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The theatre has been extensively refurbished. începe să înveți
The white walls were repainted in pastel shades. începe să înveți
We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fee. începe să înveți
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a spacious apartment/office începe să înveți
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Sarah redecorated her house in one day! începe să înveți
Sarah zmieniła wystrój swojego domu w jeden dzień!
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She dried her jeans on the radiator. începe să înveți
Suszyła dżinsy na kaloryferze.
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Those roller blinds match our furniture. începe să înveți
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The entryphone is out of order. începe să înveți
The company has its representatives throughout the state. We worked on this project throughout the day, and most of the night. începe să înveți
wszędzie, w lub na całym, cały Przedsiębiorstwo ma swoich reprezentantów w całym stanie. Pracowaliśmy nad tym projektem przez cały dzień i większość nocy.
We've just redone the bathroom (= decorated it again). A whole day's work had to be redone. începe să înveți
przerobić, zrobić jeszcze raz od początku lub w inny sposób
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salon (w domu), hol 9hotel itp.)
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The journey to work from my current place is far too long. începe să înveți
Podróż do pracy z mojego obecnego miejsca jest zdecydowanie za długa.
The price excludes accommodation. Try excluding fat from your diet. începe să înveți
wykluczać, pomijać, nie obejmować
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okno z podwójnymi szybami
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My landlord doesn’t allow me to invite anybody home. începe să înveți
Mój właściciel domu nie pozwala mi zapraszać nikogo do siebie.
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właścicielka (wynajmująca)
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dzierżawa (ziemi), najem (np. mieszkania)
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When we were in college we shared a room and were roommates. începe să înveți
współlokator/ka, kole-ga/żanka z pokoju Gdy byliśmy na studiach, dzieliliśmy pokój i byliśmy współlokatorami.
The rent is too high and I must find a flatmate. începe să înveți
Mój czynsz jest za wysoki, więc muszę znaleźć współlokatora do mieszkania.
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My mother wants me to help her look for a new bookcase. începe să înveți
Moja mama chce, żebym jej pomogła znaleźć nowy regał na książki.
Please take your things off my chest of drawers. începe să înveți
Zabierz swoje rzeczy z mojej komody.
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The dog was lying on the rug in front of the fire. începe să înveți
I had to stand on the stool to reach the top shelf in the kitchen. începe să înveți
Musiałam stanąć na stołku, żeby dosięgnąć górną półkę w kuchni.
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stolik nocny, szafka nocna
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What fabric is your dress made of? începe să înveți
Z jakiego materiału jest zrobiona twoja sukienka?
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Well, no pain no gain, they say. începe să înveți
bez pracy nie ma kołaczy (dosł. nie ma bólu, nie ma zysku) Cóż, bez bólu nie ma zysku, mówią.
Be quiet and get on with your work. începe să înveți
kontynuować coś, wracać do czegoś (po przerwie) Bądź cicho i kontynuuj pracę.
Your task is manageable, you just have to want to do it. It is important to present new information in manageable chunks. începe să înveți
Twoje zadanie jest wykonalne, musisz tylko chcieć to zrobić. Jest ważne, żeby prezentować nowe informacje w możliwych do opanowania porcjach.
Smoking contributed to his early death. începe să înveți
przyczyniać się do czegoś
What was your hardest exam? începe să înveți
Jaki był twój najtrudniejszy egzamin?
I found my son's high school diploma. începe să înveți
Znalazłam dyplom ukończenia liceum mojego syna.
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My final exam in French is an oral exam începe să înveți
Mój końcowy egzamin z francuskiego jest egzaminem ustnym.
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odpisywać, ściągać (np. na egzaminie), ściagawka
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There is certainly a need for a revision of the current legislation. începe să înveți
korekta, poprawka, powtórka (przed egzaminem) Niewątpliwie, istnieje potrzeba korekty obowiązującego prawodawstwa.
You need good communication skills to be a teacher. începe să înveți
He's behind the rest of the class in reading. începe să înveți
być z tytułu, być za, być opóźnionym
I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. I'm revising Geography today. începe să înveți
powtarzać (np. materiał), poprawiać, korygować
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podchodzić do egzaminu/mieć egzamin
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oblać egzamin, nie zdać egzaminu
I can't do this exercise. It's too difficult for me. începe să înveți
robić / wykonywać ćwiczenie Nie mogę zrobić tego ćwiczenia. Jest dla mnie za trudne.
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Have you ever cheated in an exam? începe să înveți
oszukiwać, ściągać, oszust/ka
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This violet scarf really suits you. începe să înveți
Ten fioletowy szal naprawdę pasuje ci.
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Today we will revise important dates for the upcoming exam. I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. începe să înveți
poprawiać (korygować), powtarzać (materiał) Dziś będziemy powtarzać ważne daty do zbliżającego się egzaminu
He was overwhelmed with paperwork. începe să înveți
Był przytłoczony papierkową pracą.
She has a difficult time ahead of her. începe să înveți
be cut out for something / be cut out to be something I'm not cut out for a lawyer. I want to be an artist. începe să înveți
być stworzonym do czegoś (np. do jakiejś pracy), nadawać się do czegoś Nie jestem stworzony do bycia prawnikiem. Chcę być artystą.
We occasionally go to the cinema. începe să înveți
okazjonalnie, sporadycznie, od czasu do czasu Od czasu do czasu chodzimy do kina.
He's an expert in the field of biochemistry. începe să înveți
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absolwent, kończyć studia
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Do you accept credit cards? She's been accepted by two universities. începe să înveți
akceptować coś, przyjmować (w znaczeniu zaakceptować kogoś np. do organizacji)
The department deferred the decision for six months. începe să înveți
I would rather stay home tonight. I would rather not talk about this. începe să înveți
Wolałbym raczej zostać w domu dzisiejszego wieczoru. Wolałbym o tym nie rozmawiać.
Would you prefer red or white wine? I'd prefer to go alone. începe să înveți
She prefers watching tennis to playing. începe să înveți
opt for sth / opt to do sth Mike opted for early retirement. începe să înveți
decydować się na coś, optować za czymś
I'm in favour of a ban on smoking. începe să înveți
opowiadać się za czymś, być zwolennikiem czegoś Jestem za zakazem palenia.
have nothing against sth/sb I have nothing against staying at home tonight. începe să înveți
nie mieć nic przeciwko czemuś/komuś Nie mam nic przeciwko pozostaniu w domu dziś wieczorem.
We can't rule out that possibility. începe să înveți
Nie możemy wykluczyć tej możliwości.
change one's mind about sth John changed his mind about buying a bigger apartment. începe să înveți
zmienić zdanie na temat czegoś John zmienił zdanie odnośnie zakupu większego mieszkania.
They are totally opposed to abortion. începe să înveți
sprzeciwiać się czemuś, być przeciw czemuś Oni są całkowicie przeciwni aborcji.
If you want to postpone your exam you need to apply to the dean. începe să înveți
Jeżeli chcesz przełożyć swój egzamin na później, musisz napisać do dziekana.
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zapisać (się) (np. kurs, zajęcia)
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My teacher makes us take notes in class. începe să înveți
Mój nauczyciel każe nam robić notatki na lekcji.
She broke her arm so she had to drop out of the competition. I dropped out of university after the first semester. începe să înveți
porzucić coś, zaprzestać czegoś, wycofać się Ona złamała rękę, więc musiała wycofać się z konkursu.
Pupils are obliged to wear the school uniform. începe să înveți
mieć obowiązek coś zrobić, być zobowiązanym coś zrobić Uczniowie zobowiązani są do noszenia mundurków szkolnych.
She is a student with an exceptional memory. începe să înveți
Ona jest uczennicą z wyjątkową pamięcią.
Her father didn't allow her to go to the party. Our children are not allowed to play computer games. începe să înveți
pozwolić komuś coś zrobić Jej ojciec nie pozwolił jej pójść na imprezę. Naszym dzieciom nie wolno grać w gry komputerowe.
I think this company requires some big changes. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. începe să înveți
wymagać od kogoś, aby coś zrobił Uważam, że ta firma wymaga dużych zmian. Prawdziwe małżeństwo wymaga od nas okazywania zaufania i lojalności.
Please, follow instructions. începe să înveți
postępować zgodnie z instrukcją Proszę o wykonywanie poleceń.
I want you to obey my commands at all times. If you refuse to obey the law, you'll be arrested. începe să înveți
być posłusznym, przestrzegać czegoś Macie cały czas słuchać moich poleceń.
Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school. începe să înveți
być zobligowanym, zobowiązanym do zrobienia czegoś np. prrzez prawo
You have to conform to our rules if you want to live here. începe să înveți
podporządkować się, dostosować się
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być nieposłusznym, nie słuchać Jak śmiesz być mi nieposłusznym!
You are not allowed to use calculators in the exam. începe să înveți
wolno cos zrobić (mieć pozwolenie, żeby coś zrobić) zrobienie czegoś, Podczas egzaminu nie wolno używać kalkulatorów.
I'll stick to lemonade - I'm driving. to stick to the rules începe să înveți
trzymać się czegoś, poprzestawać na czymś Zostanę przy lemoniadzie - prowadzę. trzymać się zasad
It was his moral duty to help his brother. începe să înveți
To był jego moralny obowiązek, żeby pomóc swojemu bratu.
Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children. începe să înveți
Niektórzy rodzice mają nierealistyczne oczekiwania wobec swoich dzieci.
I demand a full refund of the costs. începe să înveți
żądanie, żadać domagać się Żądam pełnego zwrotu kosztów.
She requested permission to film at the White House. începe să înveți
prośba, prosić (formalnie i grzecznie) Poprosiła o pozwolenie na filmowanie w Białym Domu.
The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees. începe să înveți
rozkaz, polecenie, rozkazać, nakazać Spółce nakazano wypłatę odszkodowań swoim byłym pracownikom.
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You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance. începe să înveți
roszczenie, prawo do czegoś, rościć, domagać się czegoś Mogłeś ubiegać się o koszt pokoju hotelowego z ubezpieczenia.
The car hit the tree with great force. I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. începe să înveți
Samochód uderzył w drzewo z wielką siłą.
We can't tolerate racism in our society. începe să înveți
Nie możemy tolerować rasizmu w naszym społeczeństwie.
You mustn't take photographs in the gallery. începe să înveți
W galerii nie wolno robić zdjęć.