Life- Posilki, Za ile czasu, Ile za ile Food, How long, How much for how much- Life Skills

 0    3 cartonașe    jakubkoralewski
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Întrebare Răspuns
Food? Any food? Nice food? Any nice food? Menu please What is the menu? What is the best? What food do you have? Do you have a soup? Do you have salads? Do you have good lunch? What do you have?
începe să înveți
Dowiedz się jakie serwują tu posiłki
How long? How long we wait? 10 minutes? Longer?
începe să înveți
Dowiedz się ile czasu czeka się na dania tutaj
How big? Big / small? Is it big? 1 kilo? 30 centimeters? How much? 5 dollars? 10 euros? Special offer? Special offer for special guest Something special?
începe să înveți
Jakie są duże dania w jakiej cenie i na co są promocje dzisiaj

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