may 2022

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zapinać pasy(metaforycznie i w samochodzie)
începe să înveți
strap in
buckle up. to fasten a seat belt around someone in a car, aircraft, or other vehicle, for safety purposes:
Are you kids strapped in back there?
bajzel, chlew (potocznie)
începe să înveți
How can you live in a state like that?
głośna sprzeczka, zamieszanie (BrE)
începe să înveți
noise, excitement, and argument: disturbance, commotion
Her glasses were broken in the kerfuffle.
Jestem całkowicie pewien
începe să înveți
I'm positive
I am very positive that it should be valid!
wynioskować, wnioskować
începe să înveți
to infer
to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have:
What do you infer from her refusal? I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.
umniejszać (znaczenie czegoś), podważać (argument), odbierać (pewność siebie), SPUSZCZAĆ OPINIĘ
începe să înveți
If something that has air or gas inside it deflates, or is deflated, it becomes smaller because it loses the air or gas. to cause something to become weaker
He successfully deflated his opponent's arguments. His lack of appreciation for her work deflated her. to deflate a balloon/tyre. The party's ambitions have been deflated by the two recent by-election defeats. They were totally deflated by losing the game
duży namiot, pawilon ogrodowy
începe să înveți
a large tent used for eating and drinking in at events held mainly outside that involve a lot of people:
We're planning to hold the wedding reception in a marquee in the garden.
bezsensowne zajęcie, bzdurq
dialectal british
începe să înveți
to make a fuss over nothing. something that takes a lot of effort or causes slight problems:
Stripping the walls was a real faff. Chopping all those onions is such a faff. We had the usual faff taking public transport.
narastać, wzrastać lawinowo (np. problemy, długi
începe să înveți
Your problems will just snowball.
destylować, wydobyć istotę czegoś, skraplać
începe să înveți
The philosopher wanted to distil knowledge from those texts.
wyraźny, jednoznaczny (np. zasada, przykład)
începe să înveți
clear or obvious without needing any proof.
She has clear-cut evidence that the company cheated her.
începe să înveți
skręcić kark
începe să înveți
snap neck
powaga, poważanie, poważne podejście
începe să înveți
seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others:
He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.
începe să înveți
The work of feminist scholars, both individually and collectively, has been greeted in some quarters with impatience, irritation, dismissiveness, even contempt.
oszołomiony, oniemiały
începe să înveți
so shocked that you cannot speak. thunderstruck
He was dumbfounded by the allegations.
stłumić coś, ugasić, wykorzenić
începe să înveți
stamp sth out
to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful:
The new legislation is intended to stamp out child prostitution.
trójkącik, trójka
începe să înveți
Elizabeth appeared at the door and said, "the girls so wanted you all to go as a threesome, I hope you don't mind dressing up.
brukselka, puszczać pędy, młody pęd, ZAPUSZCZAĆ WŁOSY
începe să înveți
to produce leaves, hair, or other new developing parts, or (of leaves, hair, and other developing parts) to begin to grow
Today's dinner was chicken with sprouts. Plant a twig in the ground, water it, and watch it sprout. He's sprouted from a boy into a man. John has sprouted a beard. The fields at this time of year are full of sprouts. a Brussels sprout
sztuczka, chwyt (np. reklamowy, marketingowy)
începe să înveți
Where is the gimmick?
pokrywa lodowa, wieczna zmarzlina
începe să înveți
ice cap
ice sheet. a thick layer of ice that permanently covers an area of land:
polar ice caps
palenie papierosów jeden za drugim
începe să înveți
świętoszkowość, pruderia
începe să înveți
the quality of being very easily shocked by rude things, especially by anything relating to sex:
the prudishness of Victorian Britain. Don't be such a prude.
sala gimnastyczna
începe să înveți
babka (ciasto)
începe să înveți
pound cake
ślad na wodzie, obszar zalewowy
începe să înveți
the wash
ciacho, dobrze zbudowany atletycznie mężczyzna
începe să înveți
Spring time signifies an outburst of beefcakes on the streets.
finansowanie społecznościowe, metoda zbierania środków na cel
începe să înveți
the practice of getting a large number of people to each give small amounts of money in order to provide the finance for a project, typically using the internet
Crowdfunding provides locally sourced finance for renewable energy projects around the country.
szablon (do odrysowywania), matryca, wzornik)
începe să înveți
a piece of card, plastic, metal, etc. into which shapes have been cut, used to draw or paint patterns onto a surface. a picture made by drawing or painting through the holes in such a piece of card, etc. onto a surface
She did a stencil of a rainbow on her daughter's bedroom wall. to draw or paint something using a stencil
"podatny grunt", legowisko
începe să înveți
breeding ground
a place where animals breed and produce their babies: a place where something develops easily, especially something unpleasant:
Poor housing conditions are breeding grounds for crime. These animals always return to the same breeding ground.
czas letni,
începe să înveți
daylight saving time
summer time
pogranicze, strefa pośrednia, GRANICZNY
începe să înveți
between two different conditions, with the possibility of belonging to either one of them: marginal. border
Only in borderline cases (= cases where students might succeed or fail) will pupils have an oral exam. She was a borderline candidate for the job. The borderline between friendship and intimacy is often hard to define
ckliwy, sentymentalny, naciągany w oczywisty sposób
începe să înveți
too emotional or artificial and therefore difficult to believe
The ending of the movie was awfully hokey.
trwały, wytrzymały, stworzony do pracy w ciężkich warunkach
începe să înveți
severe-duty. Heavy-duty clothing, machinery, or equipment is stronger than usual so that it can be used a lot, especially in difficult conditions:
heavy-duty tools/shoes
samozaparcie, wytrwałość
începe să înveți
Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession. Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
degradować, przenosić (na niższe stanowisko); spadać do niższej ligi
începe să înveți
to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position. If a football team is relegated, it is moved down to a lower division
She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job. The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper. If Southampton lose again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division.
zamykanie na noc dzwi wejściach
godzina policyjna
începe să înveți
a time by which a child must be home in the evening(mainly Us)
impose a total curfew. He was shot for breaking (= not obeying) the curfew. You'll be in trouble if you get home after curfew.
mięso z uboju rytualnego
începe să înveți
dołek, dołeczek, smilehul
începe să înveți
a small hollow place, especially one that appears on a person's face when they smile:
Freddie was an angelic-looking child with blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and dimples. The pane of glass had a small dimple in it.
wata cukrowa
începe să înveți
cotton candy, candyfloss
Candyfloss is very sticky and too sweet for me.
reglamentacja, racjonowanie; kartka
începe să înveți
rationing; ration stamp
The water might be enough with rationing, but not for coming down.
kosmetyk, przybory toaletowe
începe să înveți
toiletry bag: a bag in which you put things for keeping yourself clean and tidy, especially when you are travelling
ogień piekielny
începe să înveți
the punishment that some religious people believe bad people will suffer after they
He certainly believed in preaching hellfire and damnation.
przełomowy, doniosły
începe să înveți
If something is groundbreaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type:
His latest movie is interesting, but not groundbreaking. innovative
jasny punkt (w ciężkiej sytuacji)
începe să înveți
bright spot
Now, here was a bright spot in a bad morning.
mieszkanie z prawem własności
începe să înveți
condominium, condo
an apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas
He owns a flat in a condominium.
niedogodność, łyżka dziegciu w beczce miodu
începe să înveți
a fly in the ointment
zapchany, zatłoczony
începe să înveți
wynurzać się, ujawniać się, zwlec się z wyra
începe să înveți
She surfaced out of water looking like a mermaid. He surfaced as the one who commited the crime. She couldn't surface because she was too drunk.
trzeciorzędowy, trzeci (sektor usług) Słownik ekonomii
începe să înveți
relating to a third level or stage. relating to education in colleges and universities:
tertiary education
chrapliwy, szorstki głos (jak metalowa śruba)
începe să înveți
a rough unpleasant noise, like metal being rubbed against metal:
There was the rasp of a bolt and the door suddenly opened.
începe să înveți
slightly hungry
By ten o'clock I was feeling peckish, even though I'd had a large breakfast
grzech pierworodny
începe să înveți
original sin
God, free us from the original sin
całkiem proste, łatwizna, bułka z masłem
începe să înveți
plain sailing
It hasn't been all smooth sailing for him while looking for a new job. After all the changes, it is going to be plain sailing now.
nie móc usiedzieć w jednym miejscu, podróżować z miejsca w miejsce
începe să înveți
have itchy feet
I definitely have itchy feet. I can't imagine my life without traveling.
absolutny, wszech czasów
începe să înveți
An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been:
After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.
koślawy (jak facjata z apki), krzywy, nierówny (walka)
începe să înveți
with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced:
a charming, lopsided grin
începe să înveți
ash wood
deptak, przechadzać się
începe să înveți
"wzloty i upadki", często zmieniająca się sytuacja
începe să înveți
ebb and flow
used to describe something that changes in a regular and repeated way
the ebb and flow of fashion the ebb and flow of human history
începe să înveți
curling tongs
curling iron
mieć lukę w pamięci, mieć pustkę w głowie
începe să înveți
blank out/ go blank
to cover a face or a name so that it cannot be seen:
When he asked me her name, my mind just went blank. In the TV interview, they blacked out the victim's face.
zbierać, łączyć, gromadzić, sumować się; suma, zbiorcza kwota (po dodaniu wszystkich liczb składowych
începe să înveți
to combine into a single group or total
We're aggregating something people love that's never been put together in one place."
începe să înveți
finally, feeling outright dejected, we were not able to follow his lecture because of the high-flown, cerebral manner of speaking.
maruder, opoznialski, włóczęga,
începe să înveți
that strand of hair may be named an untamed straggler. After three and a half hours the stragglers were still coming through.
na miłość boską!
începe să înveți
for crying out loud!
borykać się z; mocowavu, siłować
chwyt, zaczep zaczepiać
începe să înveți
grapple with
Every night I grapple with regret regarding my actions. I want to grapple with the strongest man in this gym. Check if all the grapples are locked tight. He grappled the rope on the roof.
sznurek do ściągacza
începe să înveți
a thread or string that goes through an opening, especially in the top of a bag or the waist of a piece of clothing, and can be pulled to fasten it or make it tighter
drawstring hood, bag
długi odcinek, okres
începe să înveți
long stretch
a stage in a race, or a part of a racetrack
She looked certain to win as she entered the final stretch. He fell as he galloped down the home stretch (= towards the finish). The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.
poza siecią, bez zasilania, bez dostępu do mediów
începe să înveți
Going off the grid did not make economic sense either. What made you finally want to get off the grid? The university is getting off the grid - for good.
prężyć muskuły, pokazać na co nas stać
începe să înveți
flex your muscles
tense your muscles. The role will allow her to flex her acting muscles.
1. areszt 2. opieka prawna (nad dzieckiem po rozwodzie)
începe să înveți
the legal right or duty to care for someone or something, especially a child after its parents have separated or died. the state of being kept in prison, especially while waiting to go to court for trial
The suspect is now in custody. You will be remanded in custody until your trial. The court awarded/granted/gave custody of the child to the father.
gderliwy, zrzędliwy, gburek
începe să înveți
easily annoyed and complaining. bad-tempered
I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy. a grumpy old man. Dad is always grumpy on Monday mornings.
stuknięty, gderliwy
începe să înveți
easily annoyed or upset
a cranky baby He's been cranky all day.
jąkanie, jąkać się
începe să înveți
to speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, with difficulty, for example pausing before it or repeating it several times:
She stutters a little, so be patient and let her finish what she's saying.
następujący jeden po drugim; plecami do siebie
începe să înveți
one by one. close together and facing in opposite directions:
they are standing back-to-back. The office was full of computers, and we had to sit back to back in long rows
sprzeczny z czymś, przeciwstawny względem czegoś
începe să înveți
exactly the opposite of someone or something or of each other:
The idea that science is antithetical to the arts is wrong. Birth and death are antithetical
wyryczeć, wyśpiewać, zaśpiewać głośno
începe să înveți
belt out
to sing or play a musical instrument very loudly:
The band was belting out all the old favourites.
zatkać się, zapychać, CHODAK
începe să înveți
to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult: a type of shoe made of wood, or with the top part made of leather and the bottom part of wood
The roads are clogged with holiday traffic. Eating too much fat causes your arteries to clog (up). Leaves are clogging (up) the drain.
jedyny w swoim rodzaju
începe să înveți
the only person or thing of a particular type:
In the world of ballet, she was one of a kind.
începe să înveți
Eight patients did not receive antimicrobial treatment in any of the study periods. It may prove to be a good source of antimicrobial chemicals.
gips(budownictwo), gipsowac, przyklejać, oblepiać, tynkować
începe să înveți
a substance that becomes hard as it dries and is used especially for spreading on walls and ceilings in order to give a smooth surface: to spread plaster on a surface. to make something stick in a flat smooth layer:
The plaster on the walls was cracked and flaking. The torrential rain had plastered her hair to her head. She had plastered her bedroom walls with photos of pop stars. The car was plastered with mud.
cherlawy, mizerny, żałosny, rachityczny, niewydolny (mięśnie)
începe să înveți
small; weak; not effective
Your muscles look so puny. When have you trained them the last time? You're puny, pathetic little man. My car only has a puny little engine. The party's share of the vote rose from a puny 13 percent in the last election to 21 percent this time.
gapić się
începe să înveți
to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way. gape
Don't sit there gawking like that - give me a hand! They just stood there gawking at me.
poradzić sobie z czymś świetnie
începe să înveți
pull sth off
to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected: BRING IT OFF
The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years. I can't believe you pulled that off.
dom opieki DPS
începe să înveți
nursing home care/ old people's home
odwołanie, unieważnienie (np. decyzji)
începe să înveți
the act of saying officially that an agreement, law, etc. is no longer in effect
The complaint against the bar could lead to revocation of its licence. They were working to reduce probation and parole revocations for offenders. The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area.
osad, szlak (w kanałach), błoto, muł rzeczny
începe să înveți
soft, wet soil or a substance that looks like this: slime
We seemed to spend the last mile of the walk knee-deep in sludge. The dirty water left a layer of sludge in the bottom of the pail.
începe să înveți
Tag is my son's favourite play.
Zakosić, zwędzić
începe să înveți
pinch, swipe
The girl shrugs and swipes the card a second time. I once pinched some strawberries when I was 4 or 5 years old
începe să înveți
oaf, klutz
a silly and clumsy person (= one who moves awkwardly and often has accidents
pyskować do kogoś
începe să înveți
get fresh with sb
you behave rather arrogantly with the person. You don't show the respect the individual deserves
Don't you get fresh with me, son! • He started getting fresh with me.
ślimak bez muszli, uderzenie (potocznie), leniuch (Ame)
începe să înveți
a small, usually black or brown creature with a long, soft body and no arms or legs, like a snail but with no shell
She picked up a baseball bat and knocked him out with one slug. You're such a slug! He got slugged in the face and fell to the ground.
okropny, ohydny, nieznośny, odpychający
începe să înveți
very unpleasant or rude
Some of his colleagues say that he's loud and obnoxious. When she's in a bad mood she's obnoxious to everyone.
nastroszyć (pióra); przetrzepać (poduszka)
începe să înveți
fluff something up
to make something appear bigger or full of air by hitting or shaking it:
I'll just fluff up your pillows for you.
gumka do włosów, chrzeszczący, skrzypiący (śnieg), wgniatac coś we włosy
începe să înveți
a piece of elastic (= material that stretches) covered in often brightly coloured cloth that is used to hold long hair at the back of the head
Deep V-neck dresses and jumpsuits came in a satin-fluid material or scrunchy plastic sandwich wrap.
wiązać się z ryzykiem, ryzykować zrobienie czegoś
începe să înveți
run the risk of doing sth
run the risk
wadliwy, mający usterki, błędny (sposób myślenia)
începe să înveți
not perfect, or containing mistakes
Diamonds are still valuable, even when they are flawed. His argument is deeply flawed. flawed beauty. flawed excavation finds.
"dać się przekonać do czegoś"
începe să înveți
buy into something
You can't buy me into it, I won't change my mind. He bought me into trying this new product.
podkręcać coś, zwiększać (amak6)
începe să înveți
kick sth up a notch
describes the act of making something more interesting or exciting.
I think the quality of the food here has dropped a few notches recently.
suszarka do ubrań (elektryczna)
începe să înveți
tumble dryer
Deciding where to put your washing machine and tumble dryer can often be a major headache.
brak widoczności z powodu śnieżycy, ślepota śnieżna
începe să înveți
a weather condition in which snow and clouds change the way light is reflected so that only very dark objects can be seen
beknięcie, beknac, rape
începe să înveți
to allow air from the stomach to come out through the mouth in a noisy way
burp a child
BYC RÓWNOZNACZNYM Z CZYMŚ, rozwijać się, prowadzić do jakiegoś stanu
începe să înveți
amount to sth
to be the same as something, or to have the same effect as something
His behaviour amounted to serious professional misconduct. He gave what amounted to an apology on behalf of his company.
hodować, wyhodować (np. bakterie, tkanki)
începe să înveți
to breed and keep particular living things in order to get the substances they produce
The cells are cultured in a laboratory and then analyzed. The scientists managed to culture a human's heart tissue.
zaczyn (cementowy, gliniany), szlam, zawiesina (w zbiorniku)
începe să înveți
a mixture of water and small pieces of a solid, especially such a mixture used in an industrial or farming process
zastępować (kogoś wyższego rangą), np. podczas mówienia, wyznaczyć do jakiejś pracy
începe să înveți
to act or speak for another person, especially at work:
I'm deputizing for (= doing the job of) the director during his absence.
blokować (przeciwnika w grze), atakować (w celu przejęcia piłki), przymocowywać (coś za pomocą liny
începe să înveți
The player tackled his opponent, taking control of the ball. I tackled the sail with a rope.

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