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 0    42 cartonașe    adamrychert
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With reference to your advertisement in ... I am writing to ask for information about the...
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W nawiązaniu do swojej reklamy w ... Piszę z prośbą o informacje na temat...
Firstly I would be grateful for any further details concerning the...
începe să înveți
Po pierwsze Byłbym wdzięczny za wszelkie dalsze szczegóły dotyczące...
Could you tell me whether...
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Czy możesz mi powiedzieć, czy...
Furthermore, I would like to ask .......
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Ponadto, chciałbym zapytać .......
In particular I need to know whether...
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W szczególności muszę wiedzieć, czy...
Would you be kind enough to tell me...
începe să înveți
Chcesz być na tyle uprzejmy, żeby mi powiedzieć...
Could you please inform me...
începe să înveți
Czy mógłbyś poinformować mnie...
I would be grateful if you could tell me...
începe să înveți
Byłbym wdzięczny, gdyby mógł mi powiedzieć...
I would also to ask...
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Chciałbym również zapytać...
Could you possibly inform me...
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Można ewentualnie poinformować mnie...
I am interested in finding out if...
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Jestem zainteresowany dowiedzieć się, jeśli...
Finally I would appreciate it if you could send me complete information on the...
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Wreszcie byłbym wdzięczny, gdyby mógł Pan przesłać mi pełne informacje na...
For instance could you inform me ........
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Na przykład można poinformować mnie ........
Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
începe să înveți
Z góry dziękuję. Czekam na kontakt z Państwem tak szybko jak to możliwe.
I am writing to apply for the position of ........ which was advertised in...
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Piszę do ubiegania się o stanowisko ........ który był reklamowany w...
Last summer I was employed by the ... As a...
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Latem ubiegłego roku byłem zatrudniony przez ... Jak...
I have had six years’ experience of working in...
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Miałem sześcioletnie doświadczenie w pracy w...
My duties included ... In addition...
începe să înveți
Do moich obowiązków należało ... Ponadto...
This has given me a lot of experience of working with different kinds of people.
începe să înveți
To dało mi dużo doświadczenia w pracy z różnymi rodzajami ludzi.
As my reference show I am Hard-working and reliable person and a have a good relationship with both employees and customers.
începe să înveți
W moim odniesienia koncert Jestem pracowity i wiarygodne osoby i mieć dobre stosunki zarówno z pracowników i klientów.
I am also considered to be friendly and enthusiastic and I am able to handle responsibility.
începe să înveți
Jestem również uważany za przyjazny i pełen entuzjazmu i jestem w stanie poradzić sobie odpowiedzialność.
I enclose my CV and would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
începe să înveți
Załączam moje CV i chętnie na rozmowę w dowolnym czasie dogodnym dla Ciebie.
I am writing to complain about the ... I received when I ........ and I was completely dissatisfied.
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Piszę narzekać na ... otrzymałem kiedy ........ I byłem całkowicie zadowolony.
Firstly ... careless
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Po pierwsze ... nieostrożny
One split a coffee on me and didn’t apologise or help to clean it up. They were the complete opposite of the “helpful and friendly” staff you describe in your advertisement.
începe să înveți
Jeden podzielić kawę na mnie i nie przeprosić lub pomóc go oczyścić. Były to kompletne przeciwieństwo "pomocny i przyjazny" pracowników opisujesz w swojej reklamie.
Furthermore, the food was awful. Again, this was quite unlike the “Delicious meal” you advertisement.
începe să înveți
Ponadto, jedzenie było okropne. Ponownie, to było całkiem inaczej niż w "smaczny posiłek" Ty reklamy.
I am very disappointed indeed. I would like a full refund for my ... as well as an apology for the appalling service.
începe să înveți
Jestem bardzo rozczarowany, rzeczywiście. Chciałbym pełny zwrot pieniędzy dla mojej ... oraz przeprosin za usługę przerażający.
I hope that you will be able to replace the ...... as soon as possible.
începe să înveți
Mam nadzieję, że będziesz w stanie jak najszybciej wymienić .......
Thank you for your help in this matter.
începe să înveți
Dziękuję za Pańską pomoc w tej sprawie.
I hope to hear from you regarding this matter as soon as possible.
începe să înveți
Mam nadzieję usłyszeć od ciebie dotyczące tej sprawy jak najszybciej.
Thanks for your letter. I am really excited to hear that you are planning to visit my town while you are in England this summer, and of course I would be happy to give you the advice you asked for.
începe să înveți
Dzięki za list. Jestem bardzo podekscytowany, aby usłyszeć, że planujesz odwiedzić moje miasto, gdy jesteś w Anglii latem tego roku, i oczywiście byłbym szczęśliwy, aby dać Ci porady prosiłeś.
The best place is probably ...... in the town centre, quite close to the railway station. However, if you prefer stay by the sea, ...... is very comfortable and the prices are reasonable, too.
începe să înveți
Najlepszym miejscem jest chyba ...... w centrum miasta, bardzo blisko do stacji kolejowej. Jednakże, jeśli wolisz pobyt nad morzem, ...... jest bardzo wygodne, a ceny są rozsądne, zbyt.
Let me know if you would like me to reserve any rooms for you.
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Daj mi znać, jeśli chcesz mnie zarezerwować żadnych pokoje dla Ciebie.
If I are were you, I would certainly go to the...
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Jeśli ja na twoim miejscu, na pewno bym go do...
Although it is not a good idea to...
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Chociaż nie jest to dobry pomysł, aby...
You could have a look around the old town ......
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Można spojrzeć wokół starego miasta ......
... which is worth visiting.
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..., Które warto odwiedzić.
The best advice I can give you is to ......
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Najlepsza rada, jaką mogę dać ci jest ......
One thing which you can do is...
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Jedną z rzeczy, które możesz zrobić, to...
I am afraid that...
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Boję się, że...
I am sure you will enjoy a short visit to ... and I hope we will be able to meet up so I can show you around myself.
începe să înveți
Jestem pewien, że będziesz cieszyć się z krótką wizytą do ... i mam nadzieję, że będziemy mogli się spotkać, więc mogę pokazać wokół siebie.
I cannot wait.
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Nie mogę czekać.

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