Lavendaire - Plan With Me: September 2021

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another plan
If you have another plan, I'm open to suggestions.
începe să înveți
inny plan
Jeśli masz inny plan, jestem otwarta na sugestie.
a prompts
This is a video where I will share some prompts.
începe să înveți
podpowiedzi / wskazówki
To jest film, w którym podzielę się kilkoma wskazówkami.
to pause
I think we have to pause for a moment and reflect.
începe să înveți
zapauzować, zrobić przerwę
Powinniśmy zatrzymać się na chwilę i zastanowić.
to do sth along with sth
Plan along with this video.
începe să înveți
robić coś razem/wraz z czymś
Zaplanuj wraz z tym filmem.
later on
Later on, I'll share my answers as well.
începe să înveți
później / potem
Później podzielę się również moimi odpowiedziami.
make sure you...
Make sure you are happy with the property before you sign anything or pay any money.
începe să înveți
upewnij się, że ty...
Upewnij się, że jesteś zadowolony z nieruchomości, zanim cokolwiek podpiszesz lub zapłacisz pieniądze.
down below
I went down below to look for her.
începe să înveți
na dole
Zszedłam na dół, żeby jej poszukać.
let's begin with
You must have many questions, so let's begin with the most important one.
începe să înveți
zacznijmy od
Musicie mieć wiele pytań, więc zacznijmy od najważniejszego.
a statement
How much you agree with that statement?
începe să înveți
Jak bardzo zgadzasz się z tym stwierdzeniem?
to take steps to do sth
I took steps to get closer to my goals.
începe să înveți
podjąć kroki, aby zrobić coś
Podjąłem kroki, aby zbliżyć się do swoich celów.
to list sth
List any mini goals you have for the month
începe să înveți
wymienić, wylistować coś
Wymień wszystkie mini-cele, które masz na miesiąc.
a habits
Any habits or activities that you also want to do.
începe să înveți
przyzwyczajenia / nawyki
Wszelkie nawyki lub czynności, które również chcesz wykonywać.
a highlights
A highlights from the past month.
începe să înveți
najważniejsze wydarzenia
Najważniejsze wydarzenia z ostatniego miesiąca.
to learn
What is one thing that you learned? / What did you learn?
începe să înveți
uczyć się
Czego się nauczyłeś?
be proud of sth
What is one thing that you're proud of?
începe să înveți
być dumnym z czegoś
Z czego jesteś dumny?
to improve
How can you improve for next month?
începe să înveți
poprawić / ulepszyć
Jak możesz się poprawić na przyszły miesiąc?
a fun activity
What is a fun activity that I can plan for myself in September?
începe să înveți
zabawa / fajna aktywność
Jaką fajną aktywność mogę zaplanować dla siebie we wrześniu?
a goals
Set your goals for September.
începe să înveți
Wyznacz sobie cele na wrzesień.
moving on
Moving on, I'd like to look at your solution of this problem, if that's OK.
începe să înveți
idąc dalej
Chciałbym przyjrzeć się twojemu rozwiązaniu tego problemu, jeśli można.
an intention
An impulse and an intention are always related.
începe să înveți
intencja, zamiar
Impuls i intencja są zawsze ze sobą związane.
a weekly breakdown for sth
Do a weekly breakdown for your goals and mini goals.
începe să înveți
tygodniowy podział czegoś
Zrób tygodniowy podział swoich celów i mini-celów.
put sth in sth
Put your goals in calendar.
începe să înveți
umieść coś w czymś
Umieść swoje cele w kalendarzu.
so that
So that you make sure you get it done.
începe să înveți
po to aby
Abyś miał pewność, że to zrobisz.
Some put their heads in the sand like ostriches and think that everything will be alright.
începe să înveți
w porządku
Niektórzy chowają głowy w piasek jak strusie i myślą, że wszystko będzie dobrze.
August for me in one word was playful.
începe să înveți
Sierpień był dla mnie jednym słowem wesoły.
a lot of birthdays
In august there were a lot of my friends' birthdays.
începe să înveți
dużo urodzin
W sierpniu było dużo urodzin moich przyjaciół / znajomych.
to tap into sth
If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity.
începe să înveți
wykorzystać coś
Gdybyśmy tylko mogli wykorzystać całą tę energię i kreatywność.
It was a good month overall.
începe să înveți
To był ogólnie dobry miesiąc.
later on
I will explain a little bit more later on.
începe să înveți
później / potem
Wyjaśnię nieco więcej później.
I feel like...
I feel like the knowledge that absorbed this month was very relevant.
începe să înveți
Czuję że...
Czuję, że wiedza, którą wchłonęłam w tym miesiącu była bardzo istotna.
The relevant finance protocol will be signed on 2 April of this year. (passive voice)
începe să înveți
istotny / trafny
W dniu 2 kwietnia bieżącego roku podpisany zostanie odpowiedni protokół finansowy. (strina bierna)
absorbed in sth
I was too absorbed in reading to notice.
începe să înveți
pochłonięty czymś
Byłam zbyt pochłonięta czytaniem, żeby to zauważyć.
from here on out
The life that I want to create from here on out.
începe să înveți
odtąd, od teraz (idiom)
Życie, które chcę stworzyć od teraz.
to follow the directions sth
Follow the directions given by your doctor closely and use the instructions down below. (impersonal form)
începe să înveți
postepować zgodnie z czymś
Należy przestrzegać wskazówek lekarza i postępuj zgodnie z poniższymi instrukcjami. (forma bezosobowa)
It's both fun and chaotic.
începe să înveți
To zarówno zabawne, jak i chaotyczne.
She literally agreed with everything I said.
începe să înveți
Dosłownie zgodziła się ze wszystkim, co powiedziałam.
can hear
You could probably hear their dog sounds.
începe să înveți
Prawdopodobnie można było usłyszeć ich psie odgłosy.
I took her to the vet nearby.
începe să înveți
pobliski / niedaleki
Zabrałem ją do pobliskiego weterynarza.
You know how important follow-ups are after serious sickness.
începe să înveți
kontrole (wizyty kontrolne)
Wiesz, jak ważne są kontrole po poważnej chorobie.
and stuff like that
Eggs, milk and stuff like that.
începe să înveți
i takie tam
Jajka, mleko i takie tam.
to stay
She just stayed here.
începe să înveți
Po prostu została tutaj.
in terms of sth
Pakistan is the most crucial country in terms of global security.
începe să înveți
pod względem czegoś / z punktu widzenia czegoś
Pakistan jest najważniejszym krajem z punktu widzenia globalnego bezpieczeństwa.
roommate / flatmate / housemate
Jean was my roommate during our first year at college/study.
începe să înveți
Jean była moją współlokatorką podczas naszego pierwszego roku na studiach.
just kind of
So that was really nice to just kind of go into a fantasy world and just have fun.
începe să înveți
tak jakby
Tak więc miło było tak jakby wejść do świata fantasy i po prostu dobrze się bawić.
just kind of
He just kind of disappeared.
începe să înveți
tak jakby
On tak jakby zniknął.
go into
That was really nice to just kind of go into a fantasy world and just have fun.
începe să înveți
wejść do
Fajnie było tak jakby wejść do świata fantasy i po prostu dobrze się bawić.
I had an exciting week.
începe să înveți
Miałem ekscytujący tydzień.
a photo shoot
I did two photo shoots.
începe să înveți
sesja zdjęciowa
Zrobiłem dwie sesje zdjęciowe.
a feature
Our latest model of phone has several new features.
începe să înveți
cecha, artykuł, funkcja, funkcjonalność, funkcja programu
Nasz najnowszy model telefonu ma kilka nowych funkcji.
a natural features
Hair is a natural feature of the human body.
începe să înveți
naturalne cechy
Włosy to naturalna cecha ludzkiego ciała.
to heal
It's a documentary about healing with a working title "Love Heals".
începe să înveți
leczyć, uzdrawiać, goić się
To dokument o uzdrowieniu pod roboczym tytułem „Miłość leczy”.
This game is reason enough to take a week off work: it's that immersive.
începe să înveți
Ta gra jest wystarczającym powodem, aby wziąć tydzień wolnego od pracy: jest tak wciągająca.
Eating healthy is the foundation of self-care
începe să înveți
dbanie o siebie, dbanie o własne zdrowie
Zdrowe odżywianie jest podstawą dbania o siebie.
to put sth into sth
I should put singing and dancing into my self-care routine.
începe să înveți
włączyć coś w czegoś
Powinnam włączyć śpiew i taniec do mojej rutyny dbania o siebie.
The single market enables people to move around freely within the European Union.
începe să înveți
Jednolity rynek pozwala ludziom przemieszczać się swobodnie po UE.
He couldn't go to the party, although he wanted to go very much.
începe să înveți
mimo że / chociaż
On nie mógł iść na imprezę, chociaż bardzo chciał.
to stretch
I didn't think it was possible for you to stretch like that.
începe să înveți
Nie wiedziałam, że można się tak rozciągnąć.
free form sth
Such nets are valuable for the design of free-form surfaces.
începe să înveți
coś o dowolnym kształcie / formie
Takie siatki są cenne przy projektowaniu powierzchni o dowolnym kształcie.
One of the times I actually did it blindfolded.
începe să înveți
z zawiązanymi oczyma
Pewnego razu zrobiłem to z zawiązanymi oczami.
Not caring about how you look, releasing your inhibitions.
începe să înveți
Nie dbając o to, jak wyglądasz, uwalniając swoje zahamowania.
It's all about just...
It's all about just moving the way your body wants to authentically move.
începe să înveți
Chodzi tylko o...
Chodzi tylko o poruszanie się w sposób, w jaki twoje ciało chce się autentycznie poruszać.
to lay down
Sometimes your body wants to dance but sometimes it wants to lay down and that's okay.
începe să înveți
położyć się
Czasami twoje ciało chce tańczyć, ale czasami chce się położyć i to jest w porządku.
I will do it by myself.
începe să înveți
Zrobię to sama.
put on some music
You can put on some music, if you like.
începe să înveți
włączyć jakąś muzykę
Możesz włączyć jakąś muzykę, jeśli chcesz.
a variety of things
A variety of things can go wrong if you don't understand the topic sufficiently.
începe să înveți
różne rzeczy
Różne rzeczy mogą pójść źle, jeśli nie zrozumiesz wystarczająco tematu.
because for some reason
Because for some reason, he's scared to go home,
începe să înveți
z jakiegoś powodu
Z jakiegoś powodu, boi się wrócić do domu
a curiosity
I had more of a curiosity to learn about something.
începe să înveți
Miałem większą ciekawość, żeby się czegoś dowiedzieć.
investments in real estate
începe să înveți
inwestycje w nieruchomości
to get led to sth
I got led to this YouTube channel called Nomad Capitalist.
începe să înveți
zostać doprowadzonym do czegoś
Doprowadziło mnie do tego kanału YouTube o nazwie Nomad Capitalist.
Obviously there are small changes.
începe să înveți
Oczywiście, są małe zmiany.
We want to check out some overseas suppliers.
începe să înveți
Chcemy sprawdzić kilku zagranicznych dostawców.
I specifically / particularly am interested in...
I am particularly interested in health-related topics, especially concerning equal access for patients to medical care.
începe să înveți
Szczególnie interesuje mnie...
Szczególnie interesują mnie tematy związane ze zdrowiem, w szczególności dotyczące równego dostępu pacjentów do opieki medycznej.
rental properties
But most people think of their house as living space, not rental property.
începe să înveți
wynajem nieruchomości
Ale większość ludzi myśli o swoim domu jako przestrzeni życiowej, a nie wynajmowanej nieruchomości.
financial freedom
That allowed them the financial freedom to become extremely active in the trade market.
începe să înveți
wolność finansowa
To pozwoliło im uzyskać swobodę finansową, aby stać się niezwykle aktywnym na rynku handlowym.
be curious about sth
I think people are curious about these things, they want to try them.
începe să înveți
być ciekawym czegoś
Myślę, że ludzie są ciekawi tych rzeczy, chcą ich spróbować
be at a stage in my life
So I think I'm at a stage in my life where I am really curious about how to build true financial freedom.
începe să înveți
być na (jakimś) etapie swojego rzycia
Myślę więc, że jestem na takim etapie w moim życiu, że jestem naprawdę ciekawa, jak zbudować prawdziwą wolność finansową.
be proud of myself for... (-ing)
I'm actually quite proud of myself for finishing reading two books in August.
începe să înveți
być z siebie dumnym (z jakiegoś powodu)
Właściwie jestem z siebie całkiem dumny, że w sierpniu skończyłem czytać dwie książki.
to find passion for
I am proud of myself for finding some passion for reading again.
începe să înveți
znaleźć pasję do
Jestem z siebie dumna, że znów znalazłam pasję do czytania.
which is what
Nothing, which is what worries me.
începe să înveți
a to właśnie
Nic, a to właśnie mnie martwi.
What we did was very mild.
începe să înveți
To, co zrobiliśmy, było bardzo łagodne.
to be sweating
I don't want to be sweating.
începe să înveți
być spoconym
Nie chcę się pocić.
without a care in the world
I miss the years of my childhood, when I didn't have a care in the world.
începe să înveți
nie martwić się niczym/ beztroska
Tęsknię za latami mojego dzieciństwa, kiedy nie martwiłam się niczym.
at the end of the month
At the end of the month, eight Polish short films will be shown at the festival in Hungary.
începe să înveți
pod koniec miesiąca
Pod koniec miesiąca, osiem polskich filmów krótkometrażowych zostanie pokazanych na festiwalu na Węgrzech
a couple other sth
I got a couple other dresses for you upstairs too.
începe să înveți
kilka innych
Mam też dla ciebie kilka innych sukienek na górze.
to get super nervous for sth
I always get super nervous for the photo shoot.
începe să înveți
bardzo się denerwuję przed czymś
Zawsze bardzo się denerwuję przed sesją zdjęciową.
If you don't have a car, take a taxi instead.
începe să înveți
Jeżeli nie masz samochodu, weź zamiast tego taksówkę.
Add honey to my tea instead of sugar.
începe să înveți
Dodaj miód do mojej herbaty zamiast cukru.
instead of sth
Can I have coffee instead of tea?
începe să înveți
zamiast czegoś
Czy mogę prosić o kawę zamiast herbaty?
intead of sth
She made a mistake and took his bag instead of hers.
începe să înveți
zamiast czegoś
Ona pomyliła się i wzięła jego torbę zamiast swojej.
to putting too much on my plate
I'm still trying to live a more balanced life and not putting too much on my plate.
începe să înveți
brać sobie za dużo na głowę
Nadal staram się żyć bardziej zrównoważonym życiem i nie borę zbyt wiele sobie na głowę.
to give myself more time
How to give yourself more time and space?
începe să înveți
dać sobie więcej czasu
Jak dać sobie więcej czasu i przestrzeni?
nourishing (one's) soul
Rather than waiting to get to the point where you start to feel stuck, it’s important to start adopting healthy habits now to help you nourish your soul, mind, and body.
începe să înveți
odżywiać czyjąś duszę
Zamiast czekać, aż dojdziesz do punktu, w którym zaczniesz czuć się że utknąłeś, ważne jest, abyś już teraz zaczął przyjmować zdrowe nawyki, które pomogą Ci odżywić swoją duszę, umysł i ciało.
push (oneself) too hard
You push yourself too hard.
începe să înveți
forsować się / za bardzo się wysilać / za dużo od siebie wymagać
Za dużo od siebie wymagasz.
make sure you...
Make sure you know enough about what the problem is.
începe să înveți
Upewnij się, że...
Upewnij się, że wiesz wystarczająco dużo o problemie.
They obviously hate each other
începe să înveți
oczywiście / wyraźnie
Oni wyraźnie siebie nienawidzą
have too much on (one's) plate
I'll do the printing - she has too much on her plate right now to take it on.
începe să înveți
mieć za dużo na (swojej) głowie
Zajmę się drukowaniem - ona ma teraz za dużo na głowie, żeby się tym zająć.

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