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Grantowie zaniepokoili się o zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne ich córki. începe să înveți
The Grants' became concerned about their daughter's sanity and health.
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to hang out with somebody
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szkoła, gdzie dzieci mieszkają w roku szkolnym începe să înveți
a school where children can live during the school year
powstrzymać się od czegoś Powstrzymaj się od palenia, proszę. începe să înveți
to refrain from something Please refrain from smoking.
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between 13 and 19 years old
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niespokojny, targany konfliktami începe să înveți
maska, kreowany wizerunek artysty începe să înveți
the aspects of a person's character that they show to other people, especially when their real character is different
Ona ma nadzieję dostać pracę w lokalnej gazecie i ostatecznie pracować dla NYT. începe să înveți
She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for “The New York Times.”
Kiedy pojawiła się właściwa szansa, ona wzięła ją. începe să înveți
When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it.
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niezręczna cisza w rozmowie începe să înveți
an awkward pause in our conversation
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Norma Jean Baker, alias Marilyn Monroe începe să înveți
used when a person, especially a criminal or an actor, is known by two names
optować za czymś, wybierać coś Po skończeniu szkoły ona wybrała karierę myzuczną. începe să înveți
After graduating she opted for a career in music.
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Książka zawiera zdjęcia wcześniej niepublikowane. începe să înveți
The book contains a number of photographs not previously published.
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not complete; good in some parts, but not in others a patchy knowledge of Spanish
nucący półgłosem (w stylu sweet) începe să înveți
piosenka z ich ostatniego albumu începe să înveți
a track from their latest album
On został obsadzony w roli ambitnego prawnika w swoim ostatnim filmie. începe să înveți
He cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.
1. rzekomy, pozorny 2. robiony na pokaz Rzekomym powodem jego nieobecności była choroba. începe să înveți
The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.
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