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Zasmakuj ukraińskiej kultury dzięki tym potrawom. începe să înveți
Taste Ukrainian Culture with These Foods.
Gospodarz powiedział, że po południu naprawi połączenie internetowe. începe să înveți
The host said they'll get the internet connection fixed this afternoon.
W obliczu problemów zawsze zwracam się do siostry po pocieszenie i radę. începe să înveți
When faced with problems, I always turn to my sister for comfort and advice.
Nie przepadam za słodyczami i generalnie wolę słone przekąski. începe să înveți
I don't really have a sweet tooth and generally prefer savory snacks.
To wino jest trochę za kwaśne jak na mój gust. începe să înveți
This wine is a bit too sour for my taste.
Kolendra to popularny dodatek w kuchni meksykańskiej. începe să înveți
Cilantro is a popular garnish in Mexican cuisine.
Ksiądz położył rękę na głowie kobiety i pobłogosławił ją. începe să înveți
The priest laid his hand on the woman's head and blessed her.
Odkąd w lutym rozpoczęła się wojna Rosji na Ukrainie, około 5 milionów uchodźców z Ukrainy przekroczyło granice do pobliskich krajów. începe să înveți
Since Russia's war in Ukraine began in February, around 5 million refugees from Ukraine have crossed borders into countries nearby.
Jednym ze sposobów, w jaki społeczności przyjmujące pomogły uchodźcom poczuć się mile widzianymi, jest gotowanie tradycyjnej ukraińskiej żywności. începe să înveți
One of the ways in which host communities have helped make these refugees feel welcome is by cooking traditional Ukrainian food.
Te potrawy mogą zapewnić uchodźcom pewien komfort, a nawet zwiększyć popularność ukraińskiej żywności na całym świecie. începe să înveți
These dishes may offer some comfort to refugees, and could even increase the popularity of Ukrainian food around the world.
To danie, uważane za symbol silnej rodziny, składa się z kapusty, ziemniaków i marchwi – a często także z mięsa – gotowanych razem w garnku. începe să înveți
Thought to be a symbol of a strong family, this dish is made with cabbage, potatoes and carrots — and often meat — cooked together in a pot.
Głównym składnikiem jest burak, który nadaje potrawie jaskrawoczerwony kolor. Często podaje się go z kwaśną śmietaną. începe să înveți
Beetroot is the main ingredient, which gives the meal its bright red color. It's often served with sour cream.
Podobno barszcz smakuje jeszcze lepiej następnego dnia, po tym, jak smaki zdążą się zmieszać. începe să înveți
Borscht is said to taste even better the next day, after the flavors have had more time to mix together.
Jedzenie tak uwielbiane na Ukrainie, że nazwano je nagrodą kulinarną, wareniki są jedną z najbardziej znanych potraw w kraju. începe să înveți
A food so loved in Ukraine that there's a cooking award named after them, varenyky are one of the nation's most famous dishes.
Pikantne lub słodkie, gotowane lub smażone, te małe knedle są pysznym daniem głównym lub deserem. începe să înveți
Savory or sweet, boiled or fried, these little dumplings make a delicious main meal or dessert.
Nadzieniem może być wszystko, od mięsa, gotowanej kapusty i grzybów po wiśnie lub słodki ser. începe să înveți
Fillings can be anything from meat, cooked cabbage and mushrooms to sour cherries or sweet cheese.
Wareniki można podawać ze smażoną cebulą, a szczególnie smakuje z kwaśną śmietaną, popularnym dodatkiem na Ukrainie. începe să înveți
Varenyky might be served with fried onions, and are especially enjoyed with sour cream, a popular garnish in Ukraine.
Paska to rodzaj słodkiego chleba wypiekanego z dużej ilości jajek i masła. începe să înveți
Paska is a type of sweet bread made with lots of eggs and butter.
Ma zaokrąglony wierzchołek i często jest pokryty jakimś wzorem, a w środku może również znajdować się rodzynki lub suszone owoce. începe să înveți
It has a rounded top and is often covered with a pattern of some type, and might also have raisins or dried fruits inside.
Paska jest tradycyjnie serwowana w Wielkanoc na Ukrainie, kiedy jest zabierana do kościoła w poranek wielkanocny i błogosławiona, zanim zostanie podzielona między członków rodziny. începe să înveți
Paska is traditionally served at Easter in Ukraine, when it is taken to church on Easter morning and blessed before being shared among family members.
Którą z potraw wymienionych w artykule chciałbyś spróbować? începe să înveți
Which of the foods mentioned in the article would you like to try?
Czy próbowałeś jakiegoś wschodnioeuropejskiego jedzenia? Co o tym myślałeś? începe să înveți
Have you tried any Eastern European food? What did you think of it?
Czy są jakieś potrawy z twojego kraju, które następnego dnia smakują lepiej? începe să înveți
Are there any foods from your country that taste better the next day?
Jakie są Twoje najsłynniejsze dania w Twoim kraju? începe să înveți
What would you say are your country's most famous dishes?
Jakie potrawy są tradycyjnie podawane podczas świąt, w których mieszkasz? începe să înveți
What foods are traditionally served during the holidays where you live?
Jakie są twoje ulubione zagraniczne kuchnie? Czy są popularne w Twoim miejscu zamieszkania? începe să înveți
What are your favorite foreign cuisines? Are they popular where you live?
Czy są jakieś zagraniczne kuchnie, których nie lubisz? Ile razy je miałeś? începe să înveți
Are there any foreign cuisines you dislike? How many times have you had them?
Jakich tradycyjnych potraw z Twojego kraju poleciłbyś spróbować? începe să înveți
What traditional foods from your country would you recommend trying?
Kto jest największym smakoszem, jakiego znasz? Czy oni też są dobrymi kucharzami? începe să înveți
Who's the biggest foodie you know? Are they also a good cook?
Jakie potrawy lubisz przyrządzać w domu najbardziej? începe să înveți
What dishes do you most enjoy making at home?