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Kilku moich przyjaciół z Europy jest wielojęzycznych. începe să înveți
A few of my friends from Europe are multilingual.
Musimy zmierzyć wielkość pokoju, aby zobaczyć, czy stół się tam zmieści. începe să înveți
We need to measure the size of the room to see if the table will fit there.
Ostatnio w centrum sportowym nie było dużo aktywności. începe să înveți
There hasn't been much activity in the sports center lately.
W biurze zawsze panuje głośna atmosfera. începe să înveți
The office is always filled with loud activity.
Tatuaże stają się coraz bardziej powszechne. începe să înveți
Tattoos have become increasingly common.
Na zajęciach uczniowie nauczyli się rozpoznawać wszystkie kontynenty świata. începe să înveți
In class, the students learned to identify all the world's continents.
Dzwoniłem do nich wielokrotnie przez cały ranek, ale nikt nigdy nie odbiera. începe să înveți
I've been calling them repeatedly all morning, but no one ever answers.
Badanie: Osoby wielojęzyczne szybciej uczą się nowych języków. începe să înveți
Study: Multilingual People Learn New Languages Faster.
Badanie wykazało, że osobom wielojęzycznym łatwiej jest uczyć się nowych języków niż osobom dwujęzycznym. începe să înveți
A study has found that multilingual people find it easier to learn new languages than people who are bilingual.
Badacze zmierzyli aktywność mózgu 21 osób dwujęzycznych i 28 osób wielojęzycznych, próbując zidentyfikować słowa i zdania w języku kazachskim, których żadna z nich nie znała. începe să înveți
Researchers measured the brain activity of 21 bilingual people and 28 multilingual people as they tried to identify words and sentences in the Kazakh language, which none of them spoke.
Wszyscy uczestnicy badania posługiwali się japońskim jako pierwszym językiem i angielskim jako drugim. începe să înveți
All participants in the study spoke Japanese as their first language and English as their second.
Większość wielojęzycznych uczestników mówiła po hiszpańsku jako w trzecim języku — a niektórzy znali do pięciu języków. începe să înveți
Most of the multilingual participants spoke Spanish as their third language — and some knew up to five languages.
Badacze uczyli uczestników zasad języka kazachskiego. începe să înveți
The researchers taught the participants the rules of the Kazakh language.
Następnie dali uczestnikom cztery coraz trudniejsze testy, aby dowiedzieć się, czy potrafią zidentyfikować słowa, których się nauczyli, i upewnić się, że zostały poprawnie użyte w zdaniach. începe să înveți
They then gave participants four increasingly difficult tests to find out if they could identify words they had learned and make sure they were used correctly in sentences.
Podczas gdy uczestnicy wykonywali testy, naukowcy mierzyli aktywność ich mózgu. începe să înveți
While participants were taking the tests, researchers measured their brain activity.
Uczestnicy mogli powtarzać każdy test, dopóki go nie zdali i przeszli do następnego. începe să înveți
Participants could take each test repeatedly until they passed it and moved on to the next one.
Stwierdzono, że wielojęzyczni uczestnicy, którzy byli silniejsi w swoim drugim i trzecim języku, musieli rzadziej powtarzać pierwszy test. începe să înveți
It was found that multilingual participants who were stronger in their second and third languages had to repeat the first test fewer times.
A wielojęzyczna grupa faktycznie szybciej odpowiadała, gdy testy stawały się trudniejsze. începe să înveți
And the multilingual group actually got faster at answering as the tests got harder.
Stwierdzono również, że aktywność mózgu osób wielojęzycznych była podobna do aktywności osób dwujęzycznych — ale w przypadku osób wielojęzycznych aktywność była znacznie szybsza. începe să înveți
It was also found that the brain activity of multilingual people was similar to that of bilingual people — but for multilingual people the activity was much faster.
Współautor badania, Kuniyoshi L. Sakai z Uniwersytetu w Tokio, powiedział, że wyniki pokazują, że osoby wielojęzyczne są lepsze w nauce nowego języka niż osoby tylko dwujęzyczne. începe să înveți
Study co-author Kuniyoshi L. Sakai of the University of Tokyo said the results show that multilingual people are better at learning a new language than those who are only bilingual.
Ile osób wzięło udział w badaniu? începe să înveți
How many people took part in the study?
Jaki był język ojczysty uczestników badania? începe să înveți
What was the study participants' native language?
Ile testów otrzymali uczestnicy? începe să înveți
How many tests were the participants given?
Jakie są twoje przemyślenia na temat wyników tego badania? începe să înveți
What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?
Czy wielu z Twoich znajomych lub rodziny jest dwujęzycznych? începe să înveți
Are many of your friends or family bilingual?
Czy znasz kogoś, kto mówi więcej niż dwoma językami? începe să înveți
Do you know anyone who speaks more than two languages? 4.
Jakimi językami chciałbyś biegle posługiwać się? Czemu? începe să înveți
What languages would you like to be fluent in? Why?
Czy są jakieś języki, których zacząłeś się uczyć, ale nie kontynuowałeś? începe să înveți
Are there any languages that you started learning but didn't continue with?
Kiedy zacząłeś uczyć się angielskiego? Czy na początku było to zabawne? începe să înveți
When did you start learning English? Did you find it fun at first? 2.
Czy uważasz, że wszystkie dzieci powinny uczyć się w szkole drugiego języka? Czemu? Dlaczego nie? începe să înveți
Do you think all children should learn a second language in school? Why? Why not? 3.
Co według ciebie jest najlepsze w mówieniu w dwóch językach? începe să înveți
What would you say is the best thing about being able to speak two languages?
Jakie są Twoim zdaniem najbardziej przydatne języki? începe să înveți
What would you say are the most useful languages to know?
Język jest jedyną rzeczą, którą warto znać, nawet słabo. — Kató Lomb. Co sądzisz o tym stwierdzeniu? începe să înveți
Language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly. — Kató Lomb. What do you make of this statement?