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sporządzenie protokołu z posiedzenia începe să înveți
take minutes of a meeting
Nie ma znaczenia, czy nie wygrasz. Po prostu staraj się jak najlepiej. începe să înveți
It doesn’t matter if you don’t win. Just do your best.
Czy masz czas w następny poniedziałek? Chciałbym odbyć krótkie spotkanie. începe să înveți
Do you have time next Monday? I’d like to hold a brief meeting.
Widzę twój punkt widzenia, ale jest z tym przynajmniej jeden problem. începe să înveți
I see your point, but there is at least one problem with it.
Naszym celem jest osiągnięcie porozumienia w tej sprawie jutro. începe să înveți
Our goal is to reach an agreement on this by tommorow.
Myślę, że powinniśmy przejść do następnego punktu porządku obrad. începe să înveți
I think we should move on to the next item on the agenda.
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w celu ukrycia, zamaskować începe să înveți
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bogaty handlarz jedwabiem începe să înveți
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Nie poszedłem wczoraj, bo padał cały dzień. începe să înveți
I didn’t go yesterday because it was raining all day.
Podczas gdy Anna brała prysznic, Mark gotował obiad. începe să înveți
While Anna was taking a shower, Mark was cooking dinner.
Mary sprzątała dom, kiedy zadzwoniła Sarah. începe să înveți
Mary was cleaning the house when Sarah called.
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Kiedy kąpałem się, ktoś zapukał do drzwi. începe să înveți
While I was having a bath, somebody knocked on the door.
Co robiłeś, kiedy przyszedł Paul? începe să înveți
What were you doing when Paul came?
Harry próbował naprawić kuchenkę, ale tak naprawdę nie wiedział, co robi. începe să înveți
Harry tried to repair the cooker but he didn’t really know what he was doing.
Wczoraj był piękny dzień, ptaki śpiewały i świeciło słońce. începe să înveți
Yesterday was a beautiful day, birds were singing and the sun was shining.
Uwielbiałem jeździć na rowerze, kiedy byłem dzieckiem. începe să înveți
I loved riding a bike when I was a kid.
Czy byłeś w domu, kiedy na ciebie czekaliśmy? începe să înveți
Were you at home while we were waiting for you?
Podczas gdy Alan jeździł na nartach w Szwajcarii, poznał starego przyjaciela ze studiów. începe să înveți
While Alan was skiing in Switzerland, he met an old friend from college.
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