mieć drogich rzeczy przy sobie
începe să înveți
we cant wear a lot of jewelry and have expensive things with us
nie pokazywać innym ludziom że mamy duży dom i drogi samochód
începe să înveți
do not show other people that we have a big house and expensive
jeśli mamy przy sobie dużo pieniędzy to powinniśmy jechać samochodem i unikać transportów publicznych
începe să înveți
if we have a lot of money with us then we should drive a car and avoid public transport

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