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zamieszkiwanie, miejsce zamieszkania începe să înveți
used to describe a house that is too dirty or dangerous for people to be allowed to live in it: The building shows signs of habitation. Some parts of the city were unfit for human habitation.
începe să înveți
I won't help you. I'm skint.
începe să înveți
Most vacuum cleaners work entirely by suction.
niesłychany, niewypowiedziany începe să înveți
so great in amount or level that it can not be measured or expressed in words untold riches Words alone cannot convey the untold misery endured by people in these refugee camps.
nikczemnik, łotr, szubrawiec, łachudra începe să înveți
someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules: We need to discourage miscreants.
wnioskować (uważać, że coś jest prawdziwe na podstawie posiadanych informacji) începe să înveți
I gather you are not interested in flying to New York.
bezcielesny, nie posiadający ciała, mający formę duchową, niematerialny începe să înveți
The normal universe had no use for an incorporeal being.
suszyć (jedzenie w celu konserwacji), schnąć (tracić wilgoć) începe să înveți
to remove the moisture from something so it becomes completely dry; to lose all moisture and become completely dry Intensive farming has desiccated the land. Some plants wither quickly and lose their power of recovery if allowed to desiccate.
începe să înveți
to cry in a noisy way like a child. the thick layer of fat under the skin of sea mammals, such as whales, that keeps them warm There he sat, cowering against the wall, blubbering like a child. Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.
łopatka, rydel (mała łopata) începe să înveți
a small tool consisting of a flat metal blade joined to a handle, used for spreading building materials such as cement
buntowniczy, burzliwy, niesforny; HUCZNY începe să înveți
very loud and uncontrolled, and full of energy: We went to a riotous party and danced all night. UK Five students were arrested for riotous behaviour.
zaczątek (np. wiosny), zalążek (np. rewolucji) începe să înveți
stirring (of thing to come) Those riots were only a stirring of things to come. His actions marked the stirring of an entirely new political movement
începe să înveți
a very small, round seed container that sticks to clothes and to animals' fur because it is covered in little hooks He spoke in a soft West Country burr.
petarda, atrakcyjna osoba lub rzecz, ekscytująca osoba lub rzecz, imponująco energiczny începe să înveți
a firework that makes a loud noise when it explodes
strzyk, sutek, brodawka sutkowa (u zwierzęcia; smoczek na butelce începe să înveți
a part of a female mammal's body through which milk passes to her babies
fałszywie wstydliwy, skromny începe să înveți
shy, modest. intentionally keeping something secret: She's very coy about her age.
z przestrogą; karcący (paluch) începe să înveți
advising and warning someone about their behaviour: an admonitory remark She raised an admonitory finger at me
începe să înveți
the feeling of wanting to vomit. a feeling of being worried, unhappy, or uncertain about something Apart from a slight queasiness, physically he felt quite fit. Her queasiness was beginning to pass. There is a general public queasiness about genetically modified crops.
dobre samopoczucie na statku, przyzwyczaić się do czegoś nowego (np. nowej pracy) începe să înveți
I think it takes a while in the campaign to get your sea legs.
przemycić (kogoś do miejsca, w którym nie powinien być, np. do klubu) începe să înveți
She agreed to smuggle him into the building.
începe să înveți
a device that opens and closes to control the flow of liquids or gases, or a similar structure in the heart and the veins that controls the flow of blood: The valve failed to open/close. It was a weak heart valve that caused her death.
gwałtownie, porywczo, zaciekle începe să înveți
in a strong and emotional way:. vēmens "violent, vigorous, (of feelings) overmastering, powerful," perhaps from vehere "to convey, carry along, drive" + -mens, adjective suffix (as in clēmens "mild, calm") of uncertain origin The president has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.
începe să înveți
impas, martwy punkt, sytuacja patowa, niezgoda începe să înveți
impasse a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible
începe să înveți
a list of people's names, often with the jobs they have been given to do If you look on the duty roster, you'll see when you're working.
wynik, urobek, produkcja, wyniki pracy începe să înveți
In 1983, Oceania's coal output reached 630 million tons. Our output has increased two times in comparison to the last year.
aparat destylacyjny, klatka filmu începe să înveți
ciasny, zatłoczony (np. budynek, pomieszczenie) începe să înveți
I don't feel good in cramped spaces.
începe să înveți
łożysko; namiar, położenie; începe să înveți
a part of a machine that supports another part that turns around a wheel bearing a roller bearing. In an underground passage you have no bearings except for what the signs provide. This agreement has no legal bearing.
bardzo hojny, wystawny, przepyszny, pełen przepychu începe să înveți
we were lavishly received by our hosts. This dinner was lavish. I could eat everything I wanted. They lead a lavish lifestyle. nothing lavish, just a simple, down to earth existence
buda, rudera, barak, budka începe să înveți
They reached the last shanty at the end of the street.
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
unable to move or feel the legs or lower part of the body
nawiązać więź dzięki czemuś (np. wspólnym zainteresowaniom începe să înveți
Look, we're already finding things to bond over.
începe să înveți
węszyć w poszukiwaniu czegoś👀 începe să înveți
to look around a place secretly, in order to discover things or find out information about someone or something: People were sent out to snoop on rival businesses. She's the sort of person you can imagine snooping about your room when you're not there.
ekspert (w jakiejś dziedzinie) începe să înveți
someone who is very good at a particular activity: She was a dab hand at tennis and played for her school. Carlo's a dab hand in the kitchen (= good at cooking), isn't he? Used to be a dab hand at taking and driving away."
dobry sen (określenie wystarczającej ilości snu, aby czuć się wypoczętym i dobrze wyglądać) începe să înveți
And the best part of following these beauty sleep guidelines?
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the solid waste passed out of the body of a human or animal through the bowels: The disease is spread by the contamination of food and water by faeces.
începe să înveți
a statement in an agreement, saying that a particular thing must happen before another can He was released from prison with/on the proviso that he doesn't leave the country.
przyjść do głowy, have an idea of, think of începe să înveți
If a thought or idea occurs to you, it comes into your mind The thought did occur to me. [+ that ] It never even occurred to us that he hadn't been invited. Does it ever occur to you that I might want to be on my own sometimes?
krasnoludek z folkloru 🇮🇪 începe să înveți
kompleks (2) ograniczenie, utrudnienie începe să înveți
a permanent and unreasonable feeling of worry about a particular thing, especially about a particular feature of yourself She claims the marriage failed due to his emotional hang-ups. Everyone has their own hangups.
półpiętro, spocznik międzypiętrowy (element schodów) începe să înveți
They have a big window at the landing.
începe să înveți
a quality of being unharmful only by appearance
opalony, śniady (o cerze), płowy 🥃 începe să înveți
He would look at her, those tawny eyes going dark. Even the eyes were the same, one green, the other tawny gold.
începe să înveți
someone who never drinks alcohol: He himself was a non-smoking teetotaler.
începe să înveți
additional money you earn for the amount of sales you make We take 1.5% commission, no less than 5 pounds.