lekcja 46

 0    39 cartonașe    zbigniewprzybylak
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Întrebare Răspuns
okres suszy, posucha, zastój
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a dry spell
Za ten przypływ kasy będzie mógł kupić nową łódź
începe să înveți
He'll be able to buy a new boat with this windfall
Ptak obserwował mnie zza szyby.
începe să înveți
A bird was watching me from behind my window pane.
Operację plastyczną wykonał światowej sławy chirurg
începe să înveți
The plastic surgery was made by a world renowned surgeon
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wellingtons, wellies, rubber boots
czy mógłbyś się trochę przesunąć (zrobić miejsce)?
începe să înveți
could you please budge up a bit
Jak to się stało, że jego życie w ogóle kręciło się wokół takich rzeczy?
începe să înveți
How had his life ever come to revolve around such things?
Wykształcenie wyższe jest niezbędnym wymogiem do tej pracy
începe să înveți
Higher education is a vital requirement for this job
Następnie w 1980 roku przeżyła trudności w swoim małżeństwie, która została szybko rozwiązana
începe să înveți
Then in 1980 she weathered a storm in her marriage, which were quickly resolved
Przestań gonić za marzeniami i skup się na swojej edukacji
începe să înveți
Stop chasing rainbows and focus on your education
Nie bój się dążyć do swoich celów. Dążenie jest dobre
începe să înveți
Don't be afraid to pursue your goals. The pursuit is ok
Wiem skąd wieje wiatr (co się stanie, zmieni)
începe să înveți
I know which way the wind blows
Kiedy tu przybył, w akademii panował zastój
începe să înveți
When he came here the academy was in the doldrums
Myślę, że twardo stąpasz obiema nogami po ziemi
începe să înveți
I think you're keeping both feet on the ground
Jak prawidłowo zachowywać się (postępować) w relacjach z rodziną
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How to conduct oneself properly in the relationships with the family
W życiu każdego przychodzą trudne dni
începe să înveți
Into each life some rain must fall
Założeniem (przesłanką) jest to, że wolność wyznania musi obowiązywać wszystkie religie
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The premise is that freedom of religion must apply to all religions
sięgnąć wysoko, mieć duże plany
începe să înveți
reach for the moon
uderzył jak grom z jasnego nieba
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hit like a bolt from/out of the blue
zwietrzyć coś, dowiedzieć się o jakieś tajemnicy
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get (have) wind of something
być na krawędzi (skraju) czegoś
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be on the edge/brink of something
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throw caution to the wind
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fałszywy przyjaciel
începe să înveți
fair-weather friend
Droga do piekła jest wybrukowana dobrymi chęciami
începe să înveți
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
zatrucie pokarmowe
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food poisoning
dobrze wychowany, grzeczny
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well-mannered, well-behaved
tam i z powrotem
începe să înveți
back and forth
Razem z moimi partnerami biznesowymi osiągną sukces
începe să înveți
They will go down a storm with my business partners.
Wyprzedził z nadmierną prędkością
începe să înveți
He overtook with the overspeed
Zatrzymałem się i zjechałem na pierwszym zjeździe
începe să înveți
I pulled up and then pulled off at the first turn
unikać kogoś jak zarazy (ognia)
începe să înveți
avoid someone like a plague
Gaszenie pożaru zajęło im ponad godzinę
începe să înveți
It took them over an hour to extinguish the fire
Nie wszystko złoto, co się świeci
începe să înveți
All that glitters is not gold
Co może być bardziej relaksującego niż dobry sen?
începe să înveți
What could be more restful than a good night's sleep?
Ona nie tylko mówi; naprawdę wciela w życie, jeśli chodzi o jej zaangażowanie w zrównoważenie
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She's not just talking the talk; she really walks the walk when it comes to her commitment to sustainability
Znałem odpowiedź zawsze (od zawsze)
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I knew the answer all along.
Ona nigdy nie miała stałego chłopaka
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She's never had a steady boyfriend
Nie mieli żadnego mleka w sklepie spożywczym
începe să înveți
They didn't have any milk at the grocery store

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