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Ale kiedy spotkamy się następnym razem, napiętnuję twoją twarz tak, jak sobie zasłużyłeś. începe să înveți
But next time we meet, I will brand your face as you deserve.
Chcesz iść do kina w weekend? începe să înveți
Do you want to go to the cinema at the weekend?
Powinieneś pić więcej wody w upał. Lubię ciepło letniego słońca. începe să înveți
You should drink more water in the heat. I like the warmth of the summer sun.
Nie lubię zimna, więc przeprowadzam się do Kalifornii. începe să înveți
I don't like cold, so I'm moving to California.
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It depends on the events the next day.
zostawić coś tak, jak jest Zapłać grzywnę bezpośrednio do mnie i zostawimy to tak, jak jest. începe să înveți
Pay the fine directly to me and we'll leave it at that.
To, jak wykorzystasz te pieniądze, nie jest moją sprawą. Jak mam wykorzystać tę radę? începe să înveți
make use of sth / make of sth What you make of the money is none of my concern. What should I make of this advice?
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podrzucić kogoś, podwieźć kogoś începe să înveți
give sb a lift, drop sb off
Muszę podjechać po mamę o 7. Czy mógłbyś odebrać mnie ze stacji? începe să înveți
I need to pick up mom at 7. Could you pick me up from the station?
On zwrócił uwagę na ten problem na ostatnim zebraniu. Nauczyciel zwrócił uwagę na ważne daty. începe să înveți
pay attention to something / point sth out He pointed this problem out at the last meeting The teacher pointed the important dates out.
To Mark pierwszy przyciągnął moją uwagę do tego faktu. începe să înveți
draw attention to sth / attract attention It was Mark, who first drew my attention to this fact.
Proszę zwrócić uwagę na... începe să înveți
Let me draw attention to ... / Please notice
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începe să înveți
rozpraszać kogoś / zabawiać kogoś czymś Ona ciągle mnie rozprasza. On zabawiał dziecko swoim telefonem. începe să înveți
distract sb / distract sb with sth She keeps distracting me. He distracted the baby with his phone.
dać komuś znać (poinformować kogoś) Daj mi znać, jak on do ciebie zadzwoni. Dam ci znać jak wyląduję. începe să înveți
Let me know when he calls you. I will let you know when I land.