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tupet, bezczelność; pośladek (potocznie)
începe să înveți
My left cheek is itching. I can't stand your cheek - you should control yourself. Your cheek has no boundaries!
phrasal verb
începe să înveți
pass off
to happen:
The pop festival passed off peacefully, despite the fears of local residents.
mieć się, czuć się; wypaść, wyjść; podróżować, poruszać się (old-fashioned)
începe să înveți
to fare
to succeed or be treated in the stated way. to progress or to be in a particular condition:
How did you fare in your exams? Low-paid workers will fare badly/well under this government. The film fared very well. She fared north
Liga lądowa (5km)
începe să înveți
Their ships could be seen 10 leagues away
marnieć w oczach, umierać z rozpaczy
jak drzewo (sosna) tylko ona gubi igły
începe să înveți
to become increasingly thin and weak because of unhappiness, especially after the death of a loved person:
Carter died in 1904 after an accident and Leno pined away and died six months later.
pokój wypoczynkowy, salon, wygodnie siedzieć, rozpierać się, hol
începe să înveți
to stand or sit in a relaxed way
They were drinking some fancy drinks in the lounge. She was lounging on the beach.
sposób, sztuczka; środek wyrazu (np. w literaturze)
începe să înveți
He has devices to find his way around. She uses this device to cheat on her boyfriend. Metaphor is one of the literary devices. What kind of devices does the author use?
grzebac (np. w kieszeni)
începe să înveți
to do something awkwardly, especially when using your hands:
I fumbled with the lock. He fumbled in his pockets for some change. She fumbled around/about in her handbag, looking for her key. fumble sth in a discomfiture
începe să înveți
an uncomfortable or embarrassed feeling. to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially mentally
She turned away to hide her discomfiture. To my discomfiture he began whistling loudly.
zmieniać kierunek (drogą), zmieniać przekonanie
începe să înveți
to change direction:
All of a sudden, the car veered off the road. Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right.
szykowny, elegancki; świst, szelest
începe să înveți
to (cause to) move quickly through the air making a soft sound
I heard the rope swish through the air. The horses swished their tails to get rid of the flies hovering around them. a swish hotel
începe să înveți
tam, po tamtej stronie (ale dalej widać)
începe să înveți
in the place or direction shown; over there
He left this place in 1966 to go down yonder.
pomysłowość inwencja; celowy zabieg
începe să înveți
the act of intentionally arranging for something to happen by clever planning, or something that is arranged in this way:
Because of the timing, I'm sure the salary freeze is a deliberate contrivance, not a coincidence. I think the meeting happened more by contrivance than chance.
începe să înveți
before long
If they don't, we will run out of money before long.
przekroczyć czyjeś umiejętności
începe să înveți
pass someone's skill
podpałka, rozpalenie ognia, wzniecanie (nadziei)
începe să înveți
likier, syrop owocowy
începe să înveți
începe să înveți
unhappy, disappointed, or without hope
She looked a bit dejected when they told her she didn't get the job. He wandered around in a state of utter dejection.
începe să înveți
nieustraszony, mężny
începe să înveți
determined, brave, and unwilling ever to stop trying to achieve something: bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, greathearted, gutsy, gutty, heroic, lionhearted
She has been for many years a doughty campaigner for women's rights.
wykopać jamę, przetrząsnąć (szufladę); jama, wtulić się (jak zajączek)
începe să înveți
a hole in the ground dug by an animal such as a rabbit, especially to live in. to move yourself into a position where you can feel warm, comfortable, or safe(nestle)
I burrowed through the clothes in the drawer looking for a clean pair of socks. Suddenly shy, our young daughter burrowed her head into my shoulder. Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.
pryskać(o tłuszczu), bulgotać (o wodzie), dławić się o silniki, warkot
începe să înveți
(of an engine or machine) to make a series of short, unclear noises:
One of the engines spluttered as if it was short of fuel. Don't pour water onto hot oil, or it will sputter. The sputter his car's engine is easily recognizable.
przeć, forsować; pchać nożem
începe să înveți
to push suddenly and strongly. the main idea, subject, or opinion that is discussed or written about
We have to thrust forward and capture the enemy base. He thrust through the crowd to get to her. There was a considerable thrust on this issue. I know he is right, but this thrust was uncalled for.
stuknąć (ramię), wystukiwać rytm, dotknąć ekran
începe să înveți
to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short, sharp noises:
I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk. I was tapping my feet (= hitting the floor gently with my feet) to the music. Someone tapped me on the shoulder
Szczecina, włosie, jeżyć się, być czymś najeżonym
începe să înveți
a short, stiff hair, usually one of many. The bristles of a brush are the stiff hairs or pieces of plastic that are connected to it: (of hair) to stand up
The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back. The best quality men's shaving brushes are made from badger bristle. The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin. This cake bristles with raisins
pisać, wyryć, wygrawerować (np. napis), przedstawić, opisywać (dawne użycie)
începe să înveți
I asked him to character "I love you". I want you to character yourself. Can you character this picture?
dotykać palcami, obmacywać; (slang) ukraść coś, zakapować na kogoś
începe să înveți
to finger
Don't finger it if you're not going to buy it! She took my hand and fingered the scar. Did you see that? He tried to finger my wallet! He fingered me to the cops.
drzeć, rozdzierać, rozrywać (tkaninę)
începe să înveți
old use or literary. rip, tear
to tear or break something violently. With one stroke of his sword, he rent his enemy's helmet in two.
prsyciezkawy, ciężko; wyniosły i trudny do czytania
începe să înveți
slow and awkward because of being very heavy or large: If a book, speech, or style of writing or speaking is ponderous, it is boring because it is too slow, long, or serious
He had a slow and ponderous manner. The ponderous reporting style makes the evening news dull viewing.
nieszczęśliwy wypadek
începe să înveți
bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident. unfortunate accident
The parade was very well organized and passed without mishap. A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up. The fire broke out because of a mishap in the kitchen.
przepaść, rozpadlina
începe să înveți
a very deep, narrow opening in rock, ice, or the ground: a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people
They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below. There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.
tupot, dreptać, bębnienie (hobbickie nóżki)
începe să înveți
the sound of a lot of things gently and repeatedly hitting a surface:
I find the patter of rain on the roof soothing. We could hear mice pattering about/around looking for food.
ciągnąć się za sobą, ciągnąć się (iść po woli), pozostawać w tyle
începe să înveți
to move slowly and without energy or enthusiasm. to (allow something to) move slowly along the ground or through the air or water, after someone or something:
Katherine, your skirt's trailing in the mud! As the boat moved along, he trailed his hand in the water. The delegates trailed back into the conference room for the afternoon session.
wyobrażanie sobie, przypuszczenie
începe să înveți
The wildest imaginings fell altogether short of the actual dread and wonder of Moria.
podskakiwać w górę i dół, na wodzie
începe să înveți
to move up and down quickly and gently, especially on the surface of water: to move quickly in a particular direction:
In the harbour, the boats bobbed gently up and down on the water. I dropped the bottle into the water and watched it bob up to the surface a moment later.
zataczać się, zdumiec kogoś
începe să înveți
to walk or move with difficulty as if you are going to fall: lurch
After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help. The company is staggering under a $15 million debt and will almost certainly collapse by the end of the year. He staggered all his colleagues by suddenly announcement
handel, nielegalny handel, ruch
începe să înveți
The traffic of the prisoner took place on time. We observed the online traffic at his house. He was arrested for arms traffic
migotanie, błyszczeć, błysk
începe să înveți
to produce small, bright flashes of light reflected from a surface. When someone's eyes glint, they look bright, expressing a strong emotion
The stream glinted in the moonlight. A large diamond glinted on her finger. She smiled at him, her eyes glinting with mischief.
kartoteka (zbiór dokumentów o kimś lub o czymś); rząd (ludzi, zwierząt), pilnik; SEGREGOWAĆ, włączać do akt, wciągać do ewidencji
începe să înveți
Can you file these documents? This picture should be filed. The soldiers filed in the silence. She filed for a full child custody. She's filing her nails.
wkrótce (niedługo), w zasięgu ręki
începe să înveți
at hand
near in time or position
We want to ensure that help is at hand for all children suffering abuse.
tlić się (o ogniu, emocjach)
începe să înveți
to burn slowly with smoke but without flames: If a problem or unpleasant situation smoulders, it continues to exist and may become worse at any time
The fire was started by a smouldering cigarette. The dispute is still smouldering, five years after the negotiations began.
pomarszczyć się (o skórze owocu), przywiednac
începe să înveți
to become dry, smaller, and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding, or to make something do this: to become much smaller than is needed or wanted:
The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops. You ought to pick that lettuce before it shrivels (up) and dies. Profits are shrivelling as the recession gets worse.
zachmurzony, niezadowolony, bmarszcząc brwi
începe să înveți
If we look at the novels that receive the greatest attention today, the most frowning and serious consideration from critics and the most coveted places on prize lists, we'll find powerful intellect, great themes, and psychological complexity.
z uporem, zawzięcie
începe să înveți
very determined to continue doing something, or trying to do something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time:
He is dogged in his pursuit of his dreams. The campaigners' dogged persistence is finally paying off.
rzucać, zarzucać się, krótki okres beztroski lub szaleństwa
începe să înveți
to throw something or someone suddenly and with a lot of force: to move or do something quickly and energetically. a short period of doing enjoyable things that you usually do not do
He crumpled up the letter and flung it into the fire. "And you can take your ring back too!" she cried, flinging it down on the table. She flung her arms around his neck. The door was flung open by the wind.
strażnik (literacko przestarzały), wartownik; warta
începe să înveți
a person employed to guard something
A policeman stood sentinel at the entrance. They stand as sentinels scrutinising concentrations of public and private power.
wgłębienie (w czymś), nisza, alkowa, przerwa
începe să înveți
a small area in a room that is formed by one part of a wall being set back further than other parts: a secret or hidden place. alcove
The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves. Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/innermost recesses of the mind. After lunch, the kids have recess
klin (sera), do podtrzymywania drzwi, być wciśniętym
începe să înveți
a piece of metal, wood, rubber, etc. with a pointed edge at one end and a wide edge at the other, either pushed between two objects to keep them still or forced into something to break pieces off it: to put something into a very small or narrow space
Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of cake on my plate. a wedge of cheese. Push a wedge under the door to keep it open while we're carrying the boxes in. Find something to wedge the window open with was standing waiting for a bus, wedged between two old ladies
awantura, burda, walka w publicznym miejscu
începe să înveți
a fight in a public place
Wallace was charged with causing an affray at a Southampton nightclub
zużyty, wyczerpany (człowiek, bateria)
începe să înveți
We arrived home spent after our long journey.
szpikulec, rożen, szpada
începe să înveți
a long, thin metal pin used for holding together pieces of food, especially meat, during cooking. to put pieces of food, especially meat, on a skewer
He skewered the onion with a toothpick. He skewered the meat and put it on the barbecue
buława, pałka policyjna
începe să înveți
truncheon, baton
a thick, heavy stick used as a weapon by police officers
przejście między rzędami krzeseł; Z DROGI!
începe să înveți
a thick, heavy stick used as a weapon by police officers. a board or passage that joins a ship, aircraft, or building to the land or to another building, for people to walk along
His suitcase was blocking the gangway. The performers enter the arena dramatically via the gangways. Visitors board the ship directly from shore via a long gangway. There were cries of "Gangway!" as someone who had fainted in the crowd was being carried.
pień (literacko)
începe să înveți
the trunk of a tree. litter - ściółka
In that disturbance, 10% of the boles were damaged and 15 months' equivalent of pine needle litter fell.
maswerk, ornament
începe să înveți
architectural ornamental work with branching lines especially: decorative openwork in a Gothic window. 2 : a decorative interlacing of lines suggestive of Gothic tracery.
No one builds 14th-century Gothic stonework anymore, these thick, load-bearing masonry walls, arches, tracery.
ostrożnie, delikatnie
începe să înveți
in a way that is careful or cautious:
Holding her painful back, she sat down gingerly on the bench.
dolina górska, wąwóz
începe să înveți
a deep, narrow valley, especially among mountains:
You can summer thousands of beasts in the glens, but you cannot winter them.
przepasywać; przygotować się do czegoś, przymocować; sarkastyczna uwaga
începe să înveți
to make (something, such as clothing or a sword) fast or secure (as with a cord or belt). to prepare (oneself) for action. to encircle or bind with a flexible band (such as a belt
in her farewell speech, the departing governor got in some retaliatory girds at the media. The knights girded themselves for battle (= put on their swords and fighting clothes).
smuga (dymu), pióropusz; unosić się (o dymie), czyścić pióra, pysznić się, czuć samozadowolenie
începe să înveți
a large feather. a tall, thin mass of smoke, dust, or similar substance that rises up into the air. plume the feathers
fans made of ostrich plumes. After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around. Geese are pluming their feathers in the garden. She plumed herself because of her wealth.
începe să înveți
a large branch of a tree
zastąpić komuś drogę, napadać z zasadzki
începe să înveți
to wait for and then stop someone, especially either to attack or talk to that person:
A man on his way to deposit $12,000 in a bank was waylaid by two men who snatched his bag.
începe să înveți
shade, tint
Her face quickly lost its warm hue. All hues of political opinion were represented at the meeting.
wir, zawirować, snuć się, kłębić się
începe să înveți
If water, wind, smoke, etc. eddies, it moves fast in a circle. If a large group of people eddies somewhere, the people go there together while constantly moving around within their group: to come and go in large quantities, without becoming firmly fixed
The water eddied around in a whirlpool. But what is all this stuff that eddies in your head all the time? She watched the small groups of protesters eddy across the courtyard.
niepewny, niezdecydowany; łamany (język)
începe să înveți
stopping often while you are saying or doing something, especially because you are nervous:
He spoke quietly, in halting English. He spoke haltingly about his experiences as a hostage.
niewzruszony, nieporuszony spokojny (o powierzchni wody
începe să înveți
calm; not nervous or worried, usually despite a difficult situation: unperturbed
For a man in danger of losing his job, he appeared fairly unruffled. unperturbed
odłóg, zostawiać odłogiem; czas gdy mało się dzieje
începe să înveți
Fallow land is not planted with crops, in order to improve the quality of the soil: A fallow period of time is one in which very little happens
After a long fallow period, the author has brought out a new book. Farmers are eligible for government support if they let a certain amount of land lie fallow.
gorset; napierśnik
începe să înveți
dzbanek, dzban
începe să înveți
pitcher. a large jug with a wide spout, especially from ancient times
szczelina, rozcięcie (w spódnicy), rozcinać (list, gardło)
începe să înveți
to make a long, straight, narrow cut in something: a straight, narrow cut or opening in something:
Her eyes are like little slits. Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic. He slit open the envelope with a knife. She killed herself by slitting her wrists.
zaiste, doprawdy
începe să înveți
Look and pay attention to this day, for verily, I am a dead man
dziób statku, smyczek (do gry na instrumentach smyczkowych, kokardka
începe să înveți
Stand on the bow and try to navigate us. They gave me a violin but there was no bow so I couldn't play. She tied her laces in a bow
strój (oficjalnie)
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clothes of a particular type. attire
prison/clerical/military garb
progi rzeczne, kaskada(wodospad)
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a dangerous part of a river that flows very fast because it is steep and sometimes narrow:
They shot (= travelled through) the rapids in a canoe.
kółeczko, diadem (opaska na głowę)
începe să înveți
a circular decoration, especially for the head, or a piece of jewellery in the shape of a circle:
The girls pick the flowers and twist them into circlets they put on their heads.
samiec jelenia, byk
începe să înveți
I saw a hart in the forest today
umiejętnie zarządzać zasobami (używać ich oszczędnie, nie marnować ich)
începe să înveți
to husband
He is very busy, so he knows how to husband his time.
beczkowe (piwo), pociągowy (zwierzę), haust, duży łyk, zanurzenie łodzi
începe să înveți
the depth of water needed for a boat to be able to float:
My horse was a draught animal. Do you want to drink bottled beer or draught one? Is the lager on draught or is it bottled?
începe să înveți
winding, with many turns and changes of direction; not direct or simple: twisty
The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one.
începe să înveți
rozbójnik(okradający podróżnych)
începe să înveți
a criminal who robs pedestrians
When did any man ever hear of footpads so close?
wypatrywać, dostrzegać
începe să înveți
discern. to catch sight of. find out
to spy out from a distance" (as a watchman might). we couldn't descry the reasons for his sudden departure could just descry the ship coming over the horizon
marszczyć, ściągać(brwi, ubrania)
începe să înveți
to pucker
to tighten skin or cloth until small folds appear or (of skin or cloth) to form small folds:
He puckered his lips and kissed her. Her mouth puckered and I thought she was going to cry. puckered seams
începe să înveți
having no energy and enthusiasm and unwilling to do anything needing effort:
He's seemed listless and a little depressed ever since he got his exam results. A lack of iron in the body can lead to listlessness and a lack of concentration.
warkocz, pukiel włosów
începe să înveți
a section or curl of someone's long hair:
He lay with his head against the maiden's heart, bound close to her by a tress of her long hair.
dzielność, bohaterstwo
începe să înveți
But valiant is still in common use, though it less often describes military courage than other kinds of bravery or effort.
The soldiers received the nation's highest award for valor. Medal of Valor
pawilon, namiot
începe să înveți
a large building in which sports or entertainments take place. one of a group of related buildings=US
the West Pavilion of Central General Hospital. a temporary structure, such as a large tent, especially used at public events or for shows
wypolerować, połysk, szlifować (umiejętności, wizerunek)
începe să înveți
to rub metal until it is smooth and shiny. If you burnish something such as your public image, you take action to improve it and make it more attractive:
The company is currently trying to burnish its socially responsible image.
bród(płycizna na rzece), iść w bród
începe să înveți
an area in a river or stream that is not deep and can be crossed on foot or in a vehicle
She thought she'd sink, but luckily she only stepped on a ford.
flądra; być skołowanym, kuleć czy mieć problemy (gospodarka), brnąć (w wodzie)
începe să înveți
to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do or say next:
He lost the next page of his speech and floundered around/about for a few seconds. Although his business was a success, his marriage was floundering.
wziąć nogi za pas, pochłaniać (np. jedzenie, słodycze), zaryglować, prosto, sztywno siedzieć, bolec (śruba)
începe să înveți
to bolt
to move very fast, especially as a result of being frightened: to eat food very quickly: to lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across:
Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted. Don't bolt your food like that - you'll get indigestion. Have you locked and bolted the door? He always sits bolt upright when he poses for photos.
wprawiać w zakłopotanie, pomylić, niespodziewane wydarzenie, które skutkuje w problemach
începe să înveți
to confuse and very much surprise someone, so that they are unable to explain or deal with a situation
confound it! An elderly man from Hull has confounded doctors by recovering after he was officially declared dead.
uderzenie, pociągnięcie (pędzlem), pochlebstwo
începe să înveți
The strokes of the paddles were irregular. He destroyed his painting with just one brush stroke. Your strokes are making me blush.
începe să înveți
the long piece of wood or metal along the bottom of a boat that forms part of its structure and helps to keep the boat balanced in the water
So much has passed under my keel in one short year.
koryto rzeczne
începe să înveți
the ground over which a river usually flows
a stony/muddy/dry riverbed
frędzle, poboczny, pomniejszskrajny, o skrajnych poglądach
începe să înveți
All the rest are seen as fringe candidates, and none of them can beat him in race for presidency. Nobody should consider their health a fringe issue. Too bad you couldn't get the new Prada bag with the fringe
începe să înveți
Something that is flammable burns easily
Caution! This solvent is highly flammable.
pomieścić, dostosowywać (się do czegoś), zaopatrywać, zadowalać
începe să înveți
The travel agency accommodated me with an earlier flight. Learning to accommodate your duties is very important. It's hard to accommodate to changes.
începe să înveți
a formal promise to marry someone
The play revolves round the betrothal of a duke to a doctor's daughter. The ring had become a requisite element of betrothal.
bezpowrotny, nieodwołalny
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impossible to change
an irrevocable decision. Think about it, don't take an irrevocable step. irreversible
zmniejszać się, ustępować, korzyc się
începe să înveți
to become less strong, abase
The storm/wind/rain has started to abate. The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating. The fighting continued unabated throughout the night.
w którym
începe să înveți
in which, or in which part:
He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.
zadurzenie (w kimś), zaślepienie
începe să înveți
There is a fine line between love and infatuation.
jawnie, otwarcie
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done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret:
overt criticism overt racism He shows no overt signs of his unhappiness.
burza, nawałnica (literacki termin)
începe să înveți
a violent storm. TUMULT, UPROAR
the sudden summertime tempest drove us off the golf course and into the clubhouse
zużyty (bateria), wykorzystany (o strzałach)
începe să înveți
all of his arrows were spent, and there was a hollow, long, nicely carved quiver, protruding from behind his back
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to make a place less attractive especially by taking things away from it by force:
Many of the tombs had been despoiled.
bagnisko, moczary, obszar łęgów nadrzecznych
începe să înveți
an area of low, flat, wet land in England.
areas of marsh and fen The road to Ely leads out across the fens.
odznaka, znaczek, emblemat (dowód przynależności bądź poparcia dla określonej grupy, idei)
începe să înveți
She was wearing multiple badges on her bag.
nie ufać, nie mieć zaufania do kogoś
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I distrust him after what he did last summer.
wzgórza (pokryte trawą)
începe să înveți
the downs
low hills covered in grass, especially used in the names of two such areas in southeast England:
połysk, szlifować, polerować (swoje umiejętności, talenty)
începe să înveți
If you burnish something such as your public image, you take action to improve it and make it more attractive. to rub metal until it is smooth and shiny
The company is currently trying to burnish its socially responsible image. The morning sun burnished the King's hair to a natural crown.
złapać / chwycić
începe să înveți
lay hold of / grasp over
to reach for and take hold of by embracing with the fingers or arms
couldn't lay hold of the slippery shampoo bottle
wpływać na kogoś, donieść na kogoś
începe să înveți
tell on somebody
to act upon (a person or a person's feelings) so as to cause a response. to give information (as to the authorities) about another's improper or unlawful activities
the pressure of final exams is beginning to tell on the students in the dorm. detectives convinced the perpetrators in custody to tell on their associates
wtrącić się, mieszać, kombinować
începe să înveți
to try to change or have an influence on things that are not your responsibility, especially by criticizing in a damaging or annoying way:
My sister's always meddling in other people's affairs. People shouldn't meddle with things they don't understand.
kończyć pracę, sprzątnąć kogoś spuścić z ceny, obniżyć cenę czegoś, podróbka
începe să înveți
knock off
I'm knocking off in two hours, then we can go on a date. The seller knocked 200$ off the price, because the product was damaged. Is that the real thing or a knockoff?
półka(np. skalna)
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A flock of birds was observing us from the rock shelf while we were climbing.
lawirować, przemykać się (pomiędzy przeszkodami)
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to go or make a path by moving quickly and changing direction often, especially to avoid hitting things:
He weaved between the trees and disappeared in the forest. The boy weaved through/between/in and out of stationary traffic on a bicycle.
wysuszony, spierzchnięty, spragniony (napoju)
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especially of earth or crops) dried out because of too much heat and not enough rain: extremely thirsty
parched earth/fields/corn It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown. I must get a drink - I'm absolutely parched!
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the trunk of a tree
zalesiona kotlina
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a small wooded valley: DELL
przełęcz; przerwa, odstęp
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a break in a barrier (such as a wall, hedge, or line of military defense). a mountain pass
Picking up speed, she closed the gap between them. Our cottage is in the gap.
migotać, migotanie, iskierka
începe să înveți
to flicker
For the first time in two days he felt a flicker of hope.
chytre spojrzenie, patrzeć z ukosa, mrugać znacząco, łypać okiem,
începe să înveți
leer, sideways glance
(especially of men) to look at someone in a sexually interested way. to look at someone in an unpleasant or offensive way:
He was always leering at female members of staff. He was leering at her.
zdobywać coś(co jest trudne), wpaść do jakiegoś miejsca
începe să înveți
come by something
On our way home we came by a pub. He came by his lost respect. You can come by me any time you want.
rzucić się (np. do przodu, do ucieczki), rzucić szybkie spojrzenie, gwałtowny ruch
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She darted across the field to escape them. He darted a glance at her. His dart scared the cat. He caught her with a single dart.
napierśnik (pancerz), gorset
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brykać, stawać dęba (koń),
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to walk in an energetic way and with more movement than necessary: When a horse prances, it takes small, quick steps and raises its legs higher than usual
It's pathetic to see 50-year-old rock stars prancing around on stage as if they were still teenagers. She pranced into the office and demanded to speak to the manager.
trzymać w ryzach
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keep in check
If not kept in check, it can take over your life. I do not see that they are being kept in check at all.
kamyki (np. na plaży), żwir
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small, round stones that cover a beach or the ground by the edge of a river:
a shingle beach I love the noise of the waves on the shingle.
grobla, zapora, wał ochrony
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a wall built to prevent the sea or a river from covering an area, or a channel dug to take water away from an area
She walked up to the low dike, looked over it.
sucho, oschle
începe să înveți
"I think you're missing the point," Sara said dryly.

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