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Oni często stają się nerwowi, drażliwi i czasami agresywni gdy nie mają dostępu do sieci. începe să înveți
They often become nervous, irritable and at times aggressive without access to web.
Ona jest taka ambitna! Chciałaby zostać dyrektorem firmy w ciągu najbliższych pięciu lat. începe să înveți
She is so ambitious! She would like to be the CEO of a company within the next five years.
Nie zawsze łatwo jest być odważnym. începe să înveți
It's not always easy to be brave.
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Jego sprytny ruch zapewnił nam sporo pieniędzy. începe să înveți
His shrewd move won us a lot of money.
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He's as cunning as a fox.
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Sarah to bardzo wyluzowana osoba. Niczym się nie martwi, nie gniewa się ani nie jest nerwowa. începe să înveți
Sarah is a very laid-back person. She doesn't worry about anything, and doesn't get upset or uptight.
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Sztuka była bardzo zabawna. începe să înveți
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Nie wszyscy bankierzy są chciwi. începe să înveți
Not all bankers are greedy.
Święty Mikołaj jest bardzo pracowity. începe să înveți
Santa Claus is really hard-working.
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Nie powiedziałbym, że Anglicy są leniwi, ale nigdy nie widziałem, żeby któryś gdzieś biegł. începe să înveți
I wouldn't say that English people are lazy, but I've never seen one run anywhere.
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Postaraj się być bardziej optymistyczny, a zobaczysz, że zaczną ci się przydarzać dobre rzeczy. începe să înveți
Try to be more optimistic and you'll see how good things will start to happen to you!
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Zatrudniamy tylko uprzejme osoby. începe să înveți
We only hire polite people.
Przepraszam za spóźnienie, zazwyczaj jestem bardzo punktualny. începe să înveți
I'm sorry for being late, usually I'm very punctual.
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Jestem odpowiedzialny za kluczowych klientów. începe să înveți
I'm responsible for the key clients.
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Jack jest pewny siebie i inteligentny. începe să înveți
Jack is confident and intelligent.
Mały Bill jest wrażliwym dzieckiem i łatwo go zranić. începe să înveți
Little Bill is a sensitive child and it's easy to hurt him.
Przyłącz się do nas, nie bądź nieśmiały! începe să înveți
Szczerze mówiąc, chcieliśmy po prostu nakręcić naprawdę zabawny, dowcipny film. începe să înveți
To be perfectly honest, we just wanted to make a really entertaining, witty film.
Przestań być taka uparta i posłuchaj tego, co mamy do powiedzenia! începe să înveți
Stop being so obstinate and listen to what we have to say!
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